Getting discouraged

Laura in Texas
on 9/30/18 6:49 am

Do you weigh/measure and track every bite? If not, the 600 calories is a guess and you are probably eating more than you think you are.

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

on 9/30/18 7:23 am

You're only 3 months post-op and yet only 30 lbs away from goal. So you only had 60 lbs total to lose? I'm confused why you're stating that the honeymoon period will be over and you won't reach goal. How long do you think the honeymoon period is? Lightweights often lose slower than heavier weighted patients so as you get closer to goal that may be your experience. Follow your surgeon's plan and the advice of vets here and you should be fine.

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 10/1/18 5:02 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

At my in person support group, one of the men complained that he had only lost 6 pounds in month 3 post-op. He has about 200 total to lose. I asked about what he typically ate and if he tracked. He is eating protein first, but hasn't been weighing/measuring/tracking and was having 2 protein bars a day. Assuming those bars were about 200 calories apiece, that is 400 calories of less than optimum protein. We suggested he cut back on those and start measuring and tracking. Most successful losers/maintainers in my in-person group as well as OH do.

Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 121

on 10/1/18 9:06 am
VSG on 06/28/18

I have been reading these posts since I started this journey..looking for advice, encouragement, maybe some cheerleading. I have gotten some very valuable information and much needed encouragement BUT I have to say I am totally disappointed how nasty some people can be to one another and they don't even know one another...I am all for FACT and good information but the nasty replies are discouraging. I wont be looking to this forum anymore. Thank you to all who have helped me with my journey thus far and to those who are just nasty and rude.... regardless how much weight you loss and how good you will look on the outside you will still be ugly on the is so unnecessary..people are just trying to help..good luck to everyone who needs encouragement and advice..prayer to all.

on 10/1/18 12:37 pm - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
On October 1, 2018 at 4:06 PM Pacific Time, J9 wrote:

I have been reading these posts since I started this journey..looking for advice, encouragement, maybe some cheerleading. I have gotten some very valuable information and much needed encouragement BUT I have to say I am totally disappointed how nasty some people can be to one another and they don't even know one another...I am all for FACT and good information but the nasty replies are discouraging. I wont be looking to this forum anymore. Thank you to all who have helped me with my journey thus far and to those who are just nasty and rude.... regardless how much weight you loss and how good you will look on the outside you will still be ugly on the is so unnecessary..people are just trying to help..good luck to everyone who needs encouragement and advice..prayer to all.





on 10/2/18 10:43 am
RNY on 10/17/17

It's quite possible you aren't eating enough. Try upping your calories. I know that seems counterintuitive but our metabolism shuts down to avoid losing when we don't eat enough.

Cathy H.
on 10/8/18 5:17 am
VSG on 10/31/16

Upping calories to lose weight is an old wives tale, and doesn't work.

Livin' La KETO Loca!!
134 lbs lost since surgery, 195 overall!! Initial goal reached 9/15/17, (10.5 months)!
5'3", SW*: 299 GW: 175 HW 3/2015: 360 PSW* 5/2016: 330 *PSW=Prog Start Wt; SW=Surgery Wt

M1 -31, M2 -10, M3 -15, M4 -16, M5 -8, M6 -6, M7 -11, M8 -8, M9 -8, M10 -4, M10.5 -7 GOAL

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