Another newbie

on 6/18/06 6:38 pm - Buckley, WA
Hi , my name is Kathy . I have recently decided to have Gastric Bypass surgery . In the past I always refused to consider Gastric bypass , because of the risks . I had heard many horror stories . I now feel a little more confident , & the need is greater . I have been obese for over 27 years (I'm almost 45) . Like most here , I'm sure , I've gone on most diets . Only to fail & gain back the weight . Most recently I was on weigh****chers . I joined on May 22 , 1999 . The reason I remember , is it was the day after my moms birthday . I lost 100 pounds . On June 8th 2001 my world changed , drastically . I became a single parent to munchkins , once again . This time to my two special needs grandbabies . It's now been 5 years , & I've gained back all the weight . I used to be very active , until I was sidelined 1 1/2 years ago with a torn (right knee) meniscus . I had hobbled around for quite a while before going to the doctor . By the time I had surgery , my left knee was damaged from over compensating . Now , I've become sedentary , have terrible arthritis in both knees , am terribly obese . I have insurance that won't pay for the surgery . I have decided to self pay , as I don't want to let my health get worse waiting for open enrollment . None of the plans for 2006 pay for bariatric surgery . I have other "comorbidities" as well . Pre-diabetes , Hypothyroidism , varicose veins , & the arthritis . I am going to an orientation on Friday . My planned surgeon is Dr. Oh , in Federal way . I have an appointment with my dr. next week , so I can get a referral . Then I'll be on my journey . I have a cousin *****cently had the surgery & is doing great . I'm looking forward to knowing you all . Ps - My posts won't usually be this long , lol .:-p
on 6/19/06 5:38 am - Buckley, WA
Thanks for the warm welcome . I was hoping to go to the orientation before I see my GP . But , they are full on the day I chose . Oh well . I am going to the July 7th one . It's not like that will slow me down on my path . I don't know how realistic it is , but i'm hoping to have the surgery by my birthday (aug 24) . That would be perfect . Since I won't be dealing with insurance companies , maybe i'll be able to get everything done by then . Does anyone know how long the process takes , if you self pay ?
on 6/19/06 3:22 pm - Everett, WA
Hi Kathy, Welcome! making the decision can be one of the toughest steps to take! I know for me, once it was made, everything fell into place. I was also self-pay, and I chose to go LAP BAND and to Mexico. The cost was about half of what it is here in the States. Which ever tool you choose I am sure you won't regret it. Every day is a new adventure! You will reclaim your life, and be amazed! I am 46 and had not quite the co-morbidities that you have, but was really really close, and that was too close for comfort. Good luck with your Dr.s appointment. Take care Blessings, strength and peace for your journey Kelly
on 6/19/06 4:13 pm - Buckley, WA
Thanks Kelly , I appreciate your kind words . I was told that the orientation was full for this friday & they would schedule me for the one on July 7th . I was disappointed , but okay . I emailed back (to Dr. Oh's office) & said that was fine , that I was like most others . Once I set mind to something , I want it yesterday . She wrote back & said she'd scheduled me for June 23rd , after all . I am very excited . A close friend of mine , that I thought would be upset with this , was really supportive . She even offerred to go to the orientation with me . Peoples reaction are unpredictable .
on 6/20/06 12:34 am - Edmonds, WA
Welcome, welcome! This is a good place to share your journey and make friends! I will pray that you are guided in your path toward WLS. I've heard such wonderful things about Dr Oh. Please post about your experience along the way! Blessings galore! Nancy Medial RNY Sept 2004 276/138-140/138 At goal!
on 6/20/06 1:14 am - seattle, WA
I think that if you stay focused and organized, you could actually (with self-pay) move through the surgery process very quickly. That's how I've been doing it. I've actually not even gone to the orientation yet (it's this thursday) but I had a really long conversation with a woman in their office, and I was able to schedule in advance my dietician app., my psychologist app., my consult app. (next weeek, yay!) and even made an app. for my PCP for AFTER the consult app. If you're focused (and your doctor has the time for it!) You could probably get through the process is 4-5 weeks. Michelle
cyndie M.
on 6/20/06 1:05 am - university place, WA
Hello my fellow newbie i too struggled with the decision for a long time. i will pray for your strength and that all the parts fall into place, i have 2 classes for my pathway today. fun fun, just that closer though. cyndie
on 6/20/06 12:41 pm - Buckley, WA
Thanks you all . I can't wait to get on the stick with this . My cousin thinks it'll take 6 months , but I don't know why it would . I don't have an insurance company to satisfy . It is so great to have this board to go to . This is the first time in a long time that I feel like i'm doing something pro active . People have balked at the cost , since i'm self paying . I deserve not to get full blown diabetes , to not have a heart attack , to not end up in a wheelchair . I think the dollar cost is worth it , if it improves the quality of my life .
Nancy B.
on 6/21/06 1:18 am - Blaine, WA
Hi Kathy, Welcome to a new adventure in your life, pretty soon you'll be out running with your grandbabies, not jus****ching them from a distance. I had LapBand surgery last Thursday, 6/15 and am already down one pant size (amazing!) Don't be discouraged, this will be worth all effort and money. Just think of what you will save in junk food alone, I told my husband that I am now a cheap date. Our son in Denver had Gastric bypass last Oct., weighed over 400 lbs, is already down to his goal weight of 240 lbs (he's 6' 4"). Blessings, Nancy B., Birch Bay, WA
on 6/21/06 9:43 am - Buckley, WA
Thanks Nancy . I can hardly wait . I'm sure it's all in my mind , but I feel even heavier right now . Heavy & lumpy . lol . Wow , your son has lost 160 pounds in that period of time ? Thats awesome . I have a son 6' 7" , he has a weight problem . I told him that we are all getting on a walking schedule . I have thought about taking the kids to Birch Bay , but didn't know where it was . Last saturday I went to Canada , with my other son & saw the sign outside of Blaine . I have a friend who always took her kids there when they were little . my dad was in the Coast Guard , so water seems like home to me . Kathy
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