Ulysses’s Posts

on 4/11/11 1:15 pm
Topic: RE: Surgery pics - graphic - don't view if you have a weak stomach!
Cool pics! I'll ask my surgeon if i can get some when I have mine.
I have watched about 10 full surgeries on youtube - so I think its fascinating.
I really like the harmonic scalpel and the stapler - you should all check it out live on YT.

The harmonic scalpel is what they use to seperate your actual stomach from the lining before the Bougie goes down and they cut/staple it...The scalpel cuts through the tissue by vibrating in the range of 20,000 Hz. The vibration cuts through the tissue and seals it using protein denaturization, rather than heat.

VSG Surgery on April 26th, 2011
"Get busy living…or get busy dying. That's goddamn right." ~ Red, The Shawshank Redemption   

on 4/11/11 11:49 am
Topic: RE: Weight loss doctor in trouble...
Wow - 200 calories per ******
I wonder if that works for men too?
I'm guessing not as I would have died of malnutrition long ago...

Its even the correct hand ;)

VSG Surgery on April 26th, 2011
"Get busy living…or get busy dying. That's goddamn right." ~ Red, The Shawshank Redemption   

on 4/11/11 6:10 am
Topic: RE: BCBS-FL

I have BCBS (Anthem) PPO with my employer and had NO issues getting approved.
Every state and emplyer is different, but here is the policy from anthem/bcbs

PMSURG.00024 Surgery for Clinically Severe Obesity   
Medically Necessary:
Position Statement

Gastric bypass and gastric restrictive procedures with a Roux-en-Y procedure up to 150 cm, laparoscopic
adjustable gastric banding (for example, the Lap-Band® System or the REALIZETM Adjustable Gastric Band), vertical banded gastroplasty, biliopancreatic bypass with duodenal switch, and sleeve gastrectomy (open or laparoscopic) are considered medically necessary for the treatment of clinically severe obesity for selected adults (18 years and older) who meet ALL the following criteria:

1. BMI of 40 or greater, or BMI of 35 or greater with an obesity-related co-morbid condition including, but not limited to:
diabetes mellitus; or cardiovascular disease; or hypertension; or life threatening cardio-pulmonary problems, (e.g., severe sleep apnea, Pickwickian syndrome, obesity related cardiomyopathy);
2. The individual must have actively participated in non-surgical methods of weight reduction; these efforts must be fully appraised by the physician requesting authorization for surgery;
3. The physician requesting authorization for the surgery must confirm the following: The individual's psychiatric profile is such that the candidate is able to understand, tolerate and comply with all phases of care and is committed to long-term follow-up requirements; and The candidate's post-operative expectations have been addressed; and The individual has undergone a preoperative medical consultation and is felt to be an acceptable surgical candidate; and The individual has undergone a preoperative mental health assessment and is felt to be an acceptable candidate; and The individual has received a thorough explanation of the risks, benefits, and uncertainties of the procedure; and The candidate's treatment plan includes pre- and post-operative dietary evaluations and nutritional counseling; and The candidate's treatment plan includes counseling regarding exercise, psychological issues and the availability of supportive resources when needed..

Notice it says nothing about 6 months of diet..Just "2. The individual must have actively participated in non-surgical methods of weight reduction; these efforts must be fully appraised by the physician requesting authorization for surgery"

Best regards,

VSG Surgery on April 26th, 2011
"Get busy living…or get busy dying. That's goddamn right." ~ Red, The Shawshank Redemption   

on 4/11/11 5:52 am
Topic: RE: How do I tell my Weigh****cher group

Now that was seriously funny! Now I may have to buy a new monitor from spewing my lovely pre-op no caffeine Red Razzberry Crystal Light all over it...

I agree completely, my sister is in a WW group and I have met some of the long timers...They can be an interesting bunch to say the least...Lots of politics and cliques from what I hear, like a weight loss "Lord of the Flies"...

Just say "Fuck this Weigh****chers ****" and move on...
While your at it, tell Jenny Craig to kiss your now rapidly reducing butt as well!

VSG Surgery on April 26th, 2011
"Get busy living…or get busy dying. That's goddamn right." ~ Red, The Shawshank Redemption   

on 4/10/11 4:35 pm
Topic: RE: Psychological Evaluation


I also had the dreaded 3-hour Psych evaluation...
It's like 3 question and answer tests (old school fill in the circle type test).
The big one was 341 questions!
Like a previous person said; a lot of them are the same question just asked a bit different. My shrink was a PHD shrink and we talked about the test after it was over..
He said that it was designed to check if you were lying or telling them what they needed to hear..It was callede the MIPS test; that stands for..."The Millon Index of Personality Styles"
check it out here:

The really long one had a bunch of silly questions like; T/F You would enjoy being a News Reporter...etc

I wouldn't worry about it - just dont answer the "I sometimes feel like i want to kill myself and others" question as TRUE!

They give the test and surgery go ahead to Schizophrenics and Bi-Polar individuals as long as they are stable...

Have fun!



VSG Surgery on April 26th, 2011
"Get busy living…or get busy dying. That's goddamn right." ~ Red, The Shawshank Redemption   

on 4/10/11 4:15 pm
Topic: RE: Excuss Me!
On April 10, 2011 at 7:48 PM Pacific Time, Kelby F. wrote:
I personally did not have to endure the embarassment of that happening..... 

What do I tell any person complaing about gas..... NEVER TRUST A FART.... could end up being a messy situation.. literally!! That was the one piece of advice that stuck with me the most before surgery... shocker.. something about farts I remembered haha
I believe thats called "A SHART" if my memory serves me...
I remember hearing that term for for the very 1st time in a Jennifer Aniston/Ben Stiller movie called "Along came Polly"
Sandy Lyle: Reuben, I'm in a situation here. We have to leave now.
Reuben Feffer: No. Can we stay a couple more minutes?
Sandy Lyle: Dude, no. This is serious. I just sharted.
Reuben Feffer: I don't know what that means.
Sandy Lyle: I tried to fart and a little **** came out. I just sharted. Now let's go.
Reuben Feffer: You're the most disgusting person I've ever met in my life.
VSG Surgery on April 26th, 2011
"Get busy living…or get busy dying. That's goddamn right." ~ Red, The Shawshank Redemption   

on 4/10/11 4:52 am
Topic: RE: Looks like it's working!
My surgeon said I will start walking right after recovery and encourages as much activity as one can do as soon as they can do it post op..I already walk at least a mile and 8 flights of steps a day just to get from the parking lot to my "cubicle" for work...That little journey almost KILLS me!

I also know from lots of research that dudes like us with lots of weight to lose actually drop the pounds REAL fast in the first few months. I mean, even being sedentary takes 4-5000 calories to maintain 4-500 pounds. At 3500 calories per pound thats over 1 pound a day before exercise.

Congrats on the loss so far, I look forward to being there with you in a couple of weeks...

VSG Surgery on April 26th, 2011
"Get busy living…or get busy dying. That's goddamn right." ~ Red, The Shawshank Redemption   

on 4/9/11 1:27 pm
Topic: RE: Pics or it didnt happen, eh ? One fat ass coming up!
Now this is my kind of forum....
VSG Surgery on April 26th, 2011
"Get busy living…or get busy dying. That's goddamn right." ~ Red, The Shawshank Redemption   

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