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I am so sorry you are going through a heart condition. I hope things improve for you soon.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
on 8/24/19 4:26 pm
Yea, it's definitely been a rough road! But I'm here and I'm stronger for it!! Thank you for your kind words!
I'd advise U to be careful of unsweetened water additives ( like at Wal mart ) Aspartame makes a lot of post ops heart race for some reason ....
now I buy a lot of fruit flavored seltzer n jes lime juice 2 flavor my water
I am about 8 years out. I had Gerd before due to a hiatel hernia. Sleeve fully resolved it, at first. A few years into it the hiatel hernia came back with a vengence. Had that repaired with a surgeon warning it could not be repaired again. It seems to be back and if it gets unmanageable then likely a revision to help alleivate the heartburn. Weight gain was at goal up until just a few months ago. Once a heart condition settled in I find I am gaining like mad.

Surgeon: Chengelis Surgery on 12/19/2011 A little less carb eating compared to my weight loss phase loose sleever here!
1Mo: -21 2Mo: -16 3Mo: -12 4MO - 13 5MO: -11 6MO: -10 7MO: -10.3 8MO: -6 Goal in 8 months 4 days!! 6' 2'' EWL 103% Starting size 28 or 4x (tight) now size 12 or large, shoe size 12 w to 10.5 150+ pounds lost
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There are many people who get revisions. There are many people who need revisions, due to GERD and to not enough weight loss, who cannot afford to do it. Malabsorption from RNY is a temporary gift. It is the magic thing that makes weight fall off quickly, but it soon wears off.
Many insurances will only pay for one weight loss surgery per lifetime. If you get VSG and have unbearable GERD, you might have to pay for your own RNY.
There are also those who have VSG, lose all of the excess weight, and never have a problem of any kind.
Nobody can tell you which group you will fall into.
When I had RNY, the choice was RNY or lap band. My surgeon highly recommended RNY, but told me that I could "try" the lap band and get RNY if it did not work out. A few years later, when he was doing VSG, he told me that he thought I might have done fine with VSG.
I have not been sorry I went with RNY.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
on 8/24/19 2:39 pm
on 8/24/19 2:33 pm
Hello Jennifer!
Wow you've certainly been through a lot but it sounds like you've got the right attitude and strength to do this so congratulations!
I had my surgery 5 months ago and haven't looked back in fact I wish I had done it sooner (I'm 55)!
Best wishes to you in your journey.
Where and through what agency are you certified as a nutritionist?
on 8/24/19 2:21 pm
I was scheduled for RNY however ended up with VSG due to excessive scarring from previous abdominal surgeries. I'm only 5 months out and have no issues thank goodness. I'm not sure that I would have a revision option anyway.
Good luck!
I had GERD prior to my VSG. I was on a PPI for 10 years. Dr's found a large sliding hiatal hernia on CT scan prior to surgery. I knew it was a risk to have the VSG but I wanted to avoid the malabsorption component of RNY if possible, due to medication that i must take forever. Had VSG, surgeon fixed the hernia during the surgery. Knock on wood finger crossed. No GERD so far, has been 2 years. Off PPIs for 18 months now.