Here's Why You May Feel Cold All the Time After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Dr. Guillermo Alvarez
on 6/22/21 7:42 am

Good Morning!
I wrote this blog post for those of you that want to know why you might feel cold after your Gastric Sleeve Surgery.

Check it out here: u-may-feel-cold-all-the-time-after-gastric-sleeve-surgery/

Dr. Alvarez

on 7/19/21 11:23 am
VSG on 04/23/12


I'm 9 years out and I still freeze in Summer, Spring, Fall & Winter. I don't think it will ever change. Its unbearable in the Winter. Labs are good...



(VSG)  HW, 346 SW, 341 CW 176.2 GW, 165  kiss

on 11/23/21 5:39 pm
VSG on 10/08/19

I really thought something was wrong with me; although, my labs always come back great. I use an electric heating blanket in the winter and keep a small electric heater under my desk at work. This has helped me a lot to stay warm.

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