
on 7/1/06 12:31 am - Buckley, WA
I get migraines frequently . I take a medicine called Midrin (I actually take the generic) . I also take 800 mg of advil with it . Tylenol doesn't really help . It looks like I won't be able to take advil after I have surgery , due to advil causing ulcers . Anyone here have migraines ? How do you handle it post surgery ? This has actually been one of my biggest worries , medicine wise . I have a migraine right now . lol. Probably from worrying about it . Kathy
on 7/1/06 1:00 pm - Edmonds, WA
It's not on this list... http://mygastricbypass.com/info.htm But ask your doc! Nancy
on 7/2/06 1:33 am - Buckley, WA
Thanks for looking , Nancy . I couldn't view your link , for some reason . Are you saying the midrin may be okay ? I know in has tylenol in it , which is okay . I just wasn't sure about the other ingredients . A generic is Isoacetazone . I've tried the newer more expensive drugs , but this one works well for me . The Bonus - it's cheap . lol .
on 7/2/06 2:31 am - Edmonds, WA
Migranes suck! I only suffered from them during puberty. Ugh. I am glad that you have found a med that works - that is a blessing! Here's info from that link. DRUGS THAT CAN DAMAGE THE POUCH: Advil Celebrex Motrin Aleve Clinorial Nalfon Amigesic Darvon compounds Naprosyn Anacin Disalcid Nayer Anaprox Dolobid Orudis Ansald Erythromycin Oruval Anthra-G Equagesic Pamprin-IB Arthropan Feldene Perdocan Ascriptin Fiorinal Ponstel Aspirin Ibuprofen Rexolate Asproject Indocin Tandearil Azolid Ketoprofen Tetracycline Bextra Lodine Tolecin Bufferin Meclomen Uracel Butazolidin Midol Vioxx Voltaren ALL NSAIDS are also included in the above list. (See below.) DRUGS THAT ARE CONSIDERED SAFE: Benadryl Glycerin Suppositories Safetussin Colace Imodium AD Sudafed Dimetapp Milk of Magnesia Triaminics (all) Dulcolax Suppositories Peri-Colace Tylenol Fleet Enema Phazyme Tylenol Cold Products Gas-X Robitussin Tylenol Extra Strength I want to help everyone understand the reason NSAIDS are dangerous for us. Contrary to popular belief, it is not just that they are "pouch burners" as the industry wants us to believe. It goes much deeper than that. According to an article published in the June 1999 New England Journal of Medicine, NSAIDS, once absorbed into the blood stream cause a chain of chemical reactions that affect the prostaglandins and this in turn reduces the production of mucus in the GI system. The mucus is what lines our GI system and protects our pouch and intestines from damage. If the mucus production is reduced, this would allow ANYTHING, including eating something with too sharp of an edge or food that are too spicy, to inadvertently begin a marginal ulcer. The best answer is to avoid NSAIDS at all cost. Taking an H2 receptor drug, such as Prilosec, Prevacid or Nexium is only a bandaid and no guarantee it will protect you. If you are desperate to try an NSAID, I would recommend Arthrotec since it has a prostaglandin compound in it that tries to prevent the chemical reaction mentioned above, but you are still at risk for marginal ulcers anytime you take an anti-inflammatory. *By Michele Van Hook-Troesch, RN
on 7/2/06 8:08 am - Buckley, WA
Thanks Nancy . Mine are primarily hormone related . Now that i'm showing signs of being peri-menopausal , I get them more frequently . UGH !
on 7/3/06 11:06 am - Oak Harbor, WA
I get migrains, too and I take Vicodin as needed for them. Unfortunately I also have pretty bad back and neck pain (due to having such weak abdominal muscles and core muscles because of carrying so much weight around) that I take the Vicodin for that, too. It helps, but it can cause rebound headaches so I have to be careful when taking it. Michelle
on 7/3/06 3:47 pm - Buckley, WA
Hi Michelle, I have had to get percocet when my migraines have lasted more than 3 days . I'm allergic to Vicodin & Demerol . It would make it easier if they'd give me a patch to use when I get a migraine . lol .
Tracy L.
on 7/3/06 4:03 pm - Longview, WA
I get migraines also. I take Butalbital, it is cheap & generic and it works much better for me than the expensive meds. It is a Tylonal product. I get cluster migraines so I fell your pain. Tracy
on 7/4/06 4:29 am - Buckley, WA
Thanks Tracy , I have some of that , that my daycare lady got me in Mexico . It works pretty good . I wasn't sure how easy it was to get here . It was a rip off in Mexico . $70.00 . I wouldn't have had her get it for me , if i'd known how expensive it was . That's what her husband takes for his migraines . I tried the really expensive migraine meds . I think I only got 7 . They did me no good . I thought that being new they would be better . lol . NOT !
on 7/3/06 7:14 pm - NM
I get headaches (never been diagnosed as migraines though) that last for weeks. They range from mild to please shoot me. 5 years ago they started me on Neurontin because I was still nursing my youngest. It is a drug for epilesy (OK I know I spelled that wrong). But, it works on headaches/migraines. Crushing it up to take it right after my GBP was beyond nasty. I have had to increase my dose over the last few years to combate the headaches. I can't remember the cost since my insurance pays for all but $15 of it. But, it comes in generic. I take it daily since my headaches are so common. I also don't remember the halflife of it. You might have to take it daily too to keep the migraines away instead of just combating them when they come on. Good luck, Hat
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