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Welcome Bluesky! Yes, you will be able to take supplements after VSG; in fact you are supposed to take supplements because your caloric intake will be low. You might have to wait a week or so depending on the size of the pills.
Also, you will probably find that your tastes change after surgery, and you want more nutritious food.
I got the most helpful information from YouTube videos made by people who had undergone WLS. Especially when someone was several years post-op, and I could see the ups and downs they went through from the day they had the surgery through to the present day. Gave me a good perspective on the whole process. Videos by Dr. Vuong and Dr. Weiner were also helpful, as was the BBC series Fat Doctor, and the New Zealand series The Big Ward (both of which which treated patients with much more respect than My 600 lb Life).
I joined this forum prior to surgery, and visited it every day, but I didn't often questions on here because I saw too many posts getting harsh responses. Yes, people need to hear the truth. But it also helps to remember that people who are about to have, or have recently had, WLS, all have a voice in their heads saying "you will fail at this just like you've failed at every other attempt to lose weight". I personally think it's better to offer support along with the truth, to counteract that voice of doom. So as I gained a bit of experience and felt I had information to share, I decided to do my part to make the forum a bit friendlier.
Another issue is that I'm very much in the minority here because I'm not a meat eater and I'm not following a low carb diet. So a lot of the diet advice on here isn't applicable to me. But there are vegan and vegetarian YouTubers that I have learned a lot from. Recently I discovered a dietitian called Abbey Sharp on You Tube who's neither a WLSer nor vegan, but she's vegan friendly and offers a lot of great tips. And of course my own dietitian is vegan friendly and very helpful and supportive. So if I do spot a vegetarian or vegan on the forum, I make a point to reach out to them.
I have certainly found helpful advice on here, though! Probably the most helpful aspect is that it is a constant reminder that others are going through, or have gone through, the same things I am. I'm certainly not trying to put this forum down, just to answer the question honestly.
Trust me the Reflux can get very worse. I had very mild reflux prior to my VSG. About 6 months after my VSG surgery the reflux worsened. My throat hurt all the time and my esophagus was so swollen from the irritation that eating was almost painful. I was on two very strong acid reflux meds a day, along with Carafate liquid ( 6 times a day) to coat the esophagus, eating tums like candy and having to keep to a very bland diet. Nothing worked. I had to sleep elevated in bed or in a recliner because laying flat would cause the acid to sit in my throat and make me cough all night. I can not express how miserable the reflux made me feel and my only option was to have revision to the full bypass.
I highly suggest you rethink the sleeve. The likelihood of having to have a second surgery is high due to the reflux.
I just joined this forum as Im thinking about having weightloss surgery.
I take a lot of natural supplements for my health because Im a picky eater who doesnt eat enough nutritious food and I would like to know if I will be able to continue taking supplements after a vsg surgery?
can anybody help answer this question for me?
thank you
Is the development of esophagitis related to having had bariatric surgery? I am still contemplating surgery for my weight.
Thank you for responding, I really think I am addicted. So last week I made up my mind not to buy anymore, so I have been without them for a week now. I was eating 3-4 a day, it was so convenient and crazy, I loved them, but no more for me. Thank you so much.
Stay away from those protein bars and if you are going to eat them I would not eat more then 2 per week. They can be quite addictive and sabotage your weight loss.
I had the slightest version of Gerd. I was at the very beginning stages of it, but my Gerd was due to a hiatal hernia the was fixed at surgery. So far I'm ok, but I think it's a crapshoot as to who will get Gerd.
Since you already have what sounds like a pretty bad version of it, you really shouldn't get the vsg. Try not to think of it as it's only Gerd & you'll take a prescription for it. It can get worse, even with scripts & your throat can get damaged in the meantime, not to mention the dependence on drugs for life.
I'd also question the Drs who want to go ahead with the vsg, knowing that you have Gerd, it sounds a bit negligent on their part. Make sure you have quite a bit of money set aside, in case you have to do a revision.

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel
So far the most helpful post-op support has been this site. But frankly you have to do a little soul searching as to what post-op support you need. Some people come onto this site thinking they want support, but they'll only take the kind of support that is conditional.
For me, even years later, I'll come onto this site either seeking or to give support & I have not been disappointed.

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel