handtlkr’s Posts

on 7/8/23 3:56 pm
Topic: RE: Barely make the "overweight" BMI calculator

I've been robbed! My grandbaby stole my heart!  She just raised her hands and I surrendered.



on 2/23/22 5:40 am
Topic: RE: Weight gain from IV?s?

Nine days out from surgery. I peed out All that excess fluid they pumped through me. Since surgery date, I'm down 27 pounds. I came home with an additional 16 pounds of fluids, so the rest is actual weight loss.

I've been robbed! My grandbaby stole my heart!  She just raised her hands and I surrendered.



on 2/17/22 11:35 am
Topic: RE: Weight gain from IV?s?

Anyone go in for surgery and come out weighing more afterwards? Very frustrating. Haven't had an opportunity to cheat if I wanted to, which I don't.

on 3/28/19 7:25 pm
Topic: RE: Vsg yesterday and I feel so bad

I got severely dehydrated after surgery, a week after. I could not get liquids down well, and I truly tried. I felt like I was going to die. I had my daughter take me to the ER and they gave me an IV. I felt 100% better once I got some liquids down me. Recenlty (3 years out) I over did myself in exercise and got dehydrated (in 5.5 million gallons of water---swimming 2 miles) and felt like I did when I got dehydrated after the surgery. I've kept the majority of the lost weight off since my surgery 3 years ago. But, it's still a struggle sometimes. However, I've started taking a simple little pill...a probiotic, and am losing weight effortlessly. With the probiotic, it is stabilizing my gut flora and I don't even think about food. Wish I had found this before the surgery. My daughter, who was nearly 500 pounds, came across the probiotic solution for herself, by accident and has dropped 130 pounds in 11 months with only using the one little probiotic pearl a day. The "honeymoon" period after the surgery last different lengths for different people. For me it was nearly a year. Disseminating between head hunger and stomach hunger can be a challenge to learn. Having weight loss surgery is like divorcing a dearly loved spouse, then living in the same household with that person. It's a grieving process. You wish you could eat what you used to, and some day you will be able to, but you may not want to any more.

I've been robbed! My grandbaby stole my heart!  She just raised her hands and I surrendered.



on 6/18/16 7:11 am
Topic: RE: One month post op - Why did I do this?

Stalls are discouraging.  Evaluate what you are doing, and if you are doing the right thing, they will happen and they will move on.  I FINALLY broke a 3-month stall and I'm only 6 months out from surgery.  It was quite discouraging.  I kept evaluating what I was eating, the types of food I was eating, changed up the exercise routines, so many things, which nothing seemed to help. Finally, this week, I've dropped 4 pounds and hope this trend will continue.  I don't know why I had such a long stall, but, I know I had the surgery because I could eat so little food and not lose weight.  However, I'd always feel like I was starving.  Now I can eat so little food and not feel hungry.

It was funny when my sister-in-law, who somehow had not gotten the word about my surgery, commented on how disciplined I was with my eating, and I stopped before eating all the gumbo my brother had served me.  You can only go so far, and have to stop.  But, as long as you're staying with the plan, the stall will move on.  I've had 2-week stalls before.  It seemed like every two weeks I would stall, then drop 12 pounds suddenly.  So, when this 3-month stall started, I figured it was my usual 2-week stall. I kept doing what I was supposed to, and finally I'm hoping to see some steady results. 

I've been robbed! My grandbaby stole my heart!  She just raised her hands and I surrendered.



on 5/17/16 8:59 am
Topic: RE: How soon do you have to worry about smaller clothes?

I had to within 2 months. But is totally depends on how quickly you lose the weight.  I've been about the same size for 2 1/2 months now, but clothes are getting loser. I'm looking forward to having to get the next size down.  I did have to get a new swimsuit.  And, the clothes I held on to years ago for when I would "get back down into them", are too large now.  That's a shame, because I kept them because they were pretty and nice, but now they're too big.  Not remorseful for that, though. 

I've been robbed! My grandbaby stole my heart!  She just raised her hands and I surrendered.



on 5/11/16 9:13 am
Topic: RE: Centrum Complete??

I've tried a few different kinds of vitamins since surgery. My doctor suggested Centrum Complete, which is what I use now.  My blood work has come back fine with everything. 

I've been robbed! My grandbaby stole my heart!  She just raised her hands and I surrendered.



on 5/11/16 9:10 am
Topic: RE: 3 weeks Post Op, Pain after Eating

I used to eat eggs everyday for several years. I never had a cholesterol problem either.  However, since I had the VSG, I don't tolerate eggs well. Could just be one of those foods that doesn't agree with you since the surgery. 

I've been robbed! My grandbaby stole my heart!  She just raised her hands and I surrendered.



on 5/9/16 10:14 am
Topic: RE: mom here for support on my daughter's decision to get VSG

My daughter is 35 with PCOS.  She desperately wants to have this surgery.  She is 450 pounds and was in the 300's when she graduated high school.  If we had a way for her to get this surgery, she'd be there in a heart beat.  I had the surgery 4 months ago and she wants to be where I am.  I so desperately want that for her also.  I'd say GO FOR IT.  Bring it on with bells on!  It will dramatically change her (and your) lives. 

I've been robbed! My grandbaby stole my heart!  She just raised her hands and I surrendered.



on 5/6/16 10:31 am
Topic: RE: guilty of sneaky eating(fries, junk)/over eating within 3 weeks? am I dead? stomach's stretched??!!

I think when we feel like we've "stretched our stomach" shortly after surgery, it's just the fact that the swelling from the surgery is going down, so it's easier to fit more food in the stomach. Therefore, it is imperative to stick with the post-op instructions.  You cannot trust your feelings for now, and you've got to get the mind-set of changing your eating habits all together.  It was bad habits that got you to the point of surgery, so it takes time to break those bad habits.  The surgery wasn't magic.  It is a tool and tools have to be used according to instructions.  Follow the instructions, and for those times when you may plateau, (and I think everyone on here pretty much does from time to time), you keep following the instructions and you'll see sudden weight drops later on.  Don't get discouraged by the scale.  Learn to embrace the NSV (Non-scale victories) when the struggle makes you want to stop. 

I've been robbed! My grandbaby stole my heart!  She just raised her hands and I surrendered.



on 4/16/16 9:12 pm
Topic: RE: 54 years old just got sleeved

57 for me.  I've lost nearly 60 pounds since my surgery 4 months ago.  15 pounds a month.  I'm happy about that. 

I've been robbed! My grandbaby stole my heart!  She just raised her hands and I surrendered.



on 4/15/16 5:49 am
Topic: RE: Pressure canning meats- any vets who can field a few questions?

If you'll look in very old cookbooks, like your grandmother would have used, you'll find information on how to do that and lots of other "lost" treasures on food preservation.

I've been robbed! My grandbaby stole my heart!  She just raised her hands and I surrendered.



on 4/13/16 7:47 pm
Topic: RE: Trouble Breathing After Surgery

The doctor came around the next day after my surgery and was ready to discharge me.  He asked if I had been doing a lot of walking. I said I hadn't even been out of my bed yet.  They tried to get me up to walk before I was to be discharged.  As I tried to stand, I couldn't catch my breath and had to lay back down.  One of the nurses, on my second attempt to get up a few hours later, mentioned how my lips were getting their color back, because they had turned blue when I tried to stand.  I don't know what happened, but a few hours later I was able to stand up and walk a little bit. I still don't know how or why that happened. 

I've been robbed! My grandbaby stole my heart!  She just raised her hands and I surrendered.



on 4/12/16 5:48 am
Topic: RE: What the frig!

I had a three-week stall. I kept doing all the right things, but saw no results on the scale. All the sudden, 10 pounds gone,  finally.  When you feel like/think, nothing's going on, something's going on.  Just keep plugging along.  It will drop off, sometimes, suddenly.

I've been robbed! My grandbaby stole my heart!  She just raised her hands and I surrendered.



on 4/2/16 9:16 pm
Topic: RE: Birthday Celebration

I've been robbed! My grandbaby stole my heart!  She just raised her hands and I surrendered.



on 4/2/16 9:12 pm
Topic: RE: Birthday Celebration

Exciting day today. We went to a ship christening, and it happened to be on my birthday.  I thought it was so nice of the navy to put on such a party for my birthday!  Here are some pics of the event.  I actually was able to wear heels and walk around the shipyard for the event, something I couldn't have done with my pre-surgery weight.

I've been robbed! My grandbaby stole my heart!  She just raised her hands and I surrendered.



on 3/20/16 6:14 am
Topic: RE: Please sway me!

I'm three months out (don't let my ticker throw you. It isn't working right), but I'm finally feeling normal and don't think about the little portions much any more.  I started feeling normal (not feeling any effects of surgery) this past month. Things will start feeling normal for you soon after surgery and as the weight comes off, everything equals out. I am finding I am far more active, even in the past month, and I've started going to a gym everyday after work, and before I hit my front door, or I'd never go back out purposefully to exercise. I haven't really missed any foods, but that maybe the matter of choices of surgeries.  I chose to have the VSG rather than RNY because I didn't want to mess up my metabolism and worry about malabsorbtion the rest of my life.  I can live with not being able to overeat the rest of my life, but didn't want to worry about sugar issues along with anything else.  I suppose, if I had been diabetic, my choice might have been different.  I did have reservations for the surgery for years, and even going into the operating room, wanted to jump off the table and run away, afraid of the unknown ahead.  I'm very glad I didn't back out, but I did find my motivator right before going under.  Find your biggest motivating factor (mine was a picture) and keep that in front of your mind everytime you start over thinking this. It will help you get past the doubts and fears. 

I've been robbed! My grandbaby stole my heart!  She just raised her hands and I surrendered.



on 3/18/16 6:05 am
Topic: RE: Disappointed

I was hearing my friends say they lost 20 or 30 pounds the first month and I was so disappointed when I only lost 11 pounds that first month.  Since then, though, I've been losing and average of 1/2 pound a day and I'm three months out now.  I officially weigh weekly, and I'm finding a pattern of, the scale doesn't move one week, then suddenly, the next week, I've dropped 8 pounds.  This has been very consistent for me for the past 6 weeks.  It was very discouraging that first week, but I kept doing what they said to do, then the next week I saw the sudden drop.  It happened again the next two weeks, no loss, then sudden drop, and now a third set of no loss and a drop.  So, I guess this is how its going to work for me, at least for now.  Everyone is so different, so don't get discouraged, but Do keep on doing what you've been told works.  You'll see the results soon enough, but it can be quite discouraging.  I even kept my measurements, didn't see any loss, then suddenly I was down 10 inches on my waist and hips each.  You'll find your pattern and it will not be so down heartening. 

I've been robbed! My grandbaby stole my heart!  She just raised her hands and I surrendered.



on 3/9/16 5:47 am
Topic: RE: HELP!!

No gas pains.  No prolonged, pre-diet.  Just had a clear liquid diet the day before the surgery, to clean everything out.  Everything went fine for the surgery. I over thunk it as well.  Constantly on my mind, before.  Gave me headaches thinking about it.  Finally I decided not to think about it any more and just do it.  Wheeling into the operating room, I still wanted to jump off the gurney, but knew that if I didn't go through with this now, I'd never ever do it and I'd probably never know life as a thin person ever again.  I shut my mind off and just did it.  Absolutely no regrets now.  I'm very glad I did it.  Wish you well, and Quit Thinking!

I've been robbed! My grandbaby stole my heart!  She just raised her hands and I surrendered.



on 3/4/16 1:38 pm
Topic: RE: Update!!

I've had many surgeries, but the bruising from this one was the very worst I have ever had. My whole abdomen was as purple as an eggplant for a few weeks.  It's finally cleared up, but it was evident that the surgeon was pretty rough on the innards. 

I've been robbed! My grandbaby stole my heart!  She just raised her hands and I surrendered.



on 2/26/16 12:06 pm
Topic: RE: weighing, measuring and tracking food

I have an app on my phone that lets me scan the bar code of anything and it gives me all the information I should need per serving.  It's Fat Secret and its very easy to use.

I've been robbed! My grandbaby stole my heart!  She just raised her hands and I surrendered.



on 2/13/16 7:34 am
Topic: RE: Aggravated!

I know its part of the process, but it can be very frustrating and aggravating!  I have ALWAYS been a slow weight-loss loser.  That's why I opted for the surgery.  I don't know why I would have thought that would up the amps.  I've lost about 35 pounds in the nearly two months since my surgery, and I realize that's a good thing, but I see others (even those I work with) losing so much more so much more quickly.  When I was eating only 1200 calories a day, before surgery, I was maintaining my weight and had to get down to 1000 calories a day to lose even one pound a month.  Talk about SLOW metabolism. That's aggravating enough, but I find myself seeming to stall about every 3 weeks.  After that stall, suddenly the pounds drop off and I'll have a 5-8 pound loss all the sudden.  My clothes do tell another story and it's getting ridiculous to try to wear what I was wearing.  I'm having to do a lot of clothes shopping recently. It's all a mind-game I guess, but hard to chase the wagon, when you feel like you've fallen off.  I have no other choice, though. That's why I went for the surgery.  Still glad I did it and no regrets, though. 

I've been robbed! My grandbaby stole my heart!  She just raised her hands and I surrendered.



on 2/13/16 7:19 am
Topic: RE: Vitamin Patch MD

I just ordered them for the first time today. I hate taking so many pills, and I even went to the chewables because I've found that since my Sleeve Surgery, pills tend to hurt my stomach, at least for now, and I'm sure it's still tender.  It hasn't been two months yet for me. I'm looking forward to not having to take a bunch of pills. 

I've been robbed! My grandbaby stole my heart!  She just raised her hands and I surrendered.



on 2/13/16 7:13 am
Topic: RE: 3 1/2 weeks out and pain on left side

I had that as well. I don't know what it was for me, but it went away after a week.  If I were concerned about something being abnormal, though, I would certainly contact my surgeon. However, from what I've seen here, you can expect some pains here and there, and I talk with a nurse/coach regularly who said your stomach will be tender for a while, so its normal to have pains from time to time when you eat.  Probably depends on what you're eating as well. I know some foods make mine hurt more than others. 

I've been robbed! My grandbaby stole my heart!  She just raised her hands and I surrendered.



on 2/1/16 6:36 am
Topic: RE: I can't see it

Likely, when you were struggling with walking, your head was always down and you never looked people in the eyes to allow them to approach you. You're probably walking a lot more erect and able to look people face to face, so that does make you much more approachable. 

Buy yourself one or two outfits at the smaller size, and you'll start seeing yourself smaller. A colleague of mine suggested that to me, because my clothes were starting to fall off, especially if I put my phone or keys in my pants pocket.  When I bought my first pair of pants, two sizes smaller than I was used to, I thought, "You'll never get your butt in that!" But they fit and I do look a lot smaller even to me, as a result. Measuring myself helps to get my head-image in a more favorable state as well.  I look at what I was measuring, to what I am measuring now and am amazed that this weight is falling off like that so quickly, when, for 30 years I struggled to lose a single pound or inch.  I held up my new pants to my former pants and am very pleased with the differences now, and know I will be even more so by the time I reach my goal. 

I've been robbed! My grandbaby stole my heart!  She just raised her hands and I surrendered.



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