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Arlenello, I understand your concerns and stress. I am almost four months out and doing great. I say that not to brag, but to give you hope. The first six weeks are rough. I focused on my protein shakes and water cuz I didn't like the sugar free stuff. As for the sugar free stuff, You are right, it is not good for you. What really helped me was to constantly remind myself that this part would be over soon and then I can eat real food again. The fatigue/lack of energy was harder for me. That ended around week six or seven. As far as quantity, as the others have said, you will gradually be able to eat more. I started with around 2 ounces of meat and now can eat about 4. Hang in there, it gets better and it is worth it. I feel so much better (down 65lbs). I can breathe and move sooooo much better. Think about the therapy. It does help. Good luck and God bless.
I ended up being rushed to ER last night. Turns out. Pulmonary embolism.
I also thought my stomach was farther down before VSG, but that is not the case anymore. It reminds me every time I eat exactly where it is !
on 9/5/19 8:32 pm
Definitely call your surgeon to ask about the pain. That doesn't sound normal to me.
If you haven't had a bowel movement yet, you might want to try a stool softened (Colace) or some Miralax to get things moving.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
Thank you so much to all of you for responding. You are all right about "just relax and enjoy these moments and prepare for the lofe change". I guess my hangriness got the best of me these last few days. I will keep you all posted. Its a blessing to have others to talk to that understand this process. Hugs!!
Calm down and breathe. A lot of people have regrets after surgery because the beginning seems tough. And it is. But if you hold the course, and follow your surgeon's plan, you'll be fine. I don't know what you've been reading, but nobody I know can only eat 2 or 3 teaspoons. You would die if that is all you could eat. At the end of my "healing phases" at 9 weeks post-op, I was eating 1/4-1/3 cup. As you heal and the swelling goes down, you will be able to eat more. Everyone is different but I was told my new sleeve would hold 8 oz by weight (not a cup measure, that's volume not weight). At about 18 months post-op I was eating 3-4 oz of protein, and another 2 or 3 ounces of veggies or whatever, depended on the day. Now, at 3 years out, I can eat 8 oz at the most, but stay in the 6-8 oz range. I can eat half an 8 oz steak and a serving of broccoli when I'm out, and that's plenty. Not 2 or 3 teaspoons.
Personally, I don't go for the low fat stuff. I did or the first 4 months, following my plan to the T. But at 4.5 months I switched to the Ketogenic way of eating and I am still Keto today. I DO NOT RECOMMEND IT for right after surgery, you can't eat enough to do it properly. But by 4 months out I was able to eat about 4-5 oz at a time.
The thing to remember is protein first, then good simple low carbs. And DRINK DRINK DRINK!