Whatcha Eating Today, VSGers? Tuesday, 10/2/18
on 10/2/18 4:56 am
Good morning! It's brisk and cool this morning, but we're going to eat up to almost 90 not a happy camper. What I am happy about though is that this morning I am going to the park and do my cardio outside instead of on the treadmill! Well, some of my cardio. After I am done there, will pick up some broccoli and mushrooms from the store, then pick up my friend and take her to the gym so I can do strength and we can play on the "jungle gym." It has the battle ropes, the step to step up then down, then up, pull up bars, monkey bars (yea right, can't even reach to try it!), kettle bells, and strappy things. It's fun and we both love it, the battle ropes kick our butts.
After we finish, I am going to start putting Halloween decorations up. Wahoo! Also going to the world market and buy some really neat candy for my friend's great nephews. They are so darn adorable. I bought them little christmas trinkets and the youngest one wrote me a letter to tell me that the $2.00 key chain of the frog you squeeze and his eyes pop out was his favorite gift. I loved it. Melted my already softened butter heart.
QOTD: Do you do random nice things for strangers, if so, what?
I like to. I don't really think about it going out of the way to be nice, but if I see someone who is very pretty, or has amazing hair, or something like that I will tell them. I think it's important to say the good things you think about people to their faces. Maybe it's not much, or they don't care, but it could be that they needed that boost!
Good morning, Mersh and all. It's another rainy, gloomy day here. I had a bad night's sleep - couldn't get comfortable or sleep, even with an Advil PM. Ugh. Lots of caffeine today. Went to see my surgeon for my late 4 year checkup and expected him to give me some grief for putting on a few pounds. Nope, he said, "You look great!!!!" and said if I lost 5 lbs he'd be happy. I really was almost hoping he would give me some grief, haha.
QOTD: My friend's, sister's daughter's husband (can you follow that) was in a single vehicle motorcycle accident the week his wife was due to deliver their 2nd child. They are very young and he will be having multiple surgeries and out of work for a long time. As much as I'm not close to them and this was caused by his own irresponsibility, I feel bad for the babies so I donated to their gofundme.
B: steel cut oats with fresh big plump blueberries!
L: caf - probably a salad
D: leftover spiral ham and salad
L/V: Okay, so I always say good - but I'm really not good about taking my multi-vitamin. I take B12 somewhat regularly because it's a tasty cherry treat, lol.
E: doubtful
VSG on 04/28/2014
I need to lose 5 too. I want to be back into the weight range I was in for 18 months. I'm angry at myself for letting the summer and travel take over. Now it is time for me to take control back!
Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 119ish
Hi, mersh! I can relate to that weather-go-round! We are due for rain this week, but I keep seeing it literally evaporate on the weather app. Rain makes me happy so hopefully we get a bit. BTW, your gym sounds so fun! I have a gym membership through work, but admit I don't use it. I still am embarrassed to be the fat and huffing lady at the gym around my co-workers.
QOTD: I'm conflicted about answering this question. There's a saying "do a good deed, then throw it into the sea". Most all I do, I don't talk about--not that I am some huge philanthropist or something. Since this is anonymous, here's what: I give $ on the downlow and on the fly if it looks like someone might need it. During one of my pre op appointments, a woman was breaking down emotionally: she'd traveled a far way and used her last money on a tank of gas to get to this doc and when she got there, there was an issue with her insurance (i gathered she was recently unemployed and it was a COBRA thing) I don't know why she was there (the GI docs there do more than WLS), but she was so despondent and desperate seeming. I waited until I was leaving and quickly handed her the $15 I had and whispered it was for gas and bolted out (she had started to protest but I basically ran it the door because I didn't want any awkward situation for her or me****il now, only me and that woman knew about that. Also, leaving a few groceries next to homeless people. Stuff like that. I don't want to embarrass anyone or engage, so I'm kinda ninja about it.
about 4 months out:
B - coffee, fairlife, isopure
S - Siggis skyrr (cherry)
L - Tandoori chicken (no sauce)
D - ??

HW: 260 - SW: 250
GW (Surgeon): 170 - GW (Me): 150
I'm not happy that I've let my weight slip up by about 5 pounds through the summer and travel. Not a good excuse! I'm still under my original goal weight but I want to be back down in the weight range I stayed in until June. I know exactly how many calories I was eating to maintain and what I've been eating this summer thanks to my trusty weight/calorie tracking spreadsheet. So I know what I need to do to lose. I need to get my act together!
QOTD: I certainly will compliment people on their clothing and I hold doors a lot for other people. I have given to funds for people related to those I know. And we have given some significant donations to organizations who help others in the past. I am not a "I will pay for that strangers coffee/toll" person though.
2.5 Years post-op (maintaining below goal for 22 months)
Always lots of coffee...
B: eggs, cottage cheese and Canadian bacon
L: Tuna, pickles and cottage cheese
D: Salmon or Halibut (out to eat yet again)
S: veggies and hummus
Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 119ish
sometimes it's difficult to know *****ally is needy and who is a scam artist. There are people who stand in the road near our local mall and beg for money. It's not an easily accessible area so they would need a car to get there. My son used to work at the local coffee shop and he said more than once he saw them park there and at the end of the day ask him where they could buy drugs. On the other hand, I used to work in Boston and when I was pregnant I couldn't tolerate weird smells so my husband would drive me to work. Every day we saw a homeless man begging at the same spot. My husband worked for a company that provided him with everything, warm gloves, sweatshirts, etc. - more than he could ever use. My husband stopped every day and gave the guy $1 or $2 and when he had extras, the gloves, sweatshirt, etc. I am happy to say we always saw the items he gave to the homeless man ON the homeless man. Another kind thought that comes to mind is one year a young legal intern received a $50 Christmas bonus. She was in law school and I'm sure, not flush with money. She cashed the check and gave $10 to the next five homeless people she saw. What an impression she made on me!
VSG on 04/28/2014
Hi All! Hope everyone has a great week! Nope, no change! Not sure what is going on with my system? I am getting full super-fast typically not finishing the meal I have planned and often feeling kind of sick afterwards.
QOTD: Do you do random nice things for strangers, if so, what? Many things, just depends. I've given a bus ticket to a mom who they were charging fee for a child because of height not age, I watched her counting their change and stressing and I went up and bought a ticket and gave it to her as I was getting off. I wave at people, especially older people sitting alone on their porch the smile is so heart rewarding. The list goes on, gofundme's and charities etc. Often I take time even when I don't really have it and listen and talk with someone, I guess I know what loneliness feels like...
Week 14
Water, water, water!
M1: Hot Peppermint Mocha Protein Coffee
M2: Mini Chicken Taco Salad
M3: Carb Counter Roast Beef Wrap
M4: MAYBE Pintos & Cheese leftover from Taco Bell
M5: Not real sure
Daily Snack: SF Pumpkin Spice Coffee
Protein: 60g. Carb: 59g. Fiber: 21g Cal. 592

5' 2". 60-year-old (at time of surgery)
HW 239.9, SW 223
GW (Surgeon) 150, GW (Mine) 135
I love reading all these posts each day. Makes me :D .
Today is one of my long days at work and I failed to plan properly for a 12 hour day.
Breakfast: Unsweeted coffee with cream
Snack: Jack Link's stick
Lunch: GNC shamrock leanshake (my favorite treat)
Late Dinner: Roasted pork loin with green peas
QOTD: I love doing for others. I always say, "my only purpose on this planet is to help other people."

Breakfast: premier caramel shake, warmed up to drink. 1/8 c applesauce with pills crushed.
Lunch: "root beer float" protein shake with almond milk, vanilla bean protein powder, ice cubes, and a sugar free root beer mix in. Miralax. Milk of Magnesia.
Dinner: doctor just said I could advance to stage two so I might try some cottage cheese or sugar free pudding.
QOTD: yes, I do a lot of random nice things for people.
6 days post op, highest weight 382.2, weight at surgery 325, goal weight 165. Today 324.2
on 10/2/18 8:28 pm
Hi all! I'm missing the window on a lot of my clothes and it's starting to bum me out. (I know, first world problem. LOL) I have too many new or like new garments that were too small when I got them, but are now just too big to wear. Without me ever wearing them even once! I need to try stuff on and purge every single weekend. I'm starting to be really surprised (pleasantly) when I try stuff on and it fits...I hold up a shirt or a pair of pants and think "There's no freaking way my body is going to fit into that" and then I'll try it on to see how far I have to go before it does fit...and what do you know.
QOTD: Do you do random nice things for strangers, if so, what? I'm kind of where PC is at...I think that telling others about our good deeds kind of cancels out the good karma. So I'll just leave it at: I like to do kind things for people and maybe even brighten their day. Unless it's someone who is driving like an inconsiderate aggressive idiot. LOL!
B: Premier Protein in coffee
S: Cottage Cheese with a couple of home-canned prunes
L: Pork Tenderloin, Jalapeno Popper (home made, breaded with crushed protein chips and baked)
S: Rest of the pork I didn't finish at lunch
D: Cabbage Roll Casserole
S: Quest Bar
Cal: 742
Carb: 48 (net)
Pro: 86
Fiber: 23