Well. I had my gallbladder out this mokmorn. What should have been outpatient turned into a day or two of observation. Due to complications from severe scar tissue they couldn't do it arthoscopic and had to open me up. Nicked my bowel in a couple of places. Always something. I hope the vsg surgery goes as planned.

Age 61, Ht 5'11'', HW 303, CW 262, SW 000, GW 000
Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope you are recovering well though and that your body heals quickly. It's good that they are keeping to for observation just in case they need to address something else. Keep us posted on your progress!

5'6" Female 31 years old
HW: 273 / SW: 261 / GW:140
Definitely bring these up with your surgeon beforehand. They may decide to do another open surgery just to be safe. I hope they used glue on your incision. I had my wls open and they closed my incision with glue, so no sutures to be concerned with.
DS 2005
There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes