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on 11/8/19 8:10 pm
You are very fortunate. I don't think one person still works there from when I had my surgery besides the actual surgeons. Not even the receptionist is the same and they are the only bariatric surgeon around so they pretty much hold the monopoly. They are known for great surgical skill and poor everything else ð??'
I have seen my surgeon every year since 2007. I also have the same nutritionist and know many of the staff members quite well. They have tried to give me an appointment with other doctors, but I always see the same one.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
on 11/8/19 7:26 pm
I was not excited before my surgery and almost cancelled the morning of.
I'm so glad I didn't! It's a journey for sure and the first few weeks are rough, but pretty soon, you'll forget you even had it.
Best of luck to you! I hope it becomes one of the best things you've ever done ?
on 11/8/19 7:14 pm
Hi Fellow VSG'ers!
I just recently passed my 5 year surgiversary. I started at 205 and currently weigh 89. I know that's too low, but it's been a very stressful year.
Question for those of you who are out a few years. Do you still go to your annual follow up with your surgeon? If so, how do they act? I never see the actual surgeon and their office has become a revolving door of PA's.
At this last appointment, without even looking up from my chart a PA I've never met said, "well, you've lost 148%of your excess weight so I guess you're doing ok."
Basically said here's your bloodwork for next year and if you have any health issues in between now and then, call your primary doctor.
I don't think she ever even looked at my face! I was back in my car within 8 minutes. I get such a weird vibe, like they are annoyed that I haven't gained. They certainly aren't congratulatory or happy.
Am I the only one that has a dr's office full of ********

I had mixed feelings before surgery too. In my case, I think it was because part of me was sure I would fail at this like I've failed at so many diets over the years.
As it got closer to the day, I felt more excited about it. And I am so glad I did it. I surpassed my expectations and my surgeon's expectations, and I'm still losing weight.
A last bit of advice for you: don't bother buying or meal-prepping a bunch of foods for after surgery, especially protein shakes. Most people find that their tastes change, and the protein shake that tasted so good pre-op tastes yucky post-op.
One thing that will come in handy, not just right after surgery but for the long run, is a few small plates (about the size of a saucer for a teacup).
Its December 10.... Ups and downs. Not terribly excited however ... Anyone else have this same feeling?
My hair is a naughty one case too but I'm not comfortable with anything on my hair, creams or oils. Can do nothing with a terrible feeling when all this stuff is on my head. Though I've stumbled up with this review and for now it looks quiet invigorating. Tourmaline-infused irons caught my eye.
You started the post saying you had GERD. An endoscopy wont show if you have it, or not. It can only show if you have damage from it.
6'3" tall, male.
Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.
M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.
Hi, just found out my endoscopy is normal with no GERD so I am hoping to get the gastric sleeve instead of the bypass surgery. I hope the doctor will agree.
I'm glad they were able to help you out! Hopefully the same happens for me!