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Dr. Guillermo Alvarez
on 10/22/20 7:31 am
Topic: The Truth About Protein and Your Gastric Sleeve Diet

Good Morning!
I wrote this blog post to show you how Protein and your Gastric Sleeve relate to each other.

Read all about it here: out-protein-and-your-gastric-sleeve-diet/

Dr. Alvarez

on 10/21/20 5:49 pm
Topic: RE: Feeling nauseous after taking vitamins?

I'm having the same problem. Even with food

on 10/21/20 4:59 pm
Topic: RE: Wish me luck! Surgery is tomorrow!

Your kindness is appreciated and valued so much, I'm doing well!


on 10/21/20 4:56 pm
Topic: RE: Was VSG the best thing you did for yourself? Any problems?

Cathy H. I can feel your enthusiasm, thank you!


on 10/21/20 4:56 pm
Topic: RE: Was VSG the best thing you did for yourself? Any problems?

Wow JerseyCityGal, this is a ton of good information for someone like me, and so positive and real, thank you. I'm going to log this in my positives file so I can reference it if I'm feeling I need some encouragement. It's too early to tell if I'm a slow or fast loser, but this will help me remember that we're all different and if I follow a good meal plan and exercise plan and don't waver from it, I can succeed. I do have some clothes to get rid of, but I'll get to those in a few weeks.

I think I'll set a goal of saving a new outfit for the holidays and plan for that to be my first of many smaller clothes!

You have really helped and it's a kind thing to do, thank you!


on 10/21/20 11:38 am
Topic: RE: connection between sleeve surgery and motor neuron disease / ALS?

Thank you for your reply! I am hoping for a good outcome for you. Keep us posted.

on 10/21/20 6:31 am
VSG on 01/05/21
Topic: RE: Interstitial cystitis (IC)

Did you have your operation yet? Did it make your ic any better?

on 10/20/20 11:11 am
Topic: RE: connection between sleeve surgery and motor neuron disease / ALS?

I had Gastric Bypass Surgery 1 year ago this past July.. I weighed 340lbs pre surgery.. as of yesterday 10/19/20 I weigh 135..

About a month ago I developed foot drop in my right foot.. I had been kind of wobbly feeling for a good while prior to the foot drop.. and I started falling a lot.. tripping over nothing.. I didn't think too much about this because I was born clumsy.. I also had coordination problems.. again I didn't think too much about this since I have never been coordinated..

But the day the drop foot happened my right leg suddenly felt pretty wobbly.. I got out of my truck to go into the store and about 5 ft later.. I could not take a step and about fell flat on my face.. luckily a lady seen I was having a problem and came to my side and allowed me to steady up.. my husband got out of the truck to help me.. I was in a complete panic.. I could not take a step.. I had on flip flops which made it worse.. I started to cry telling him I can't walk..

After we got home I realized I could not lift my top of my foot.. My leg was numb.. but had been for a while.. like it was asleep.. had been tingly for a long time but it was worse then..

I went to my Dr. a week later because it did not improve and appeared to be getting worse.. I had an ultrasound to rule out a blood clot and x-rays.. everything looks good.. all my labs are great . No deficiencies..

About 2 months later.. today.. I have and appointment with a specialist.. my symptoms have gotten worse and is not in my left foot and leg.. I am not able to drive..

I'm on my way now to my Dr.. I will update after my appointment..

Dr. Guillermo Alvarez
on 10/20/20 7:22 am
Topic: Changing Your Environment After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Good Morning!

I wrote this blog post to help out anyone who already had their Gastric Sleeve Surgery and wants to change their surroundings afterward, in order to get better results.

Read all about it here: r-environment-after-gastric-sleeve-surgery/


Dr. Alvarez

on 10/19/20 9:04 pm
Topic: RE: connection between sleeve surgery and motor neuron disease / ALS?

Like I have already stated twice, I understand this is a shot in the dark. I also know that when you alter a major body part, it could have some unexpected repercussions. 80 percent of the stomach is cut out, so I would argue that in some people malabsorption could be a possibility. I completely understand that is is VERY unlikely that my brother's ALS is caused from the sleeve surgery, but he's can't get much worse than that, so what's the harm in investigating all leads?

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