Anybody have surgery @ SFH in Federal Way?

on 8/12/06 1:25 am - WA
Dena, All of Dr Oh's staff have had the RNY surgery. They got the most restrictive version, but it was still RNY. You might want to check out the website for lots of good information about their center in San Francisco! My advice for you would be to thoroughly research the different kinds of surgery available (RNY, DS, LapBand) and have a good idea of which one would be right for you. Then find the surgeon who is the BEST at the procedure you wish to have and pursue them. That's kind of the path I'm taking! If Dr Oh had not brought up the DS in his seminar or said outright that he doesn't do that procedure, I never would have made the initial appointment with him. It was only after that appointment when he told me that the RNY was better that I started to have doubts and began to do more research! The more people I talk to, the more I'm finding out that there isn't an experienced DS surgeon in Washington state that anyone would recommend. So that's where I'm at right now. Let me know if I can be of any help on your journey! Keep in touch!
on 8/12/06 8:54 am - Buckley, WA
Hi Dena , Tina & her husband had the Distal version of RNY . I think that's where you got that they had DS . That would be an easy mistake to make . Everything is confusing when you first start investigate WLS . And DS & distal sound alike . BTW - I agree with finding the best possible surgeon for the procedure you want . I believe DR. Oh is the one of the very best for RNY , that's why I chose him . But whether or not he is the best in the area for DS , I don't know . We have to be an advocate for ourselves . And if we lived in another country we might not have the right to search for "the best" . Isn't that sad ? I feel like breaking out in song "Proud to be an American ". lol . ~ Kathy
on 8/13/06 1:35 pm - Spokane Valley, WA
Hi Ladies! Thanks for clearing up the DS question for me. Everyday I learn more and more. Right now, I can personally say that I am leaning towards RNY. Lap is definately out of the question for me. I need to loose between 100-120 pounds. To some people that doesn't seem like enough to warrant WLS. But, my doctor seems to believe it does and so do I. I'm 5' 5"ish and am currently 260lbs. I have to do the song and dance now with my "other" primary doctor on the 29th so that I can see if or what Tricare will pay. I have duel insurance, but my primary has pretty much put the veto on any WLS. Good news is Tricare will pay for it if I meet their guidelines...which I do. Now, I have to find out...are you going to try and make me have it at Madigan or are you going to allow me to have it off base? Lots of questions!!! Guess although we are all in the same boat of being in need of this surgery, each has their own journey to down the "yellow brick road" Don't know where that came from...think I'm getting tired. Hope all of you had a nice weekend and hope to hear from you soon! Dena
on 8/15/06 1:42 pm - Buckley, WA
Hi Dena , Boy you have quite a commute . Frpm McCord to Federal Way . Is your husband in the Air Force ? My dad retired from the Coast Guard . He was in the Air Force first . My son was in the Army . My uncle was in the Navy & then Coast Guard . My cousin was in the Navy . My other son wanted to go in the Marines . We almost got all the branches covered . lol . If you go through Tri Care will you have to do the 6 month supervised diet ? I know if you go to Madigan , you do . Or so i've been told . Kathy
on 8/15/06 11:11 pm - Spokane Valley, WA
Hi Kathy, Yes, it's a commute. Long story on that on why. LOL But, it's a nice office I work in and I've been working gastro intestinal for almost 10 years's all butts and guts I called Tricare and found out that I have to see my "primary" at McChord, (I have my own PCP in the civilian world...who has already refered me for it...but my primary insurnance is just about impossible to get an approval with.) Anyway..the primary at McChord then send me back to the Tricare office once he determines I meet the standards for WLS, which I do. I have Tricare Prime, so I've been hearing all sorts of different stories i.e.....Tricare Prime will allow you to go off it won't ..have to go to Madigan....who knows?!? I really hope they do allow me to go off base. The doctors out at Madigan are still wet behind the ears when it comes to bariatric surgeries. Most of them have done less than 100 cases. And the Lap RNY has only just started to be done out there in the past year. They used to only do the open and they would remove the rest of the stomach. I definately DO NOT want that! So, we'll see. I have my office visit at McChord on the 29th. Wish me luck! And I really hope I don't have to do the 6 month diet thing. It's not that I am non-compliant, I just feel it's one more hoop I'd have to jump through. If they say I do have to do it then I'll grin and bare it. Well, it's time to get ready for work. Hope you have a good day! Dena
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