Whatcha Eating Today, VSGers? Tuesday, 10/23/18

(deactivated member)
on 10/23/18 5:15 am
VSG on 01/12/17

Good morning! Going to have another lovely day today, 64 degrees and sunny. I believe up into the beginning of November we are supposed to have nice weather all the way through, which I am pleased with. Weather channel predicts a milder than average winter, we'll see. I am skeptical.

I had my strength class last night, it was for shoulders and legs and I feel it today for sure. It feels great to be sore. The machines do alright, but we did the free weights/dumbbells and I really like it a lot better than the weight machines, so I think I will research some other moves for muscle groups on my own. Being taught the right form was handy and will be signing up for another class for Wednesday.

QOTD: If you had to describe your personality to a stranger, what would you say?

I would have to say that I am a quiet, sort of private person. I only have a couple of people in my "inner circle" because I am a fairly private person. Helpful and accommodating. Would say a bit anxious and a worrier!

on 10/23/18 5:38 am
VSG on 12/27/18

I love that sore feeling the next day after having a great workout. I miss that feeling. Definitely need to get back into strength training. It's been so long, I forget how great I used to feel.

Answer: To a stranger, I would describe myself as caring and above all else loyal, to a fault. I get along with everyone and can float around in many different circles of friends, but don't have many I consider or keep close. I'm a giver - probably too much sometimes. I'm very determined, but get down on myself often.


5'6" Female 31 years old

HW: 273 / SW: 261 / GW:140

on 10/23/18 7:14 am - Woburn, MA

Good morning. Had my wonderful annual gyn apt this am. Fun times. Now I'm working at home and it's chilly (listening to Hamilton soundtrack).

QOTD: I am outgoing, funny and have been described as fun. Definitely an extrovert and like to be in the middle of things.

B: everything bagel, cored out and toasted with cc

L: leftover stuffed pepper

D: leftover white lasagna

E: weather says rain is coming. will try to walk before then

L: iced coffee now! yummmmmmy

VSG on 04/28/2014

Ms Shell
on 10/23/18 8:12 am, edited 10/23/18 2:22 am - Hawthorne, CA

QOTD: If you had to describe your personality to a stranger, what would you say?

I'd day I'm all gas no brakes. Sometimes I speak before I think and it's not in a bad way but I just tell it like it is.

Coffee; Protein bar
2 boiled eggs; 3 strips bacon; fruit
Sauteed Catfish; Stirfry & Rice; Sliced tomatoes
Zoodles & Meat Sauce

That's what I have scheduled with room to manipulate.

"WLS is only for people who are ready to move past the "diet" mentality" ~Alison Brown
"WLS is not a Do-Over (repeat same mistakes = get a similar outcome.)  It is a Do-BETTER (make lifestyle changes you can continue forever.)" ~ Michele Vicara aka Eggface

on 10/23/18 8:47 am, edited 10/23/18 1:48 am

Happy Tuesday all!!

QOTD: If you had to describe your personality to a stranger, what would you say?

Quiet and reserved. I'm extremely private but can be an extrovert in situations where necessary (i.e. in my office with patients.****ep all details about my life private and worked in the same office for close to ten years before my closest colleagues even realized I was married.

B: Coffee

S: Mixed Nuts

L: Veggie soup

S: Shake

D: Ham with melted provolone and a pickle

Kristi T.
on 10/23/18 9:20 am - MT
VSG on 02/09/16

Good morning! It's another lovely day here as well Mersh. I'm taking my 89 year old friend to lunch and the eye doctor today. I always look forward to spending time with her, it's like having a private session with a wise spiritual guru:-)

QOTD-I would tell a stranger that I am shy and reserved. I am a much better listener than a talker. My small circle of friends tends to be my family. I am more open, happy and comfortable around animals than people.

B-1/3 cup granola, bullet coffee

L-Going to Panera, not sure yet what to order

S-Hot tea(Earl Grey w/Bergamot and green tea)

D-Beef goulash with chickpea pasta, asparagus

E-Short hike with Emmy

Have a wonderful Tuesday!

on 10/23/18 9:38 am
VSG on 08/11/14

Good afternoon,

Ive been to the laundromat and ran a couple errands, just waiting for work.

Qotd I'm quiet and shy but will answer you when asked a question, good listener and loyal friend.

B ham and cheese omelette, string cheese and English muffin

L tuna, cottage cheese and honeycrisp apple

D steak and vegetables

Have a good day

on 10/23/18 10:35 am
VSG on 10/18/18

Good afternoon. Another wonderful day stuck in training.

QOTD: I'm honest with people. I'm an a**hole. I have no filter. I'm honest, loyal, funny, shy. Definitely an introvert. I love to listen but have a hard time talking. I will do anything for anybody until you give me a reason not to and then I'm done.

B: Protein shake

L: Protein shake

D: Probably Chobani

All day: sip, sip, sip

Surgery Date: 10/18/2018

6'1" Male

HW: 471. SW: 459 (post). GW: 225

Teresa G.
on 10/23/18 11:33 am, edited 10/23/18 7:00 am
VSG on 06/07/18 with

Hello my fellow Sleevers!

I really need to tighten up on my food and be more consistent posting here. I've been bouncing around with the same 3 pounds for a couple weeks now, and it's totally because I'm bouncing around with my diet. I'm not eating junk or things that I've chosen not to indulge in any longer, but I'm eating too much. Instead of 10 cashews, I'll eat a half a cup. Or I'll eat a protein bar when I'm already at my targets for the day. Or my snacks will be equivalent to a full meal. Or I'm eating too fast...which I always end up regretting as I'll miss my "full" signal and end up over-full.

Good news is I'm doing a lot of closet shopping and fitting into things I haven't worn in 30 years. Fortunately they aren't hopelessly out of style but even if they were, it's more important to me that I feel confident and look good - not stuffed into and bulging out of something; I like clothes that fit. I've never been one to follow fashion trends. (edited to finish this sentence)

QOTD: If you had to describe your personality to a stranger, what would you say? I'd say that I'm friendly and approachable, gregarious, humorous (and I have no problem laughing at myself), open and transparent, positive and forgiving. I'm resilient and adaptable. I am somewhat conservative, but accepting of other's beliefs and opinions, as long as they grant me the same consideration. Now...are we supposed to list our negative traits as well? LOL

B: Protein in my coffee

L: Lasagna & grapes

S: Laughing Cow cheese and homemade hummus with celery and cucumbers

D: No-Bean Buffalo Chili

S:Not sure

Last night my surgery center had the support group...I don't usually go because it's not very close by, but I went last night because it was an hour of Q&A with my surgeon. It was great; I wish he'd do it every month.

Teresa (WA State)

VSG on June 7, 2018 (At age 59)
Start of Program (1-1-18): 303 n Surgery Weight: 260 n CW (10-16-18): 203.4 n GW: 175 (first goal)

Melody P.
on 10/23/18 2:22 pm - Amarillo, TX

QOTD: I come across as cold but i'm Really sensitive and I get hurt easily. Loyal to a fault. Once you get to know me i'm Intelligent, sarcastic and witty. I love deeply.

B: shake

L: breakfast "sandwich", mashed cauliflower, sf creamer

D: tilapia and more cauliflower

S: 1 ginger snap , 1/4 banana, 1/4 cup halo top ice cream

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