Happy Monday June 19th exercise post

on 6/19/06 3:07 am - Bellingham, WA
Wow I can't believe I missed Thurs and Fri's posts! Sorry about that! I see Michelle jumped in a posted on Friday! Thanks Michelle! I was so busy here at work that I just plain forgot! I got lots of exercising in this weekend. Walking anyway. My daughter had a basketball tournament so we were on the go for two days straight. I am tired now and need a weekend! Anybody do anything fun this weekend? Today is the last day of school for my kids. They are very excited to be done for the summer. I wish I was! I work for a school and get so jealous of all the teachers and other staff who have the summers off. I get alot done here but still wish I was out enjoying some much needed time off! Oh well.... How is everyone doing? I hope you are all exercising and making your bodies healthier! I know I am! How is the weightloss coming? Mine weight is stable at the moment at 172lbs. Fortunately, I am not going up at all. I need to increase my water intake. I can never seem to get in my 64oz! So what are you all gonna do to get your butts moving today? Get out there and shake a leg people! Take care, Lori 281/172/140-150
Dan E.
on 6/19/06 4:23 am - Bothell, WA
Does pacing up and down the hall count as exercise? I was doing fine up until this weekend, I didn't feel nervous, I had a sense of anticipation, and no fear. Then this weekend we started picking up some post-op supplies - some cream soups, some broth, sugar-free popsicles. I was told not to buy a whole lot because your tastebuds have a psycotic break after surgery. Every sense then I've had the jitters, and I can't sit still or concentrate on anything. I'm glad I planned a long time ago not to go to work today. I still don't feel what I would call afraid or nervous, I just want it to get started and be over with. I'm antsy I guess. Surgery is tomorrow morning. Wizard Dan
on 6/19/06 5:00 am - Bellingham, WA
HECK YES DAN! Pacing definitely counts! Gosh I remember the day before surgery. I was a mess. But like you, I didn't feel afraid or nervous. Just anxious to have it over with. What time tomorrow? I will be thinking about ya and sending well wishes and good thoughts your way! Please post as soon as you are up to it. We will be waiting impatiently for your reply! Take care and try and relax today! You don't want your blood pressure to be sky high for surgery!!! You will be FINE! Lori
on 6/19/06 5:38 am - seattle, WA
Lori -OMG are you sure we aren't the same person? I too am jealous of the teachers of our school that have a week left, then are DONE. I work through the summer. Yay for being the office manager. But I DO get 2 weeks off in July, although it won't be play-time per say, as I'll be having my surgery then. But-- thankfully I HAVE the time to take!!!! Dan--- you will be FINE! And we'll all be thinking about you and wishing you good luck! Michelle
on 6/19/06 6:11 am - Bellingham, WA
Michelle, It's nice though with them gone. I get so much more done around here without all the constant interruptions from teachers and principals!! BUT... I do miss them when I can't just call and ask where the paperwork is when I need it over the summer! I have the last week of August off as vacation this year. Last year at that time, I was having surgery! This year I think we are going to go out to Lummi Island and stay for a few days to get some needed R&R. It will be a huge difference for me than in summers past. This year, I will be wearing a bathing suit and laying on the beach! Lori
on 6/19/06 5:40 am - seattle, WA
Hmm, Just realized I didn't post about exercize. i'm such a dork (but in a GOOD WAY!) I am going to walk my dog when I get home from work. And while I DO sit at a computer at work (with the occasional sneaking to OH!) but thankfully I'm always running around tracking down problems. Our private school is in an old sororiety house near the UW. So we have 3 stories + basement, so I get alot of exercize in. I always thought that if I could just control my eating, I'd probably lose weight just from work. It's true! Lost 4 pounds last week! Michelle
on 6/19/06 6:25 am - seattle, WA
Where is Lummi Island?
on 6/19/06 9:00 am - Shelton, WA
OK, I'll admit it. I'm one of those teachers who will be off for the summer. Starting...in 42 hr. 30 min. But who's counting?? And I'll own the smile on my face too. Does yard work count as exercise? We spent about 4 hours in the yard yesterday mowing and pulling weeds. I can't wait until after surgery when I can do stuff like that and not be so winded and tired after. Carol
on 6/20/06 1:51 am - Bellingham, WA
Lummi Island is a short ferry ride from Gooseberry Point just outside of Bellingham. It's a lovely little island! Lori
on 6/19/06 6:37 am - Sammamish, WA
Lori- its so weird to hear someone talk about Bellingham! I grew up in Whatcom County- mostly Ferndale but went to school at Assumption Catholic in B'ham. I haven't been to Lummi Island in forever! (sorry just had to jump in there! :-) ). Now I live in Sammamish, WA just east of Seattle. and exercise...I cleaned the master bath and have run up my 22 stairs about 30 times already after my 2yr old and getting my 10 month old out of bed for naps :-). They're both sick with nasty ear infx's right now so I can't really go anywhere. Elizabeth
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