Hey all, so my surgery is on the 18th. I start my liquid diet Sunday. My fears aren't with the surgery itself or with the restricted diet, both pre and post op, since I have done 30 day cleanses before. My fears are about life after surgery. I am currently 471lbs. I am 42 years old. I have lived my entire life (as long as I can remember) morbidly obese. Everyone keeps telling me how excited I should be for this journey and I am. But I'm also terrified. Is this normal? Does anyone else experience these same fears?
I have been blessed with good health despite my size. I know it's only a matter of time before obesity related health issues catch up to me which is why I am having the surgery.
Thanks for reading my rant. Good luck to all those about to have surgery! Stay strong to all those *****cently had surgery! Keep up the good work and Thank you for the support and knowledge to those who have gone through this before us!
on 10/5/18 10:12 pm
As my signature says, I started out at 485 when I had surgery. So we are of similar starting sizes. I worried about failing even with surgery and I think that is a normal fear! You have decided to move forward in a huge way, it is not an easy choice you made. If you are worried about being "normal" after surgery, take a look at menu boards and see how others eat. I eat really very normal, but my mindset has changed.
on 10/6/18 5:53 am
Set your goal for the weight you want to be. I was very strict with myself while losing. I made mistakes with food, I wasn't perfect, but I didn't t stop! Tracking my food is my best tool and habit. Now that I am at goal I am freer with different foods, but I still monitor everything I eat and nothing I put in my mouth goes unaccounted for. I can't trust myself any other way!
I remember a vet here saying that weight loss for our surgery is a sprint and not a marathon. The faster we lose the better because eventually it slows down. There is a lot of support here
Hi there, and welcome! I think it's very normal to be afraid. I was not excited before surgery, I was nervous and worried about whether or not I could lose it and keep it off. But I was very determined. The truth is, it's a lot of change and a lot of work and I'm still less than a year out! Man am I ever glad I did it though. I feel a thousand times better now and life is just sweeter. :)
I recommend following up with a counselor because this journey is a mental one for sure. Wishing you well!

To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all. - Oscar Wilde
Age: 36 Height: 5'9" HW:326 GW:180
Pre-op:-32 M1-26 M2-11 M3-13 M4-10 M5-13 M6-8 M7-12 M8-7 M9-7 M10-0 M11-11