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I haven't had a soda for 3 years. I simply carry a 64oz jug of ice water around with me all day. sip on it all day.

Trying to lose weight and change my lifestyle! My main goal is 220.
Here are a few little things that I was mildly curious about after my VSG. Not worried, just curious, and there were lots of other things to focus on, so I never got around to posting a question about any of them. But now that I know the answers (or at least my answer), I thought I'd post the information in case anyone else is curious.
How long will I feel aware of my new stomach? Before I started researching WLS, I didn't really know where the stomach was located. Like a lot of people, I assumed it was roughly behind my navel, because that's where I felt hunger pangs. After surgery, I could feel exactly where my stomach was! It didn't hurt (except maybe for a few hours right after surgery), but I was always aware of it. I was curious how long that would last. For me, I think it was about six months. I'm no longer aware of my stomach, and when I do feel hunger pangs, the sensation is back behind my navel, like it used to be.
What is vomiting like after VSG? I'm not talking about right after surgery, but after the stomach is completely healed. I was really curious about this one, but was reluctant to ask on the forum because it's kind of gross. Well, a few months ago I got 1) a really bad stomach bug, and 2) the answer to my question. Vomiting felt basically like it did before surgery, but the quantity was less.
When I have to pee, I need to go now. How long will this last? Right after surgery, I always kept track of where the nearest bathroom was because my bladder suddenly had just two settings: fine, or OMGneedtopeenowwillimakeittothetoiletintime. I don't know why that was. Sure, I was drinking a lot of water, but I'm drinking even more now. Did anyone else experience this? It lasted about two months for me, but then I was back to normal.
I had an xray with berium contrast and egd and a devise i had installed through my nose to record the acid level s for a few days. Almost every kind of pills for reflux tums peptobismal and just about everything you name it and nothing helped. I still have the issue but I don't even realize anymore

Elia Maria Saenz
Shortness of breath and being awoken by pain is unusual after VSG. I'd give your surgeon a call. I wouldn't expect you to have much residual air inside you this far out. Maybe it's nothing, but I'd want to be sure.
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I had surgery in 2010 and did not drink prior to surgery, but after I lost weight I would drink from time to time and it gradually became a habit to do when we went out to eat or had get together events. Over time, my weight started to creep back up and I realize that the alcohol was the main reason. In my opinion, steer clear of it. We are very susceptible to trans addiction after surgery that it can become a major problem for us. I am dealing with regain at this time and I wish I had never given in to the need to have a glass of wine, which turned into the need for more and more.
My suggestion, don't drink your calories EVER!
Been having the same problem!! To the OP:
Calm down and breathe. A lot of people have regrets after surgery because the beginning seems tough. And it is. But if you hold the course, and follow your surgeon's plan, you'll be fine. I don't know what you've been reading, but nobody I know can only eat 2 or 3 teaspoons. You would die if that is all you could eat. At the end of my "healing phases" at 9 weeks post-op, I was eating 1/4-1/3 cup. As you heal and the swelling goes down, you will be able to eat more. Everyone is different but I was told my new sleeve would hold 8 oz by weight (not a cup measure, that's volume not weight). At about 18 months post-op I was eating 3-4 oz of protein, and another 2 or 3 ounces of veggies or whatever, depended on the day. Now, at 3 years out, I can eat 8 oz at the most, but stay in the 6-8 oz range. I can eat half an 8 oz steak and a serving of broccoli when I'm out, and that's plenty. Not 2 or 3 teaspoons.
Personally, I don't go for the low fat stuff. I did or the first 4 months, following my plan to the T. But at 4.5 months I switched to the Ketogenic way of eating and I am still Keto today. I DO NOT RECOMMEND IT for right after surgery, you can't eat enough to do it properly. But by 4 months out I was able to eat about 4-5 oz at a time.
The thing to remember is protein first, then good simple low carbs. And DRINK DRINK DRINK!
What steps have you taken to diagnose and treat the GERD, particularly things that would be documented to the insurance company (prescription meds, tests - EGD, upper GI, etc.)? I can see them denying surgery if this is the first that they have heard of the problem. They often have some kind of stepped therapy they require first to verify that simpler, cheaper treatments aren't effective before jumping into surgery. They often do the same thing with drugs, covering basic generics in favor of more expensive name brands and newer on patent meds unless it is demonstrated that the cheaper drugs don't work.
I would certainly exhaust the simpler treatments first as well, as the bypass is no guarantee of being GERD-free (as HALA and others will attest); it merely doesn't have the predisposition towards it that the sleeve has (it has its' own predispositions that aren't any fun, and it's much harder to revise should one run into one of those problems.) I have minor GERD that is well controlled with basic OTC meds, and is improving (moving to lesser drugs - H2I vs PPI) with minor diet/life tweaks.
By your BMI and comorbidities, you do normally qualify for revisional WLS on weight alone, assuming that the insurance company doesn't have on of those "one WLS per lifetime" limitations - that makes it harder but not impossible to get what you need. But if the GERD is documented as severe enough, that should do it, though it may take some appeals to get it.
1st support group/seminar - 8/03 (has it been that long?)
Wife's DS - 5/05 w Dr. Robert Rabkin VSG on 5/9/11 by Dr. John Rabkin
I also use Dexilant 30 mg and occasional zantac and tums when needed. It controls the Gerd for the most part. I thought if you had RNY you would not have Gerd, so sorry.
I am scheduled for VSG in late October. How painful was the surgery and how long did it take your stomach to heal? Any unwanted after-effects? I'm both scared and excited.