Whatcha Eating Today, VSGers? Tuesday 11/6/18
on 11/6/18 3:28 am
Good Morning! We are up early getting ready to leave for the polls. My grandmother is insisting that the lines will be long so we need to make sure to get there at opening. Something tells me they won't be, honestly. We will see though. I did have someone ask me who I was voting for and I was surprised that it upset me that I was asked. This person and I were not close, and I always thought I was one of those people that "didn't care if people knew, why should it bother me?!" but it did bother me! I was a little offended even and I'm not sure why since it's not that huge of a deal. Simply said it was personal!
After that we are going to pick up some supplies from Sam's club and costco, so hittin' all the warehouses today! Need to buy a third litter box so each kitten has their own. Saturday they go in for their vaccinations, then a couple weeks after they get fixed.
Went to the dentist yesterday, I was right on about it being cracked. He said "Oh, it's not just cracked. You Grand Canyoned that sucker." I love this dentist, he had me cracking up. Luckily it isn't to the nerve, or it would be a root canal, or more like an extraction because even though my dental pays 50%, a root canal is not something I want to invest in when I've had one in the past and still lost the back tooth it was done on. A crown is what I'm getting!
QOTD: What is something you hear all the time that just makes you angry?
For me, when I am having a bad time and someone on the outside just says "let it go" that drives me crazy. You aren't feeling what I am feeling, don't tell me to let it go. I would like to feel my emotions!
Breakfast - Protein Shake
Lunch- Going out with my grandmother and my friend, we're having mexican and I am torn between my usual fajitas (yum), or their mexican taquitos with guacamole salad
Dinner- I am going to be making a chicken chili with some rotisserie chicken!
Snacks- Jalapeno artichoke dip (I am going to end up throwing this away :( I've tried so hard to poli**** off. Got close!) with pork rinds. Going to Whole Foods or sprouts for persimmons today, so persimmons!
Good morning. Having some reflux and stomach pains/chills yesterday so planning on trying to eat easy foods on my tummy today. It's dreary and cold and I voted already at "early voting" and I'm so excited for that, lol.
QOTD: It makes me angry when people call daycare "school" - it isn't school, it's daycare
B: scrambled egg
L: soup
D: maybe 1/2 a porkchop with caramelized onions (not exactly on my easy tummy plan, but I'm not cooking so...)
E: walk - didn't walk yesterday as I felt awful
L: cut out coffee today and will probably make up the caffeine with 800 cups of tea
VSG on 04/28/2014
Good morning,
Sorry I've been missing from here. I've been oversleeping or just too busy to get on here. The time change screwed be up this year. I don't know why. Usually falling back doesn't affect me but it did this year. Now I'm wondering what spring time will do when we lose an hour.
I need to go vote before work and get my house cleaned before Thursday when they do fire extinguishers and smoke detector inspection.
Qotd at work they call one of the kids, fat boy and not by his name and he's fat. His mom calls him that but it brings up a lot of bad memories when I was young and being fat what it did to my self esteem.
B ham and cheese omelette, string cheese and English muffin
L tuna, cottage cheese and honeycrisp apple
D roasted garlic mozzarella chicken sausage and mixed vegetables
Have a good day
on 11/6/18 12:54 pm
That's absolutely terrible. Do they say this to him?
Yes, when I said something. The lady said the mom calls him that and was happy that they call him that. So whenever I hear that I cringed because I know what it did to me as a kid.
Morning all!
Just got to work and am trying to shake a headache and an annoyance with the girl working before me who did nothing. I'm already to go home to my pups.
Oh my goodness, Mersh! Hope you feel better soon. Tooth problems are no fun.
QOTD: What is something you hear all the time that just makes you angry? When people ask DH and myself when we're going to have children. We've been together 11 years and don't have children. It's none of their business really and it irks me to think people expect that to be our future.
Tiny has been upset for a few days so my food has been really light. I can't stomach anything with a strong smell, chicken, or eggs. I'm hoping it's just a phase but it's driving me crazy.
B: bari cereal and coffee
L: Maybe Wendy's chili
D: the second half of the possible Wendy's chili?
S: None today

on 11/6/18 12:55 pm
My dad, who was missing for 24 years of my life mind you, asks me when I am getting married and giving kids. It infuriates me. Why people think the natural progression of someone's life is just to have kids is beyond me.
Good morning! Heading out to the little old gym to vote in an hour. Then it's off to the dump and a hike with my dog.
QOTD-I don't like "let it go or just move on" either Mersh, but hearing someone say "it is what it is" drives me crazy! My brother says this all the time and I know it is his way of changing the subject, but it still irritates me:-)
B-1/3 cup granola, bullet coffee
L-1/2 cup 2%Fage with peaches and pumpkin seeds
S-Hot tea
D-Ham, spaghetti squash
E-Hike with Emmy
Montana is one of the major contentious states right now, Trump has been here 4 times, his son more than that I think and Pence was yesterday! I can feel the tension in the air, the results will be very interesting to watch:-)