Vitamins and Protein Shakes?
Hi all! Just met with my nutritionist for my final time. We went over my 2-week pre-op diet, which will consist of 3 protein shakes and one 500-calorie dinner (Lean Cuisine, Healthy Choice, etc). I was given many choices of protein shake brands as well as vitamin suppliers and am curious what you all have liked/not liked. Also, has anyone been successful in getting their insurance company to pay for some/all of the vitamins?

5'6" Female 31 years old
HW: 273 / SW: 261 / GW:140
on 11/9/18 12:03 am
I really love Premier Protein pre-made shakes, and I love Quest protein powder. Overall though, Premier wins out.
I take a regular, store brand vitamins. Celebrate Vitamins is a good bariatric supplier.
I like Premier pre-mixed, but not the powder. I like all the quest powders I've tried so far, and I like GNC leanshake pre-mixed drinks.
As for vitamins, I've been purchasing pro-care bariatric pills. They're a once a day capsule and my labs look amazing. I also take the walgreens brand petite calcium, b12, and biotin. But no, my insurance won't cover any vitamins except for prescription vitamin d, and even then the co-pay is higher than the walmart cost off the shelf.

on 11/9/18 9:00 pm
I don't like Premier's Powders either. I bought a big Sam's club size chocolate powder and had to throw it away. It just isn't good.
I like Syntrax and Unjury protein powders. If you're required to stick with whey protein isolate the first few months (which many of us are), Syntrax has a couple of lines - Syntrax Nectar is their whey protein isolate line (their Matrix line is a protein blend - which is OK when you're further out and are getting most/all of your protein from food). Unjury products are all whey protein isolate.
You can get Syntrax products in many places - from their Web site, on Amazon, through Vitamin Shoppe - I think I read someone even gets hers at Walmart or her grocery store or something. Unjury products are only available through Unjury's Web site.
I don't know about insurance companies covering vitamins. Mine doesn't. Although a couple of years ago I thought I was going to have some FSA (Flexible Spending Account) money left over at the end of the year, and asked the PA at my surgeon's office if he thought I could use it for vitamins if he wrote me a prescription for them. At that time, the FSA rules excluded vitamins unless "medically necessary", so he thought that might work, since WLS patients are required to take vitamins. However, I ended up using all the FSA money regardless, so I never pursued that. Not sure if FSA's still cover medically necessary vitamins or not - the rules can change on those from year to year.
I really like the GNC lean shakes. A case of 12 is 29.99. They pack 25 grams of protein and taste really good. I like their strawberry, banana, and cookie butter flavors so far. I plan on trying more. I buy the ready made, but they have powder form as well.
I also bought isopure unflavored protein powder to mix in my soups and other liquids when I was on liquids and purée stages. It mixes well and has no flavor.
For a clear drink, try isopure clear no carb drinks. 40 grams of protein in the whole bottle! But I usually do half a day because I get protein with other shakes and food.