Whatcha Eating Today, VSGers? Monday 10/22/18
on 10/22/18 3:34 am
Good morning. It's a chilly day, but it's going to be nice. I was off work last night, so am mostly just up too early as usual. Managed to sleep a couple hours before popping awake exhausted like I have been the last two weeks. My appointment to get in with my psychiatrist is today though, so I am hoping she can change my sleeping pills around.
Today I will probably do cardio outside, or at least the largest part of it, then head to the gym for some milder stuff with my friend so we can talk about our Christmas boxes. Something called Samaritan's Purse sends boxes with toys and supplies to children all over the world, me and my friend are doing one this year. I chose a girl age 10-14 and she chose a boy of the same age. I am having so much fun picking out things for her and it's so simple. You don't have to spend a lot to give them a happy box. I only wish the boxes they give you to pack were bigger!
I also have a class at my gym to work chest and legs with the weights. I do OK with the weight machines, but am mostly self guided. A class will be helpful, plus it is free with my membership, so you can't beat free!
QOTD: Do you have "me days" where you just do the things that are good for your well being? What do you find yourself doing?
I used to be really big into painting, I stopped for awhile and have just recently gotten back into watercolors. I forgot how calming it is.
Good morning. It's back to class for me today. Today I see how much I can handle fresh off of surgery.
QOTD: I go for drives. Its my happy place. I'll turn the radio up, pick a back road and just go. I always make sure I take different turns whenever I go so I see something new each time. Then I let the gps guide me home.
B: Protein shake
L: Protein shake
D: Chobani
All day: sip, sip, sip

Surgery Date: 10/18/2018
6'1" Male
HW: 471. SW: 459 (post). GW: 225
on 10/22/18 4:23 am
Good luck! How is your pain? I've found it is alway**** and miss, some people have such trouble with pain around their incisions in particular. I was thankfully one who didn't have hardly any pain other than when trying to sleep. I am not a back sleeper, it killed me to not be able to sleep on my side!
Thank you! Pain is almost nonexistent. I'm a belly sleeper and the doctor told me that as long as I could get comfortable I could sleep on my belly so I tried it the first night home. Mild discomfort at first but quickly went away. Now I just get a little discomfort with each sip or nibble of yogurt. I'm sure that will go on as the stomach heals. Other than that I have been blessed.
Every day I am thankful for the decision to have this done and regret waiting so long to do it.

Surgery Date: 10/18/2018
6'1" Male
HW: 471. SW: 459 (post). GW: 225
Good morning, VSGers. I woke up this morning and realized "OMG, it's Monday." Depressing lol. It's also freezing, literally - 29 degrees. Yesterday my main accomplishment was to swap summer/winter clothes so options to get dressed today were good. We do a Christmas program here at work where you take a name and buy for a particular child. Last year I took a 15 year old boy who wanted a warm coat. It just broke my heart that instead of wanting a video game or sports gear this boy just wanted a coat. I shopped on Lands End on cyber monday and was able to buy him a boatload of stuff - a warm coat, sweaters, and shirts and stay within the $ set by the program. So I highly recommend shopping on cyber monday to make your money go further.
QOTD: I guess something like go get a manicure. I find that very relaxing and indulgent and then my nails look great for 2 weeks. I go in spurts because I like the gel and you have to keep up with that - and then I get tired of having to go and don't wear polish for like 6 months.
B: heading to the caf - options are steel cut oats or an english muffin with peanut butter. Neither sounds appealing today : /
L: made chicken soup this weekend and remembered to pack some! also packed chobani pumpkin yogurt :p
D: put together taco stuffed peppers yesterday so they are ready to go in the oven...yum, a favorite
E: it's cold, so the dog can tolerate a pretty long walk (for him) so walking! Have been getting good steps on the fitbit lately -8-10K
VSG on 04/28/2014
Haha! I woke up and was like, "Oh man, why is my alarm set on a Sunday? Well, back to sleep."--before realizing it is Monday.
At my kids school, each class adopts a family or two. Their lists are so simple, it's heart breaking: pillows, air mattress, pots and pans for the adults and yes, coats and PJs for the kids. We always be sure to get some special, fun things in there, too. Last year, one of the dads of the family asked for a bike to get to work and one family bought him a really nice one. I thought that was so kind.

HW: 260 - SW: 250
GW (Surgeon): 170 - GW (Me): 150
on 10/22/18 10:40 am
Taco stuffed peppers sound delicious. I may have to make something similar to that soon.
Today is a catch up on computer cleaning/back up and organize day. OCD, lol.
QOTD: Do you have "me days" where you just do the things that are good for your well being? What do you find yourself doing? I've been learning self-compassion this year, so yes, I do something every day. Always some kind of early morning time with meditation and music; I always "put on my face", and I play with the dogs, work on projects and moisturize. I know, kinda weird stuff.
B: Thin crust cauliflower pizza with 1 ham slice
S: Premier protein shake with lots of coffee
L: Chobani yogurt
D: Posole, with fat free cheese
S: ???

HW: 240 lbs CW: 205 lbs: SW: 199 lbs GW: 130 lbs
1 MO = 167.0 2 MO = 156.4 3 MO = 148.4 4 MO = 140.6
5 MO = 136.0 6 MO = 130.0 (GOAL) 20 MO = 133
"At the evening of our life, we shall be judged by our love."
Good morning!
It's cold here today (about 30 degrees) and I'm almost missing my insulation... almost. ;)
DH is finally feeling better so we're getting back to normal home cooking. However, we have some major unplanned and unexpected home renovations going on in an emergency fashion.
I'm spending my time at home right now watching Halloween movies and trying to prepare my Halloween costumes so nothing is left to the last minute this year. Costuming is my absolute favorite part of the season.
B: Coffee
S: Scrambled Egg in a jar
B: Veggie Soup
S: Pepitas, Almonds, and dried cranberries
D: Veggie Soup ( I made a large portion in the instant pot last night and it's super yummy.)
QOTD: Do you have "me days" where you just do the things that are good for your well being? What do you find yourself doing? Rarely do I get a whole day, but I do occasionally. I like to go get a pedicure, eyebrow wax, or spend the day at home alone watching Friends and crafting. I even enjoy running errands alone as long as the grocery store isn't part of it. I always feel like being alone and off my phone helps me clear my head.
I hope you all have a wonderful happy Monday!