Taking my present prescribed opiate meds before/during surgery concerns!
Hi, just am concerned about taking my regular medications day of surgery. I don't often share I'm even taking this medication due to stigma and judgement but I'm taking a chance..here goes.. I currently take methadone and have been on it for about three years. Will I be in a lot of pain after surgery? Also, when they give me anesthesia and pain meds immediately when I wake up is my methadone going to inhibit that from providing relief? Methadone works by almost blocking the effects from any other opiates because it fills up your receptors. I'm just worried I'll be in pain and won't find any relief. Yes, methadone is for pain relief, but at the same time I've been on it for years and I'm used to it. Taking any pain medication on top of it won't make a difference and the methadone itself isn't going to take away my pain from surgery. I've had a c-section while on it and I was in horrible pain. They had given me "enough pain meds to knock a horse out" in their words.
If there's anyone who's had the surgery who can tell me what the pain is like I'd appreciate it. Also if anyone is on pain meds or methadone and had surgery I'd like to know how it all went.
Thank you,
on 5/28/19 8:06 pm
I would suggest talking to your doctor about this. He/she needs to know what you're currently taking in order to appropriately prescribe pain control after your surgery.
Opiate pain meds don't do jack for me, so honestly I did most of my recovery from VSG on Tylenol. It sucked big time, but I made it through OK.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
on 5/29/19 8:09 am
I don't remember much of the first day post-op because I pretty much slept the whole time. But maybe a 7 at the worst? Strong ache in my stomach muscles that was worse when I tried to move, laugh, or cough.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
oh God that's what I felt after my c-section. Except they wouldn't let me sleep it off since they kept bugging me with nurses and all. I was in horrible pain. Any movement whatsoever or sneeze/cough hurt like HELL. I couldn't find relief! That's how I worry it'll be like with VSG. But maybe not as severe since it'll only be small incisions rather than a giant cut under my belly..not to mention removing an 8 pound baby lol so I'm praying it's not as severe.
on 5/29/19 8:24 am
Yes, there are small incisions, but there's quite a bit of digging around in your guts that can make you really sore. The incision where they removed my remnant stomach was REALLY sore for several weeks, it felt like I'd done a million situps and my abs were incredibly sore.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
Yeah I guess it also depends on the person. Everyone is different and some people may have more scar tissue to remove as I've read on here. Some people say VSG is a "cake walk" compared to c-sections. I've actually heard that its a lot easier from many people so I really am trying not to dwell on that aspect.
You should definitely talk to your doctor about this. Personally I really did not want any opiates after surgery and refused all their offerings of them. I only took extra strength Tylenol. I felt like crap for 3 or 4 days, but the nausea from the anaesthetic was my main issue, not so much the pain issue. I found the Tylenol helped, and I had just decided to go mind over matter regarding the stronger drugs. That won't work for everyone because we all have different complications and pain thresholds, but that's what I did. All the best to you! Keep strong.
Your surgeon and anesthesiologist need to know what medications you're taking so there are no counterindications. If you don't tell them you could very well die or have serious complications due to it.