Surgery for bowel obstruction

on 6/18/06 7:28 am - Spanaway, WA
Ok, I'm going to appoligize now because this is long. SORRY I just got back home after having surgery for a bowel obstruction. It wasn't pretty. Monday at work I was eating a piece of wheat toast with peanut butter on it. I didn't realize until it was to late that I had just swallowed a bite that was TOO BIG!!! What I should have done was go into the bathroom and make myself throw up but I didn't even think about that. Then I had lunch but as of right now, I can't remember what I had. I started having stomach pains but they seemed to subside after a couple of hours. That evening, my husband and I went to the Red Lobster to have a drink and the seafood filled mushrooms. I started having the stomach pains again after taking about 3 sips of my drink. My husband told me to go to the bathroom and see if I don't feel better. I did and before returning to the bar, I noticed that I was red all over my chest, neck and face. Ok, that started to scare me. I returned to the bar, told my husband I wasn't feeling good and we needed to leave. When we got outside, I told him he needed to take me to Madigan. By the time we got there, I was in dire pain and crying. We sat there for 3 hours waiting to be seen. I finally asked my dh to go ask how many people are in front of us waiting to be seen. There were 4. But the biggest problem of all is that we sat there for 3 hours and not one person had been called back to the ER. So what does that mean? Yes it was going to be to long to wait. I then told my husband we were leaving and we would go to another hospital. He wasn't to hip on that but we went anyway since I walked out. We went to St. Claire Hosp. and were seen right away. I told them I thought I had a piece of bread stuck and that's why I was having such painful cramps. They took me back right away. The doctor there took some x-rays then more x-rays. He came to the conclusion that I had a blocked bowel. He told the nurse to put in an NG Tube. OMG!!!!!! No way, Dr. Weber told us to NEVER have a tube put in blindly. None of the nurses would put one in. I was admitted to the hospital, got my room and waited. I was there just sitting in my room until Wednesday when I called Dr. Weber. By Wednesday morning, I was throwing up bile. I was throwing up bile!!!!! By this time, I was becoming really scared. It was the morning and I called Dr. Weber. Dr. Weber told me to have them release me to his care. So by afternoon, I was on my way to Sweedish in Ballard. If anyone could fix me, it would be Dr. Weber. I got there and he had already told the nurses what to do with me. Had some tests done and Dr. Weber came in to see me. ON HIS DAY OFF NO LESS. We did somemore x-rays then more x-rays and more x-rays. Blood test etc. The doctor came in and said we would wait and see how I was in the morning. He came back in and had more tests done. Then that afternoon he called and told me that the nurses were going to put in an NG Tube because I kept on throwing up bile and it would help me. I told him that he said we should never have one put in blindly. He reassured me that the nurse was going to be very careful and was instucted just how far to put it in. OMG!!!! IT WAS TORTURE!!!!!!!!! I'm going to have to have a talk with Dr. Weber about that. I won't do that again while I'm awake!! But it did turn out to be ok. That afternoon, Dr Weber came in and told me were were going to have surgery the next day at noon. The next day came and he wanted more x-rays. I went for more pictures and I was surprised he was right there with me. He wanted to see just exactly what was happening. So they put die into my ng tube and watched it. At first it sounded like they were going to be able to postpone the surgery but then he came up to my room and said no, the small bowel is blocked and he would see me in surgery. About 30 minutes later I was in surgery. While in surgery, I ended throwing up while under anesthesia and the bile went all over my hair. OMG, IT STUNK!!!!!!!! And I couln't wa**** until Saturday night when I came home. Would you believe I washed it 3 times and the stink is still there. Anyway, Dr. Weber thinks that when they did my tummy tuck last month that they just made it too tight and somehow either twisted an intestine or just somehow it was to tight and not working anymore. He said it wasn't the toast with peanut butter on it. He took such good care of me while I was in the hospital. I don't know what I would do without such a wonderful doctor. Ok, now I owe him for 2 lives. One when he did my gastric bypass and this one. What a wonderful man. He can NEVER retire because we would have a major loss in our healthcare for sure! I hope all of you are doing well. Arlene
cyndie M.
on 6/18/06 10:16 am - university place, WA
Hey that is just horrible for you, i can imagine madagan being that bad but not for you, with a possible bowel obstruction, i am having my surg at madagan im so glad you are okay that is scary i have been with my mom having bowel explosions and i know how much pain she was in so im sure it was horrible. But thank God you are okay cyndie
on 6/20/06 4:39 am - Spanaway, WA
Yikes!! Bowel explosions. WOW. I don't know how close I was to that but I when they asked me what my pain level was, I told them it was a ten. And I have a high tolerance for pain. I had all my kids with no drugs. I thank God I'm ok. Thank you for the kind words Cyndie. I really appreciate everyone here. It seems we always know where to come back to huh. Arlene
on 6/18/06 11:27 am - NM
I just can't leave you alone for a minute. I got your message on Friday. We are having phone issues around here. When I realized that I was missing important calls, I broke down and bought a new phone. I called your cell phone the next day. I figued you would have been home by then. Wow, what a week you had. I worry about being here with no good docs around. I am so glad you are near enough to Dr. Weber that you can pop over to see him when you need to. I am relieved to hear that your feeling better even if a little smelly. How long is your recovery going to be? Is he really comfortbale that this is related to the TT and not something you will have to worry about again? Give me a call when you are feeling well enough to chat. I'll be home tomorrow all day. I will be waiting on a call from my plastic surgeon. I think she is going to postpone my surgery. They have changed the date 4 times already. I am starting to get a bad feeling about it. BTW, if you haven't written your review of Dr. W (I remember you said you were waiting before writing it), you have a lot to say now. Thank goodness your ok, Hat
on 6/20/06 4:52 am - Spanaway, WA
First of all Ms. Hat, thank you so much for the shirt. You are so funny. I'm going to save it in hopes that someday I will be able to fit in it. Oh and the new boobs. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have I ever been missing out on all this fun all my life. I'll save it for another day and personal talk with you on the phone. Oh and by the way, I can't seem to get to the computer when my kid is playing xbox 360 ALL DAY LONG!!!! So sorry I didn't get this message until today and your probably back to work. Where would we be without Dr. Weber!! He's the man!! He even gave me his cell phone number. What other doctor do you know that gives away his cell phone number? I can't say enough about that special man. But he and I WILL be having a one on one talk about that NG tube on Thursday when I go back to have a couple funny stitches pulled. I WILL NEVER AGAIN HAVE ANOTHER NG TUBE PUT IN WHILE I AM AWAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They're going to have to kill me first! I'm suppose to be able to go back to work next Monday. As far as whether or not I have to worry about this problem again??? I don't know. That's something else I'm going to ask him on Thursday. I'm also going to ask him if he had to cut out any intestines. Because I don't know that either. I'm stressing because I have this kid getting married in 4 weeks......YIKES. I'm not ready. I finally broke down and hired a caterer. There is just to much to do and I have been trying to recover for to long now. Just when I think things are getting better, I have a set back again. Would you believe I still smell like BILE. OMG stinky hair. Stinky me. I can't stand it! Well, I better get going. Looks like I have so many to answer. Time is short here on my end. Thank you so much budy for being there. Your so awesome. Wish you were here. Oh by the way, when are you coming up? I'm waiting. Arlene
on 6/19/06 3:23 am - Bellingham, WA
OMG! Arlene! I am so glad you are ok. How scary. I have been having some stomach pains myself but they seem to go away on their own. It usually happens after I eat. I have to go lay down for about 20 minutes and then it goes away. I hope that I am not getting something similar to an obstruction. I would think that it wouldn't get better if I had one. It may be an ulcer too. I have been having terrible heartburn daily again. Probably all the coffee I drink! I have been cutting back to just one a day. Hopefully that helps. Again, I am so glad you are ok. Please keep me posted on how you are doing. I worry about you!!! Especially when I don't hear from you for weeks! Take care of yourself! Lori
on 6/20/06 4:55 am - Spanaway, WA
Hey Ms. Lori Good to hear from you. But you know, if you don't hear from me you know that everything is A-OK. I usually vent when I have to. You guys are always out here to pick me up. You know what, I don't know why but just since all this happened, I'm not able to tolerate coffee very well. I can't figure it out. I was drinking like a pot a day. I know, I know, that wasn't good. I hope your feeling better soon and thank you so much for being here for me. I love you guys to death you know. Arlene
on 6/19/06 3:30 pm - Everett, WA
Arlene, Wow, I am so glad that Dr. Weber was there to help you. How terrifying that must have been for you! I hope that you will recovery quickly and not have any more problems. It is scary to think that having reconstructive surgery (TT) would cause something like that... This is something I hadn't heard before, but will keep it in mind when I consider having the procedure done. Lots to think about. Take care! Blessings Strength and Peace! Kelly
on 6/20/06 5:01 am - Spanaway, WA
Hello Kelly You know the first time I took the binder off after having the TT, it was so scarey, I couldn't even breathe. I told my DH to hurry and put it back on. My stomach was SO TIGHT!!!!! It was really nice but really tight. It's not like that now. I called my PS today and told the nurse what happened and now I have to see my PS this afternoon. We'll see what he says. But now my stomach muscles aren't as tight as they once were last month. Thank you so much for the kind words. I'm glad you guys are all there for strength. I love you all!! Arlene
on 6/20/06 12:49 am - Edmonds, WA
WHOAH, girl! What a story! What a scary story! I am soooo glad you are well and fine now. It must have been nerve wracking and it sounds so horribly painful. Especially the NG tube part. Hello? Sedation, please! Goodness. I am thankful to God that you had the expertise of DrW and the good care of professionals to see you thru alive and fixed on the other end. Whta is your re-coup time like? It's a little disconcerting to think that a too-tight TT could bring about such scary complications. :| eek. Blessing and health to you!!!! Nancy
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