One Month Post Op "Your stomach will stretch out"

on 4/26/19 9:25 am

So I am one month post-op. My surgery couldn't have gone better. I have had zero issues and was surprised at how well I made it through the procedure.

As far as stats go I started pre-op liquid diet at 353, day of surgery I was 328. Total loss on liquid diet was 25lbs. Wednesday at my one month post op visit I was 306 for an additional loss of 22lbs post op. Total loss since liquid diet 47lbs.

One of the more annoying things I have come across since surgery is people constantly telling me that my stomach will stretch out over time.

It's like of I just had 80% of my stomach removed from my body, please do tell me that it was all for not, which is what they are implying when they make those comments.

Sparklekitty, Science-Loving Derby Hag
on 4/26/19 10:14 am
RNY on 08/05/19

You cannot stretch your stomach back to its original capacity. YEs, it will "stretch" a little bit, but not in the way you might think.

When you first have surgery, your new smaller stomach is going to be very swollen, and you will have a great deal of restriction. Over the first few months post-op, as everything heals, the swelling goes down and your capacity will increase. Then, for most people, it seems like your sleeve will "relax" a little bit and mature to its final capacity.

For example, when I first transitioned to "real" food after surgery, I could barely eat half of an egg, MAYBE a few bites at most, before my sleeve felt full. By one year post op, I was satisfied by one egg. At five years out, I could probably eat two or three on an empty stomach. But that's still FAR less than I could eat before WLS.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!

Laura in Texas
on 4/26/19 2:00 pm

Everyone knows people who manage to gain it all back, even after having 80% of their stomach removed. Yes, your stomach will stretch and/or people learn how to eat around it. Do not become one of those people.

Always follow the rules and you will lose the weight and keep it off.

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

White Dove
on 4/26/19 2:21 pm - Warren, OH

Surgery makes it easy to follow the diet. Your stomach will heal and you will be able to eat more. At close to 12 years after surgery, I could eat as much as I did before surgery if I wanted to. Because I eat what I need and not what I want, I have maintained my weight loss with occasional gains and losses.

This morning I am eleven pounds above my goal weight and working on losing that by June 1.

I still need weight loss goals, I still weigh myself every morning and I still monitor what I eat and drink. My stomach can definitely hold a lot more food than it could a month after surgery. I thought after surgery that I would not have to ever diet again.

I found out that I have to diet for life if I don't want to regain the weight.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

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