New here, just introducing myself

on 7/16/19 3:44 pm
VSG on 07/09/19

Hello everyone! I am officially 1 week into this journey. My VSG surgery was 1 week ago, today. My name is Paul, from South Louisiana. I hit 40 and hated a lot about myself physically. I was an extremely obese smoker who started late in life with two young children and felt like I was more like 70 years old than 40. So I quit smoking one and a half years ago. It was and is a blessing that I conquered that disgusting addiction. But, I also gained 30 lbs as to what seemed like life's evil prize to doing something so great for myself. I've been obese for a large part of my life, from childhood on. Minus a few hiccups here and there where I lost weight on diets, only to gain it all back again. So six months ago, I attended a bariatric surgery seminar with my wife (who is in the same boat as me), and decided at that time that not only was I going to support her having the surgery, but I am now interested in it as well. My main enemy has always been (1) what I eat, (2) how fast I eat, and (3) the amount that is on my plate. And, of course, not enough exercise. I'm sure just everybody has a similar story. Any time I talked to somebody about putting together a plan for a new diet to eat by, when we would discuss portion size I would get migraines just thinking about it. This is why I decided to let a doctor slice my stomach to the size of a banana. A lot of people have told me along the way that this is merely a tool. And it is. But I have thought long and hard about it, and fully made sense to me to invest in this tool, so that I could have help along the way and learn how to eat all over again. Because what I was doing before wasn't working on my behalf (my lower back agrees adamantly).

Sorry for the novel. Just wanted to introduce myself and give a little something to explain where I'm at currently. I'm stoked beyond words. It wasn't easy. But so far, my recovery has been great. My enthusiasm is at 100%. I've lost 18 pounds in just 7 days, which is PHENOMENAL. I know it's going to taper off eventually. But I'm all in.

(deactivated member)
on 7/16/19 8:13 pm
VSG on 03/21/19

Congratulations! You're well on your way with an 18lb loss already!

on 7/16/19 9:15 pm
VSG on 07/09/19

Thanks! It's unbelievable how I feel like I could really make this work for the rest of my life. With all the diets I've tried in my lifetime, I was absolutely miserable with the food and was basically hungry all the time and operating on sheer willpower to make it through. Even though I'm still eating the Phase II part (I would die to be able to eat just a bite of something solid like a bite of meat), I am amazingly full after eating (drinking) so little. And I'm actually forced to eat slow. So far, this surgery has surpassed my expectations on what I thought I could do in the way of losing weight.

on 7/17/19 3:13 pm
VSG on 06/11/18

Welcome to the forum! Sounds like you have a great attitude. Just in case you didn't know, it's common to have a stall at about 3 weeks after surgery, so don't get discouraged if that happens. The weight loss will pick up again in a couple of weeks.

Has your wife already had the surgery?

on 7/17/19 7:18 pm, edited 7/17/19 12:47 pm
VSG on 07/09/19

Yep. She had hers in November of last year. We're both kind of lucky in that regard, in that we can do it together.

Thanks for the heads up on the stall. I kind of first experienced one today. I have been weighing everyday since the surgery because it was fun watching the pounds just come off! But today it stayed stagnant and I really didn't change anything about my eating. I have been reading up on the stall on here and I appreciate the info that everybody has about it.

on 7/24/19 5:47 pm
VSG on 08/12/19

Hi Everyone, my name is Christine. I am new here as well. My surgery date is August 12. 2019. I am nervous but my motivation stems from DM II with high BSL in the 500's. I am doing this more for the hopeful loss if the diabetes!

Question! I was told that I would not lose much???? I am 5 ft 7 in, 212lbs and may go to 170lbs??? While weight loss is desired, my goal is to eliminate the diabetes. Any thoughts?

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