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Good Morning!
I made this video for those of you that have problems with constipation.
Check it out here:
Dr. Alvarez
Thank you! And congratulations to you! I need to get motivated again! I am slowing cutting alcohol back and soon out. I need to get my arse moving but... not there yet.
Giving up alcohol completely (I, too, drank wine) helped me lose around 60lbs of regain. It's shocking how many calories are in alcohol and the accompanying snacking.
It took me around 9 months to lose that, so it's not easy or quick. There is a daily menu thread on the RNY board, that is surgery inclusive, if you want accountability or something like Weigh****chers might help
Good luck
Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist
Good Morning!
I made this video for those of you that might have questions about MRI Scans regarding the Gastric Sleeve Surgery.
Check it out here:
Dr. Alvarez
Some may say I took the easy way out! If so, this was my easy journey! Honestly is key and obesity is real! It wasn?t a free lifetime pass to eating! :/ P.S. I had tried everything under the sun. I was on WW since 17 losing the same 20lbs. I turned 37 and was approved for surgery. I had ballooned to 330 from years of yo-yo dieting. I chose me.
13 years ago today, marks the birthday of my new tool! Many state, the easy way out to weight loss, Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy! I know, RIGHT! It was a dream, the 160 pounds just fell off kinda. Little do people know, the Halifax surgeon Dr. Klassen closed me up with a leaking body part that led to a stomach cavity full of sepsis! And left the local valley doctors to figure it out. While I suffered 4 months waiting for an answer of death! Multiple visits to Dr. Bustin and the outpatients. Finally, Dr. Goddard Jr. ran the right test! Well, he sent me off to Dr. Klassen and Dr. Ellsworth in Halifax that made the mess. 3 month hospital stay, 5 surgeries later and a wound vac and JP drain! There were days I felt like just falling asleep for GOOD! But, there were a few amazing nurses! Kim, my living angel... A RN that took me under her wing and advocated when no one else was there at the hospital! I got to go home at Christmas.. With the care from Dr. Bustin and the AWESOME care from VON.. In March, they took the JP drain out. Well, he tried without taking the suction off. Than realized his mistake! Came out much smoother after that. Just like pulling raw chicken apart! The following week we moved to Calgary without any medical care. A few visits to the Urgent Care here and finding a family doctor. After a few months, they agreed the leak was healed. It was now time to get the GERD healed! And start feeling like human. 13 years later, it is still a fight with the GERD, but, managed with medication. Yes, I will always have to watch the calories/SP that go in! And yes it should be protein first. But, we all make the wrong decisions with feeding ourselves. Depends the season we are fighting. Cheers to the fight against obesity! Would I do it again! Sure, without complications! ??
#vsgcanada #vsgcommunity
Leaky sleeve survivor!!! 2008/2009 ~ 5'7"~ 42F Bougie
Hello all,
Its been a long time since I have been here, but I am slipping and can use help. I have fallen into a major depression due to our current issue and family stuff. i am on depression meds now, and they are helping a bit. I am gaining weight and still fit into my clothes...but barely! I am so scared. I never want to be the old person I was and I could use some pointers on how to jump start weight loss again.
Here is how I screwed up and know I need to fix....its obvious, but I could use other tips and tricks please. I began drinking alcohol, but now switched to light wine....working on stop drinking all together, been hard. I have not exercised in a long time. I do eat healthy for the most part, the part I am struggling with is getting off my rump and exercise. I am tired and stressed out. My hair has been coming out due to stress and it became so thin I cut it to chin length just to give it more body. Please share your experiences with me - I would appreciate it!
Good Morning!
I made this video for those of you that have Sleep Apnea, check it out here:
Dr. Alvarez
Laying in bed at the Endohospital in mexico. Everything went exceptionally well. From start till present everything has been first class. I have gas pain my neck and shoulders but it's not too bad. I have seen Dr. Alvarez 3 times today and the nursing staff has been by about 10 times, I called them about three times. Everytime I called they were here in about 10 seconds. The care has been fantastic! My wife and I have been impressed with how everything has run. I would definitely recommend Dr. Alvarez and Endobariatrics! I'll answer any questions or concerns you may have.
I will definitely check it out! Thank you for letting me know!
the RNY menu group is the most active thread on here these days. There are VSG people on there - (esp now since the VSG menu thread seems to have died) - we're not picky - we welcome all!