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on 8/22/19 1:58 pm
Nearly 100% of my water has tea in it. Black tea of all varieties. oolong, lapsang souchon, blends like English Breakfast, Assam, Darjeeling. You name it, if it's a black tea that doesn't taste like fruit, I drink it.
Also, try these:
That's an assortment of orange, lemon, and lime flavor crystals. I just dump one into my water bottle (tea or no tea). No sugar, no chemicals. Just crystalized orange or lemon or lime.
I drink Bubly and Arrowhead Black Cherry or Lime sparkling water occasionally.
What other liquids are you drinking besides water? Need some zero cal ideas for liquids. I have a major problem with drinking my calories.
I was referred to Dr. O'Conell by my doctor and it is so hard to get in touch with their office I have left voicemails and tried countless of time to call them. I will keep trying I want give up
Hi PrettyVee can you tell me the name of your doctor that done your surgery in Covington and do they accept the medical card.
Does your potassium drink have a nutrition label? Even when we take medicine there can be side effects. In your case, maybe there are a lot of calories or high sugar content in the potassium drink. Calories from liquids can be just as high as calories from solids.
Thanks wombat! I feel like this is going to be a good place for support and advice!
Thanks for the words of encouragement. No weight requirement other than I can't be any heavier on the last 6 month nutritionist appt than I was at the first one. But they do like to see effort towards the goals. My next one is at 9am tomorrow, my 3rd, so it's flying by. I think I'll be down a few from last month.
It's really good you have a support buddy that has already had the surgery in real life and is already doing it. I remember when I was just starting out. I needed the 6 nutrition appointments as well spaced 1 month apart. Seems like a long time but it comes so fast. Not sure if you have a weight requirement or not. My insurance didn't require it, but my WLS program had a policy of if you have a net weight gain one month they put you on notice and if you have it for 2 months they kick you out of the program. When I did everything they told me to do I looked forward to the's such a good feeling to get weighed in and being significantly less weight than last months appointment. There was a month or 2 I slacked and i dreaded those appointments.. luckily I made my weight the months I slacked but barely. Anyways good luck with everything look forward to all the exciting times ahead.

Day of Surgery-347
Welcome to the forum! It can be very discouraging when friends and family don't understand why you want to have surgery. They see shows like "The Biggest Loser" where people lose a lot of weight, and wonder why you can't just diet and exercise your way out of this. What they don't see is that almost all of those people regain the weight. Or they've heard some horror story on the news about someone who died after the surgery, and they don't know that the surgery is extremely safe as long as you have an experienced surgeon. It should get easier once people see how successful you are, and how much better you feel after losing a bit of weight. I was surprised at how much of a difference just the first 10 pounds made to how I felt.
Hearing from others who've had the surgery, on forums like this one, can help a lot to counteract the bad vibes you're getting from others. Remember that your friends and family haven't spend the months or years that you've spent thinking about your weight and exploring your options. You are better informed than they are.
Hi Janet, I'm wombat. Welcome to the forum.
When I started the process, I didn't have high hopes that WLS would work for me. I was burnt out by all the failed dieting over the years. But here I am a year on, and I've surpassed my surgeon's expectations, I'm still losing weight, and I don't feel deprived. So if you also have a nagging voice at the back of your head telling you that you'll fail at this, tell it wombat said to shut up!
Going through all the hoops prior to surgery can be a bit frustrating. I used that time to identify my triggers for eating, and to come up with ideas for dealing with stress, boredom, etc. that don't involve food. I also remind myself to pay attention to other senses besides taste. So if I'm stressed out, I might drink a cup of my favourite herbal tea. Or I might pet my cats, paying attention to their soft fur. Or I might take a hot shower and put on a lightly scented massage oil, enjoying the scent and the feeling of my soft skin. Having a plan in place really helped me after surgery.