Almost done with the pre-op stuff .

on 8/15/06 11:57 pm - Federal Way, WA
Good Morning! Yes, the hospital is very nice, very clean and the people who work there are so friendly. And it is very hard to walk by the coffee stand and not want to buy a mocha. Have to bite my tongue. LOL Sure wish my upcoming colonoscopy was over and done with. I have to get the internist scheduled today. The time for surgery will be here before I know it. Also, I have to get all my new vitamins all sorted out and start taking them. Hospital said it's definitely worth it to start taking them now. It will make me heal faster, hopefully. And I'm all for that. I hope your MRI will go great for you. Good Luck on that.
on 8/16/06 10:12 am - Buckley, WA
Hi all . Susan , I bet that was a relief about your spleen . I wonder if it's always been large ? interesting . I did my Psych eval about a month ago . It was very long . By the time I got dine my hand was cramping & I was seeing double . lol . Dena , I love peanut M&M's . I just love candy period . I've been pretty good , though . I know I can't stop at on or two , so I just don't buy them . I did buy Dreyers real fruit no sugar added juice bars . Just as good as the sugar added ones . All combined they have 4 grams of sugar , which is good pre-op . I sure hope you don't have to jump through lots of hoops for the Tricare doctors . One good thing is that the doctors at Madigan do work in conjunction with the doctors at Harborview & UW . Most of them have done rotations . And you can't much better than UW . So the Madigan Bariatric surgeon is probably very well trained . And if they are a little wet behind the ears that means they have gone through the more up to date training . Sally , I bet you're exhausted with all the running around trying to get it done in time . Won't it be good to just get it done & live on ? I'm so looking forward to going somewhere & not having to worry about taking the chair with me when I get up . lol . Kathy
on 8/16/06 3:35 pm - Spokane Valley, WA
Hi there, I just got home about an hour ago from another WLS seminar. This time it was with Dr. Srinkath (sp). I really liked him. He seemed very personable and very well organized. I liked the fact that he had actual surgical photos. He had before and after pictures, and even had a picture of a man who was well over 500lbs on the operating show you what he deals with. I was VERY impressed. So, I think I'm going to try an set up a consult with him. I figure I'll do that and let them deal with the insurance issues, and go from there. I did want to say thanks for the upbeat spin on having the surgery at Madigan. I guess I never looked at it that way before. Either way, I know in the long run I'll get this surgery. I just don't know with whom or where....UGGGGGHHHH :-I Just hang in there Kathy. I'll all come together for you. Hope your knee is feeling a little better. Dena
on 8/17/06 3:02 am - Buckley, WA
Hi Dena . I don't remember where I read it (dang memory) but I have heard people say they liked Dr. Srinkath . I guess along with removing body parts (organs) during surgeries , they removed my rapid recall too , lol . Those seminars are really worth going to . I know people who have had surgery & haven't gone to one . I can't imagine . It would be like hiring a nanny sight unseen . During the seminar you see the surgeon so much more than in you appts . I think it gives you a better feel for what they're like . Plus people ask questions you may not of thought of . I know people who have gone to several seminars for different surgeons . I think that's smart , too . This is major surgery , the more we learn the better advocate we will be for ourselves & others . I think the pain meds are kicking in & I sound like a politician . lol . I think you are following the right path . If you are determined you will succeed . Amen . lol . Kathy
on 8/17/06 1:00 am - Federal Way, WA
Kathy, quick update on me. Dr. Oh's office called yesterday. My ultrasound shows a cyst on the gall bladder, so I get that removed during surgery. Oh joy. Sure hope it doesn't leave me in too much pain. Getting more nervous now. Thinking about you today as you have your MRI. Looking forward to hearing from you. Sally
on 8/17/06 3:16 am - Buckley, WA
Hi Sally . Wow a cyst . I hadn't heard of that before . I guess you can get them anywhere . Well , on the positive side , most people who lose weight rapidly end up losing their Gallbladder . It is really , really common . My sister lost hers when she was on Nutrisystem . I lost mine when I lost 100 pounds on Weigh****chers . So , the good news is you're avoiding an additiona surgery later . Of course you're having two procedures done , so the pain may be a little worse than with one . ? But when I had my Gallbladder out I didn't have much pain at all . Of course everyone is different . I had my MRI done today , it went okay . It was bad a couple of years ago when I had my shoulder MRI . Those aren't meant for big people . But with the leg they send you in feet first , so it's not bad . I'll find out the results tuesday , if I can get in to see a Dr. There weren't any appt's , so I have to call that morning to try to get squeezed in . Do you have to do 7 or 10 days clear liquids pre-op ? The mixing Chicken broth & tomato juice together sounded good to me if seasoned right . I don't like tomato soup because it's too sweet , so that sounded good . Keep me posted . Kathy
on 8/19/06 3:05 pm - Federal Way, WA
Hi. Sorry I didn't get back to you earlier. I get the 7 day clear liquid diet. And it's coming real soon. Like this Tuesday. As I'm having the colonoscopy on Wed, it sure looks like my last dinner will be on Monday night. I so worry I'm going to become a real b---h with no food in me. I have to get to the store and buy that chicken broth and some tomato juice. I don't suppose we can have applesauce or yogurt until after surgery? Like a month afterwards. Yikes! I believe those are soft foods. Oh Well, nice try, Sally! LOL
on 8/17/06 6:05 am - Somewhere out there, WA
Kathy, let us know what the drs say about your knee on Tueday. I hope everything turns out for the best. As it stands, I will probably be leaving the hospital as you go in for surgery then we will both be on the losing side....can't wait to be there to start my new life.....Today is the two month mark for me and time couldn't go by slower. Dena, My mother had WLS (not sure which one) about 10 yrs ago and everything went smooth for her. I hadn't had any problems just didn't get to the top of the list before my husband came home from Iraq and decided not to reenlist. Another friend had her surgery through the military in Texas and it has gone swell for her as well. Carol, Best of luck take a couple minutes to rest before your surgery so your not overly exhausted before you go into surgery. You've had lots of running around to do in a short period of time. Soon we will all be on the losing side together and starting a new journey in life.
on 8/18/06 5:37 am - Spokane Valley, WA
Hi Ladies! Whewwwww it's finally Friday! I am beat. Just wanted to wish all of you a nice weekend. I'm going to try and figure out how to get my picture on my profile this weekend. I thought I had it figured out, but obviously I didn't. Anyway....have a nice weekend! Dena
on 8/18/06 6:51 am - Buckley, WA
Hi Dena . To add your photo to your profile , open an acct & photo bucket , which is free . Download photo's from your home program to photo bucket . I resize them before I send them to photo Bucket . Copy the URL (?) , paste it onto your update page . Then click save changes . To add a picture onto your post : Go to the main messageboard , click user settings (upper left of page) , Then click browse to your computers picture folder , click a photo that you have resized to 100x100 pixels or 20 k . Remember to click save at the bottom . Kathy
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