Whatcha Eating Today, VSGers? Friday, September 14
Hi, Menu Friends--
Gotta get it in gear and get ready for work, but wanted to kick off the thread. I'm dearly hoping all the best for those of you in the Carolinas and the Southeast. Florence hit this morning, and it looks really bad. I'm guessing we won't see ya in the next few days.
QOTD: Who is your favorite Disney character and why? (Sorry, a bit pithy, but I gotta get in the shower)
B - Chike with roasted cinnamon. This stuff is growing on me. It contains the caffein of a double shot of espresso, so that helps
L - With a friend. She knows about my WLS, so she'll understand when I barely eat whatever I order
D - Leftover lunch
S - leftover from yesterday's lunch

HW: 260 - SW: 250
GW (Surgeon): 170 - GW (Me): 150
Good morning and good question. So many to choose from! I am tied between Cinderella and Snow White. I just love both of them. . . My daughter who is fearless was so afraid of the queen in Snow White she would never watch it - thus I never got to watch it, haha.
B: toast
L: beach pizza
D: share a fisherman's plate with my husband at the beach
E: already at about 4K steps
L/V: usually not a problem
VSG on 04/28/2014
Hi All!
Hope all of you in the path of Florence are safe! In regards to yesterday's QOTD a friend of mine posted on FB she got her hamburger made into patties to grill if the power goes AND what I had totally forgotten about she bought some of that Fully Cooked Bacon, it lives on the shelf no frig/cooler needed! This would work in any emergency/power loss situation.
QOTD: Who is your favorite Disney character and why? (Sorry, a bit pithy, but I gotta get in the shower) I suppose Mickey Mouse, I went to Disney World on my birthday not very long after I got better after my brain surgery and he hugged me over and over again and gave me a kiss on the cheek. LOL Nice memory!
Week 11
Water, water, water!
M1: SF Salted Caramel Coffee w/Fairlife
M2: Summer Blend Veggies, w/Sun Dried Tomato & Basil Goat Cheese
M3: Homemade Turkey Breast
M4: Mini Basic Side Salad w/ L/S Bacon Pieces
M5: Homemade Turkey Breast
Daily Snacks: not sure if I will have one today
Protein: 84g. Carb: 17g. Cal. 531

5' 2". 60-year-old (at time of surgery)
HW 239.9, SW 223
GW (Surgeon) 150, GW (Mine) 135
on 9/14/18 12:10 pm
Hey PC and the rest of you VSG'ers!
I haven't been around much...busy-busy-busy! Plus it seems when I post my planned menu, I always go off into a different direction. I need to do meal planning better, it really helps me stay on track!
I'm going to lunch with some friends today...a little bit nervous because we're going to a once-favorite mexican restaurant. I'm hoping they have prawn ****tails...I'm excited though, because these four friends and I all worked at the same place over 30 years ago and have been friends since. We don't get together often enough, but when we do, it's a hoot! And it's fun to see the photos of how we've all changed in the past 30+ years. Well, kinda fun. LOL!
QOTD: Favorite Disney Character and Why: I haven't really watched much Disney since my kids were little...this is taking more thought than it should. Is Shrek a Disney character? I guess he may be my favorite because of his disregard for appearances. I think? Geeee****'s been a long time! I guess it may be Simba from "The Lion King" because he overcame loss and grief, and showed amazing courage and fortitude, displayed anaccepting and nonjudgmental spirit with his friendship with those who were different from himself (of the meerkat and the warthog)...and so many other admirable traits I can't think of right now.
B: Nothing - Fasting for a blood panel
S: Premier in coffee and yogurt
L: Mexican Restaurant!
S: Maybe hummus and cucumber
D: No idea right now
S: No idea right now - depends on protein count
on 9/14/18 5:14 pm
on 9/14/18 12:38 pm
Hey all. Was a bit MIA yesterday from the menu board. I had a horrible migraine, the worst one I have had in a long time, so I did not much of anything all day long.
It's back to work tonight for me and am behind on laundry since yesterday is normally laundry day. Thankfully I have some extra scrubs, though they are ill-fitting because the size is too large. I will have to make them work!
QOTD: This is a tough one. I love all things Disney. The princesses are all my favorites, but my favorite princess is Bell. My other favorite character would be Gronk from Emperor's New Groove