Almost done with the pre-op stuff .

on 8/14/06 10:53 am - Buckley, WA
I had my abdominal ultrasound , EKG , Numerous lung function tests , chest xrays , & all of my lab work done today . They all said everything looked good . Yeah !!! I really like St. Francis hospital . It is so nice & they are very organized . They work very cooperatively together . The staff there are very very pleasent . I called Dr. Oh's office & got put on the open surgery cancellation list . He does open & lap on different days . Tomorrow I see a doctor about my knee . I'm falling apart . lol . Kathy
on 8/14/06 2:48 pm - Spokane Valley, WA
Kathy, WOW! That sounds like quite a busy day. I am very excited for you. I hope the knee issue is taken care of and doesn't cause any problems. Are you getting nervous yet? I've been working on compiling my medical records in case my insurance wants to see that I didn't just put on this weight over night and have other health related issues. Nice to hear that you like SFH. I work right next door to them, but never have to go there. I know that whenever I do scheduling for our patients, they always seem to be quick and friendly. Let us know how the appointment for your knee goes. Dena
on 8/14/06 4:25 pm - Buckley, WA
Hi Dena , You work next door to St. Francis ? The one thing I don't like is the parking . lol . Unless you get there at an ungodly hour , you have quite a walk . I had some of my cardiac testing done in the one building next to SF . I know on the other side is an Oncology /Radiation building . I parked close to that one today . lol . Which building is the NWCWL class at ? Do you know ? I have to go to that monday . Then the 31st I see the internist to go over all the tests . After that it's all pre-op/admissions stuff . I'm not nervous . The only thing i'm nervous about is the cost of complications . I am self pay . If I have any complications beyond antibiotics , i'll be in a world of hurt . But , I believe it was meant to happen . If I don't do something soon i'll be wheelchair bound & diabetic . My knees have terrible arthritis already & I will eventually need knee replacements . I have always been very active & now am sort of sedentary because of my body falling apart . I'm looking forward to the restrictions . I'm a military brat , what can I say ? Food is already loosing some of it's allure , as I try to prepare . I can't say the weight is falling off , like i'd hoped . I'm trying to lose at least 20 pounds pre-op . I have to say the only thing I can say I will miss (right now) is my white mocha's . I will find something to replace it . The Champion protein mochacino latte is really good . I can be pretty creative . Kathy
on 8/15/06 12:55 am - Federal Way, WA
Hi, just wrote you, but what the heck. Always something for me to chat about. While you are at the internist, I will be sitting in the hospital waiting on surgery. I pray that I have the surgery before noon. Would hate to have to sit in a gown all day and watch tv. Boring! I always park on Oncology side of building, didn't know there was a larger parking lot. Duh. It pays to drive around the building. LOL The hospital's nutrion class will be downstairs (ground floor, take the elevator down), and will be in the conference room. Only 10 people in class, but room is small. I thought they would pack them in there, but guess not. Guess what? I loved iced mochas with white chocolate too. They were the best! Gonna miss so many foods. But getting my brain in gear to think healthy. Gonna definitely be a daily fight with myself, to stop grabbing at bad foods. I'm getting my cabinet and fridge stocked up with the jellos, soups, drinks, etc. And now that I have all the vitamins and protein drinks (thanks to VitaLady), can start preparing my body for a healthy life change. So, we'll see each other again one day, hopefully, looking both much trimmer and healthier. Ta Ta for now. Sally
on 8/15/06 11:22 am - Buckley, WA
The parking at St.Francis is rather small , in general . Isn't that hospital nice ? Yesterday when I was there I wanted a white mocha so bad , but couldn't drink anything . They'e got that latte stand right there . I'm holding off from any coffee right now because my ulcer is bothering me , because of the ibuprophen the doctor said to take for my knee . Oh well , I don't need the calories . I've actually been losing some weight . Dr. Oh will be happy . Kathy
on 8/15/06 12:50 pm - Spokane Valley, WA
More power to you! If you are being so good now, when you could be bad....then it will be a little easier when you can't. I take it you saw the doctor about your knee. How'd it go?
on 8/15/06 1:29 pm - Buckley, WA
Hi Dena , Yes I saw the doctor about my knee . Maybe it's wishful thinking , it doesn't seem as bad today . Maybe it was a strain (of my meniscus) . I am having an MRI on thursday & then see the doctor again next week . I'm tired of being broken . I was hoping to have the surgery before something else malfunctioned . lol . Boy , once you hit 40 it goes downhill . I haven't been perfect . I bought Planters heart healthy nuts . May as well be lays potato chips because I couldn't eat just one or 101 . Agh... KAthy
on 8/15/06 3:38 pm - Somewhere out there, WA
Kathy, Congrats on getting all your test done. That was a relief for me as well until the ultrasound tech scared me about my spleen. It all turned out in the long run I just have an abnormially large spleen. I met with the Internist yesterday and everything went great. I took my husband with me because I was really concerned about my spleen and didn't want to forget to ask any questions plus I wanted him to hear what he was going to say. I bought the best book after hearing about it on this site and told my husband that he should read it just in case he has any questions about the surgery. (he is off of work due to hurting himself until November so he needs stuff to do) WLS for Dummies. I have done lots of reseach so some of the information is just a repeat but it was nice to reread the information again plus if anyone has questions I will gladly give them the book to read about the surgery so they can understand that it is just a tool and not the solution to me being over weight. Most people look at it as if we take the easy way out. Boy are they mistaken. Have you done you psyc eval yet? I couldn't believe how long it took 2 hours later I was on my way home and didn't know how I did. Most of the questions were repeats to me but you do what you have to do... It is great to have everything done except my nutritional class which is next week on Wed. Best of luck... Susan
on 8/15/06 11:21 pm - Spokane Valley, WA
Hi Ladies, Kathy....Hang in there. I really feel it's going to get better for you. So, you got some least they weren't peanut M&M's. Have to try and look at the possitive side of it. Susan...Yeaaaay for you! Sounds like things are moving right along for you. These are the stories I like to read about. I hope that mine goes as well. Have a great day Ladies!
on 8/21/06 5:05 am - Eastside Seattle 'burb, WA
I was also told that my spleen was enlarged, scared me a little. I mentioned it to DocOh, and he says that all big people have big spleens. Nothing to worry about. I'm not big anymore, but my spleen is likely to stay large.
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