June 1st Exercise Post

on 6/1/06 2:20 am - Bellingham, WA
Happy June everyone! I can't believe it's June already. This year is flying by! But I love summer! It makes exercise so much easier! For me at least.... I did get my walk in yesterday. Boy was it muggy! I was sweating like a pig when I got back! But it felt so good to keep up my end of the bargain and KEEP EXERCISING! I tried on a bunch of clothes again last night from my dresser. Alot of them are getting baggy. Time to make a giveaway bag for my sister again. She is very thankful for it all. My other sister could benefit from some of my clothes too but refuses to believe that I wear a smaller size than her. She is the same sister that tells me I look old. So what are you gonna do to move your butts today? I for one am gonna take a short mile walk this evening with my daughter. I have a tanning appt today at lunchtime so I won't get in my 2.5 miler. But you know... EVERY LITTLE BIT HELPS!!! Take care and enjoy your day! Lori 281/175/140-150 25lbs to first goal!
on 6/1/06 7:47 am - Edmonds, WA
Hi Lori! Yesterday I biked from my home to Mountlake Terrace, where I ran 3-4 miles with a friend, then I biked from MLT to the track in Lynnwood, where I walked 2-3 miles - jogged 1 or 2 of those laps. I did not ride my bike home however... Instead, the ladies went over to Billy McHale's where I ate a cup of probably VERY fattening seafood chowder!! Ugh. Anyway, nearly 13 miles by bike, 5+miles by feet. Today we swim in the lake. I'll prolly do 800 yards - about .5 miles. I might ride my to the Lake (4 miles), but not back as I am soo cold coming out of the water. Brrrr... On this topic... I know sometimes my exercise posts seem, I dunno... big. I often hesitate to post b/c I am in a big training mode just now. What I'd like to share is that ... Just 2 years ago, I wouldn't move my fanny an inch. DrWeber insists his patience start exercising before he operates on them. I couldn't start! Walk? I wanted to (kinda), but couldn't bear to move my fat fanny out the front door! I finally started in late June of 2004. By mid Sept, I hit my goal of doing a 5+ mile walk! That was pre-op. Fast forward one year, May 2005... this is a sample workout journal entry: "Track. 1.5 miles. Ran the straights, walked the curves. Last lap was very hard to recover from." Fast forward another 6 months to Nov 2005... I was running (well, jogging) about 15-20 miles a week! With out needing to stop and catch my breath and without difficult recoveries! Funny thing is that I can't do that many miles right now. But I CAN and will get there again for the Seattle 1/2 Marathon this Nov. Every time I post about my current workouts I want to pinch myself. I never would have thought I could or would do anything like this. It's outside of allll I understood myself to be. It is my hope that we ALL will continue to set goals, meet and exceed them! It doesn't matter if our goal is to get out to the mail box without being out of breath, walk in a 5K, add a thousand steps to the daily total, or do an IronMan! I think they are the SAME! It's about doing something hard, working at it so that it isn't so hard. It's about the accomplishment as well and the healthy results. So I hope that my posts contribute. I love to read about the things you are doing. I love to hear about how some of you are riding your bikes for the first time in forever. Some are enjoying the simple, but long forgotten, pleasure of taking the dog for a walk. Some of you are still trying to make it out the front door. Boy, do we all know what that's like. Some of you are building activity into your lifestyle. Some are including their kids! I love to read about it all. Here's something interesting... for ALL runners (pros and not, walkers, joggers, woggers, too) there are days when the most difficult part of the run is the run out of the house. EVERYone! I read in a book that one runner would (on a day like that) get dressed and ready for his run all the while telling himself that he all he had to do was go out to the edge of the driveway. If he then wanted to turn around and come back in, he could. But once he was dressed and out there... haha! Why not *at least* walk around the block? Then the walk turned into a jog - might was well get something out of it, right? And so on... It might not have ended up being his longest or best run of the week, but it WAS probably his biggest accomplishment! I was soooo encouraged to know that professional runners, people who LOVE running, have days just like us. Lori - keep encouraging us! Thank you for this post! You all are awesome! Nancy
on 6/2/06 1:41 am - Bellingham, WA
Thanks Nancy! Your posts are truly inspiring for ALL of us. I think to myself, WOW, she has really got it together with her exercising! I hope to one day be able to do HALF of what you do! Please keep posting. We need to hear from people at all stages of this journey! It helps to keep us motivated to do better! How true is it that if we can just get off the couch and out the front door, we are more than halfway there! The only thing left is the fun part! Once I get walking, I don't want to stop! I want to walk forever it seems. I almost feel like I am being pushed along sometimes! I just keep thinking to myself when I am out there how much my body is appreciating what I am doing. I am seeing amazing results in my muscles! My legs are looking much more shapely, well not my upper inner thighs... but my thigh muscles are getting very toned! My arms are even getting better. Thanks again for your wonderful posts! It is so nice to see you back as a "regular"!! Take care, Lori
on 6/1/06 3:13 pm - Everett, WA
Hi All, It is late and I just wanted to get my exercise post in. It helps me to keep on trucking! I didn't ride my bike today as I got my car back from the shop, and I have serious saddle sores that need a rest.... But I did get out and do 2 miles with the dog this morning. I used my 3 lb weights this time for the first time in a long time. Then I did some crunches and stretches for my abs, as my lower body seems to get all the work out and the rest of my body is trailing... It is my hope that more people will post their exercise. It is motivational to see where people have come from and it makes it easier for me to believe that one day I will be there too. Keep up the good work Lori, thanks for encouraging us, and Nancy you are a true inspiration! Both of you are testaments to the fact that when you get out and move, and exercise great things will happen!! Have a wonderful FRIDAY!!! Kelly
on 6/2/06 1:44 am - Bellingham, WA
Hey Kel!!! You too are an inspiration to me. I am so happy that you are keeping up with the exercising! It will totally help you in the long run. But you already knew that! Thanks for posting! You are awesome!!! TGIF! Lori
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