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Dr. Guillermo Alvarez
on 3/16/21 7:42 am
Topic: Surgery and Smoking | Gastric Sleeve Surgery | Questions and Answers

Good morning!
I wrote this blog post for people who would like to know how smoking affects their Gastric Sleeve Surgery.

Check it out here:

Dr. Alvarez

Caroline M.
on 3/16/21 2:52 am
VSG on 03/18/20
Topic: RE: The Dangers of Comparing Yourself to Other Gastric Sleeve Surgery Patients

Thank you, a good read and quite a timely and relevant blog.

Dr. Guillermo Alvarez
on 3/11/21 7:39 am
Topic: The Dangers of Comparing Yourself to Other Gastric Sleeve Surgery Patients

Good morning!

I wrote this blog post to help out anyone that can't stop comparing their weight loss journey to others.

Check it out here: of-comparing-yourself-to-other-gastric-sleeve-surgery-patien ts/


Dr. Alvarez

on 3/10/21 1:52 pm
Topic: RE: MFP food diary calories VSG

I have started a low calorie diet recently and I'm keeping track in a journal. I hope I'll be able to scale down faster by keeping an account of all calories on a daily basis.

(deactivated member)
on 3/8/21 5:21 pm
Topic: RE: Dry Lips

Hello, if you're still alive after those years, do you still have dry lips and if no, do you know what the cause was?

on 3/7/21 9:59 am
VSG on 01/01/16
Topic: RE: Cardiopexy with Ligamentum Teres to help post-op hiatal hernia and GERD

Here is a video I found of a surgeon performing the procedure if anyone wants to see it :

I desperately want to avoid getting an RNY (if I could go back in time, I never would have had bariatric surgery at all to avoid the risk of ending up with an RNY), so I am hoping that this is actually a viable option.

on 3/7/21 9:30 am
VSG on 01/01/16
Topic: Cardiopexy with Ligamentum Teres to help post-op hiatal hernia and GERD

I just recently found out that there is a surgical procedure that might be helpful for those of us who have a hiatal hernia and GERD after the sleeve to repair the problem without having to convert to an RNY. It is called "Cardiopexy with Ligamentum Teres" (basically they wrap part of a ligament from your liver around the esophagus to reinforce the lower esophageal sphincter)
Here is a recent article that discusses this technique if any of you want to show it to your doctor and get their thoughts.

Have any of you had this done, or at least been able to talk to your surgeon about it? It seems like this is not yet being done widely, so I would welcome any info any of you have about it. Thanks!

on 3/3/21 8:16 pm
VSG on 01/01/16
Topic: RE: 2nd Hiatal Hernia Repair... Gastro or Bariatric Surgeon ?

Hi. I know this is an old post, but if you are still here: can I ask, what did you end up deciding to do about your hiatal hernia? I am a post-VSG patient who now has a hiatal hernia and I am trying to find out as much as I can about what my options are. I am like you in that I am worried I will be told that I need to do yet another bariatric surgery to fix this. That really is not what I want, so I want to know if it is possible to fix this without resorting to that.

on 3/3/21 8:15 pm
VSG on 01/01/16
Topic: RE: 2nd Hiatal Hernia Repair... Gastro or Bariatric Surgeon ?

Hi. If you are still reading this forum, do you mind if I ask how you are doing since you had your 2nd hiatal hernia repair? I am probably going to end up needing a hiatal hernia repair myself and it seems really hard to find people who have had hiatal hernia repairs after they had the VSG. It seems like there are a ton of people who have it repaired at the time of the initial surgery but little info on what outcomes are for those who develop them later on.

on 3/3/21 8:07 pm
VSG on 01/01/16
Topic: RE: Why did you chose he VSG surgery and are you glad you did?

Right now, I hate to say it, but I regret my VSG.
I had my VSG back in 2016 and I am now dealing with some unpleasant symptoms that seem to be from a hiatal hernia. I am still waiting to find out what my surgeon will say about how to deal with this, but I am very worried that I might end up being told that the only way to fix this is to switch to an RNY (based on some of the initial research I've done indicating that is frequently what surgeons will tell people in this situation).

That is the main issue I have with the VSG - that some of the complications you may have from it (the other big one being intractable GERD) could end up forcing you to get an RNY to fix the problem. For me, ending up with an RNY that I never wanted would be worse than never having bariatric surgery at all. If you go into knowing you might need to switch to an RNY later and you are okay with that, then great! However, for me, the fear of having poor quality of life from an RNY complication is much worse than just staying fat. I would rather just have my old stomach back.

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