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Well Monday was the Day 1 of my 4th week. First time since my surgery i woke up and weighed the exact same as i did the day before * i know weighing daily isn't recommended* 353.8 2 days in a row yesterday i went up .8 lbs and today i was back to 353.8. ad to see them the same multiple days but it is what it is i haven't gained so i'm happy with that and after reading a lot on here this stall seems to be normal.
I am still having problems getting my shakes down. I have tried different things to alter the flavor some. Fruit, yogurt, milk, hell i have even tried putting a little sugar free koolaid mix into my strawberry shake to just get past the flavor. but even doing 3 oz or so I still can not get it all down. I will figure it out. Just frustrating.
I am taking my multi vitamin consistently, and i think that's helping me not feel like i'm dying haha. But i do miss a vitamin here or there. thank fully i just have to take 1 multi chew-able 4x a day to get full effect instead of a massive list of 5-7 vitamins thru out the day
I have found that i can make a can of tomato soup with 1% milk and about 70 grams worth of protein from my powder and can have that for about 5-6 meals. sprinkle in a little shredded cheese and as long as the cheese melts it sits well. if it doesn't melt fully i end up spitting the cheese out as im eating my soup cuz it upsets the insides after about 3 drinks.
I am trying to cool it on adding new things. My NUT said that small bits of pickles should be ok as long as its peeled. Tried that and the juice is fine the pickle didn't sit well. BUT I realized i haven't mentioned in previous posts. I don't have molars in the back of my mouth so chewing chewing chewing isn't as fully effective for me. i do it chewed that half a pickle slice for about 5 min but still wasn't "liquidy"
Other things i have tried from my surgeons paperwork is Watermelon smashed with greek yogurt Zero and i added protein powder. That wasn't very successful. Might have been a bit better if i drank/drained the juice first but the yogurt got all watery and the consistentsy was hard to get down as well kinda similar to the shakes
Almost all the propel drinks I was getting by with after surgery are not tasting so well anymore possibly due to over consumption. I am not sure. Water still makes me nauseous but im still getting it down. Thankfully. Though I think i fell short the last couple days as my urine this morning was darker then it has been for a few weeks so i gotta buckle down.
Um what else. The Pain in my guts has died down alot. Still there but nothing like it was last time i posted. So that is good. Doctors office just said to keep an eye on it if it starts bruising different or gets unbearable i was to go to the ER but that was it. So that's a plus. Sadly though the last 2 days i have had some hellacious pain in my right Heal. Not sure exactly how to explain it but It kinda feels like the tendon that goes right behind the ankle looking at pictures on line it seems to be a little lower then the akelies tendon but close to that area Hurts like a son of a ... whenever i put pressure on the foot or if i try to move my foot to where my toes are pointing up if im lying down got an Apt with my PCP on Monday so i hope she can see something and at my surgeons office on wens day. Either way i hope one of them could maybe explain. Maybe its a vitamin deficiency due to me not eating as well. Maybe Dehydration? would think that would affect more then just that one spot. But i dunno. But due to that i have only gone on 1 small walk the last 3 days witch isnt helping anything. I have been pacing around the house alot though to try and stretch the ankle. Not sure if it is helping or making it worse. I dunno.
I have been trying to think of other things that i can do to get more nutrients in. I can have about 2 raspberries when i want something sweet to snack on. I try to filter the seeds with my teeth best i can. But doesn't work well haha. Usually de-seed a strawberry or 2 the best i can with a butter knife. Not sure if it matters or helps but mentally it feels better not having the rough seeds right now. I dunno
Mentally trying to prepare my self for Thanksgiving this year. Being only 1 month post op I was told i can have LITTLE bit of mushy stuff. But Just trying to brace my self for my first real MAJOR test of self control/willpower.
This was just originally supposed to be a small post with little update on what was going on... BUT i have a bad habit of rambling So i guess I hope you all wanted a story. I know alot of it is scatter brained and probably not very consistent, all over the place. But yea.
TLDR Stomach pain lessened YaY. Ankle pain really high. Shakes still not going down well. Searching for ways to get food. Water intake veries. And thank you to everyone here that i have spoke to and all the stories/ posts i have read it has really helped me out!
PS ~ How do you guys get those cool little goal signatures?
Congrats! So glad to see the success! Keep up the good work. I cant wait till i can say all of the same things you have accomplished! Hell i haven't been on a plain since i gained the last 200lbs! As you learn more about your body and what works for you as time goes on things will cont to get better and easier! or so im told only 4 weeks out so far! GL and God speed for the rest of your adventures!
Thank you all so much for the replies. I am going to have to not have surgery as it is far beyond my financial means.
I wish you all the best!!
I'm so glad things are going well for you. I remember that you had a difficult time emotionally at first, but it sounds like you have made a ton of progress. Congratulations!
I've been looking at that option too. I found out that it is much more than I was originally told also, so I'm now really not sure.
I hope you are doing well on your journey and are able to get off your medication too~!!
My insurance refused any part of the bariatric needs--labs, diagnostics, surgeon, hospital, etc--so I opted to withdraw from 401k. It's ~$16,000 here in Texas, so I had to take out closer to $20,000 to cover taxes/etc. Yes, I will take a huge hit on my future retirement funds as well as the $20k, but I can't base every decision on financial gains later. I am at the end of the line with T2DM medications and am terrified of further complications as I've lost feeling in my toes and seriously injured myself over the summer without even realizing I was wounded. So, I'm taking it on the chin, in the wallet and on my ego for not having saved. I could have bought a beater car and saved that car payment for this, but I have a 90 mile daily commute. I could have chosen another job, for half the pay, but that doesn't serve the long run game either. Nobody understands the complexities of our situations better than ourselves. I've been looking at this since 2001, but insurance never covered. So I'd diet, exercise, lose 60-90 lbs, gain it all back...lather, rinse, repeat. I'm tired of duct tape and ready and positioned for a real, statistically successful solution with the understanding that this is going to be my tool to jump start my new life. I wish you the best!
That stinks but so many changes happening. I haven't had my surgery but it seems like I am losing 5-6 lbs in a day and then stall for a week then lose. It's just a pattern. Good luck!
Wow! So exciting! I will be following Jan 8th! I am so excited and getting ready! I have been eating really little trying to get ready for my liquid diet phase! So far I have lost 23lbs since starting. Just ready to keep it rolling and be on the other side of the surgery! Good luck!
on 11/21/19 12:28 pm
I made it to the one year mark. It's been a slow slog with mostly steady progress. I've learned a lot about myself. I've learned to enjoy physical activity for the first time in my entire life; only swimming though, I still don't run or walk or lift weights or sweat.
Non-scale victories have been plentiful.
No more CPAP machine
No more low back pain
Smaller clothes sizes (20 - 14, 44DD to 36F), Size M hoodie!!!
A regular hotel-sized towel goes around my body
Comfort in the middle seat on a Southwest Flight
Airplane seatbelt to spare
I can look at my privates!
I feel energized and ready to tackle my last 50 pounds. Thanks everyone for the suggestions and insights.
I used to find it was very easy to regain muscle, but as I got older, it does result in a lot of soreness when I overdo it. I stick to water exercise now.
You might want to get a smart scale that measures your muscle weight. It is interesting to see it go up.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends