May 30th Exercise Post

on 5/30/06 3:24 am - Bellingham, WA
Hellooooo! I am back from vacation! It was nice to see all the wonderful replies to my previous post. I am glad that I have inspired many of you to keep exercising! I will continue my post and hope that I can keep reaching everyone and motivating you all to GET OFF YOUR BUTTS!!! I had a wonderful 6 days off! I got lots done around the house. Got my hair colored finally! It was looking kinda shabby! And my gray hair was showing wayyyy too much! My appt went well! I survived with a 100.4lb loss! YESSS! And I found out that my scale is right. I weighed in at the surgeon's office at 185.6. Came home and weighed on my scale 185.6. Took all my clothes off and weighed in at 180.6!! So, I am going with the clothes off weight! And today... I weighed before my shower... 175lbs! So in 6 days, I lost another 5.6lbs! I think starting up my walking again has kickstarted my weightloss! Yeah! So what did you do to get your butts moving this weekend? And what are you gonna do today??? Get out there and enjoy this post-Memorial weekend sunshine!!!! Go figure huh? The day after the long weekend, we get SUN! Take care, Lori 281/175/140-150 25 lbs to first goal!!!
on 5/30/06 4:12 am - Edmonds, WA
KUDOS on your WL, Lori!!!! That is sooooo fab! I ALWAYS go for the lowest weight - in the AM, no clothes! I have a friend who doesn't weigh herself when her hair is wet! HAHAHA! I gues one would have to have a lot of hair to have to worry about the water weight! Mine is still falling out! ARG! I did my longest bike ride on mem day. I rode from my home in Edmonds to my parent's in Bellevue. Taking a bike friendly route adds extra miles. My RT total was 60 miles! I can't believe I did that. I am sore today, but proud. Today I am thinking about walking with my daughter to her work and then maybe jog back. It'll be lonely on the way home, tho. Later in the evening I'll be getting in the lake with my training team. Perhaps I'll swim across and do the whole .5 mile. I have lost NO weight and am frustrated in that regard. But I feel good and am trying not to let the scale depress me. I've never had so many days in a row when I weight the EXACT same weight. Usually I go up and down a few each day. Have a super, blessed and healthy day! Nancy
on 5/30/06 8:22 am - Bellingham, WA
Kuddos on your exercising!!! Wow, 60 miles????? Holy shat batman! You rock girlfriend!!! Lori
on 5/30/06 2:35 pm - Everett, WA
Lori! Welcome back and TOtally awesome news about your renewed WL success! You are totally inspiring. As is Nancy! 60 miles!! WOW!!! I had a low-key but healthy weekend. got some walking in, some gardening, some house cleaning, but not much else. Today I walked the dog 1.5 miles in the am and then rode my bike to and from work. Which I will be doing all week since my car is in the shop. But I must say it is paying off! Yesterday evening when I was trying to decide what to wear, I though, aw what the heck, and tried on a pair of my size 16s. And THEY FIT!! so then I tried on another pair, and they fit too! In fact they were a little loose around the butt and thighs!! So I ironed them skinny pants up and put em in my backpack. I felt so good all day today walking around in "skinny pants"!! So in not quite two months I went from tight 20s to loose 16s! Oh yeah! I need to send this now because my computer has been kicking me off the OH website very regularly.... what's up with that anyway? Take it easy. Live healthy live happy! Kelly
on 5/31/06 12:04 am - Edmonds, WA
Yippppeeeee on the size 16s, Kelly! That is awesome. I was tickled pink with every size from 16 down. I felt great at everyone of them. Content and happy to be in a size I could find on most racks. Love the feeling of being smaller and fitting in the world. Enjoy! Congrats! 20 to a 16 is just awesome! KUDOS!! Nancy
on 5/31/06 2:54 am - Bellingham, WA
Thank you dahling! 16's! Wayyyy cool! It's a wonderful feeling knowing that we will NEVER go back to plus sizes again! Lori
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