I Have Fallen Off the Wagon, Drug it Threw the Mud, Set it on Fire, and Watched it Burn

on 3/9/20 1:16 pm

I am right there with you! I had my surgery in July 2010. I lost 120 lbs and I kept it off for 2 years. Then it slowly creeped back up because I went back to old habits of eating my feelings. I gained 25 lbs. in 6 months grieving the decline and eventual passing of my aunt from cancer. Then over the next 2 years I gained another 15, and then another 20 over the course of 2 more years. I have been holding steady with a 60 lb. weight gain for the last 3+ years.

When I had the surgery I was on blood pressure meds and pre-diabetic. While I have been very lucky and haven't had a blood pressure med since the day before my surgery, I'm hovering close to needing it again. I broke my pelvis almost a year ago and was on bed rest for 2 months and in physical therapy for 6 months.

I need to get back to basics. I have heard there is a "reset" week or 2 where you eat the way you did immediately following surgery (shakes only for several days, add only soft protein for several days, etc.) is that correct?

I want to get those 60 lbs back off. I wasn't thin by any stretch - but I fit into regular size clothes (not just Plus Size), I was healthy and I felt great. That's all I want back.

Any advice on how to truly get back on track?


on 5/4/20 11:05 am
VBG on 05/29/18

I would be interested in this as well

on 5/4/20 11:01 am
VBG on 05/29/18

I have also fallen off the wagon and have been so sad. I've lost about 60 pounds since my sleeve two years ago but haven't been able to get down I am looking for support and to get back on track

on 5/16/20 7:04 pm
VSG on 12/06/15

I would love to have a group to be accountable to as well! Have 25 lbs of regain to lose.

on 5/18/20 1:13 pm
VSG on 04/14/14

I so know what you are talking about. I don't want to go back, but I can feel and see myself slipping!

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