Menu suggestions for Mom supporting Daughter when visiting
Hello everyone,
I have been under the weather for a bit with health issues of my own, but my daughter is starting through this process and I want to be able to be prepared since they visit a lot (hopefully in the future when we can) for dinners. Is there a place I can get menu information from that is vsg friendly so I can lean that way to support her both before and after surgery when she can eat solid food?
Thank you and be safe!
Visiting family--something we all look forward to! Once your daughter is on solid foods, she ought to be eating small portions and protein-forward. You might want to ask her what proteins she's tolerating well. Some folks have trouble pork or beef for example, but do just fine with chicken and fish. Avoid things with heavy breading and don't make her feel obligated to have a side dish. Early on, 2 oz of dense protein will do it.
Other than that, there's not a whole lot special you need to do! Stay healthy!
Hello everyone,
I have been under the weather for a bit with health issues of my own, but my daughter is starting through this process and I want to be able to be prepared since they visit a lot (hopefully in the future when we can) for dinners. Is there a place I can get menu information from that is vsg friendly so I can lean that way to support her both before and after surgery when she can eat solid food?
Thank you and be safe!
you don't need a "place" to get information about how you can best support your daughters new lifestyle. You need to ask HER what she needs from you. You need to ask her what food she needs you to stock/prepare for her while she is there.
don't try to force anything else besides what she asks for on her.
you can't micromanage this for her. It is her journey.
That is so kind and thoughtful of you, what a great mom you are! There are bariatric cookbooks, but really ultmately once she's onto solid foods she'll be eating regular food like meats, and will likely have no room for anything else. She'll want meat because it's protein, but she might (or might not) have trouble if it's too spicy, as I do! You'll probably be surprised by how little she will eat, but don't worry, that's normal and expected.
Keep well.
I did the best with meats cooked in a pressure cooker until very tender. Beef or chicken worked for me. Also tender, flaky fish. A bit of green vegetables and no starches. No bread, potatoes, corn, pasta, noodles, rice, cereal. Nothing made with flour or sugar.
At 13 years out, about three ounces of meat is enough for a filling meal.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
White Dove,
Wow, 13 years! You must have a trunk full of tried and true recipes! I happen to have an InstaPot, so this could be a good way to go for myself as well, cutting out a lot of carbs. They are trouble for me, since I have always liked rice, potato, and pasta dishes.
Thanks so much, I'm grateful for this community!