One week out of VSG Surgery and having burning pain
Hey guys
I'm a week out of surgery and i'm doing well other than I have burning pain in my lower left quadrant whenever I move up from sitting to standing. Its still super sore and I cant tell if its because I push my limits on liquids or jello not sure. anyone else have this a week out from surgery?

I remember having a similar sensation after my surgery. My drainage line was in that quadrant. Remember, scar tissue will be forming and it will pull when you move.
That said, you must contact your surgeon right away.
Good Luck!
If you have the option to email or call the bariatric team, I'd reach out to them. I was always emailing questions to the bariatric dept and nurse practitioner when I was worried. It helped ease my fears.
I will say I had burning pain if I exerted myself too much. Remember you will be healing for quite awhile. Try to take it easy.
Hope you are able to get some answers.