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I agree that you probably need to drop your calories to about 800 if you want to lose weight faster.
I find that I lose weight fairly steadily at about 800 calories per day. At 900 calories, I still lose weight, but very s...l...o...w...l...y.
+1 for oatmeal!
Another thing I find very helpful is milled flaxseed (linseed). I forgot to mention it because the main reason I take it is for the omega 3, but it's also good for constipation. I have it every day, usually in oatmeal, but sometimes in hot drinks. I use about a tablespoon daily.
If you're not currently constipated, maybe just try a teaspoon at first to see how your body reacts. If you're already constipated, maybe try a tablespoon.
My dietitian recommended Colpermin for trapped wind (gas). It's peppermint oil in little capsules, so it might be sold under a different name in the U.S. Might help reduce symptoms while you're trying to find the cause.
Peppermint tea can help too.
My understanding is that it's only the "sugar alcohols" that cause digestive problems. These have names that end in "-ol", e.g., xylitol, sorbitol, mannitol. As with most things, "the dose makes the poison". Chewing a piece of gum or taking a multivitamin or prescribed medication containing sugar alcohols is unlikely to cause you digestive problems. (Maybe White Dove is particularly sensitive to sugar alcohols?) But if you eat a half-dozen pieces of candy sweetened with them, you may regret it!
So your vitamins are probably fine.
Interesting. I use Sweet-N-Low in my iced tea. I use real sugar in my hot tea. My daily vitamins (multi and a calcium both taken twice a day) are by Bariatric Advantage. They taste pretty good so I'm sure they're loaded with sweeteners. I try to minimize sugar and sweeteners as much as I can. That being said, I do enjoy dark chocolate now. I never did before.
I got it off Amazon.
Search for "MAV Nutrition Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics"
It's $23.31 and has 4.5 stars from 2107 reviews.
Is the digestive enzyme over-the-counter of prescription? What's the prescription name? Thanks for the info. I usually eat oatmeal, too.
Thanks for your response. I'm up to 2 liters as of this week. I'll try increasing the water as much as is possible.
I make sure I take magnesium everyday. It takes care of constipation problems for me.
The excessive farting is probably from artificial sweeteners. I found out the chewable vitamins I was taking were sweetened with maltitol. Check labels on everything you are eating and drinking.

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