Getting time off work for this PRIVATE procedure

(deactivated member)
on 8/12/18 6:06 pm

For the VGS, I will be taking 4 days off work (office job) the first week (Tues-Fri) and working from home the second week, then returning to work 13 days post-op. Only my spouse will know I'm having WLS. I am not sure yet what to tell my employer. (gallbladder removal? - hernia? - ulcer?) I will have just been working there 2.5 months when I have the surgery.

Thoughts? Ideas?


on 8/12/18 6:25 pm

I took off in a similar pattern. Paid sick days are part of my benefit package. Since I used those vs. taking a medical leave, I told them that I was having a surgery. Since I did not offer, they did not ask. They aren't really entitled to know specifics, per company policy (one has a right to medical privacy).

HW: 260 - SW: 250

GW (Surgeon): 170 - GW (Me): 150

on 8/13/18 4:38 am - Woburn, MA

I think legally you don't have to tell them.

VSG on 04/28/2014

on 8/13/18 6:39 am
VSG on 11/26/18

I haven't had my VSG surgery yet, but I've already planned how I will handle it.

By surgery I will have my full allotment of sick days (10) so I will use them first. If I need more time after that then I will use some of my remaining vacation time. I also have am fortunate that I could work from home if necessary, but I really want those 2 weeks completely away from work to focus on my post-op.

As for information, I respect my manager a lot and when I started my 6 month pre-surgery program, I told her that I will be going to a lot of doctors appointments and after 6 months I likely would be having surgery. She was super supportive and hasn't hesitated once to let me go for my appointments. When I get my surgery date I will tell her my surgery plans, but I will also ask her to keep it confidential. I trust her and know she will respect my wishes.

As for my co-workers, I will tell them I'm having hernia surgery, which is not a lie, as my surgeon has told me he is likely going to repair a minor hernia while doing my VSG procedure. I've mentioned my hernia to co-workers before so I doubt they will think twice about it. I know I should be comfortable talking about it, but I work with a bunch of lean and fit 20/30-somethings who run marathons and are in great shape, so I'm not sure they would relate. Plus I have this fear of failing so I don't want a lot of people having high expectations for me and then for some reason I don't deliver.

on 8/13/18 6:59 am

I just said I was having stomach surgery.

Citizen Kim
on 8/13/18 7:11 am - Castle Rock, CO

Thank goodness noone will notice your drastic weightloss!!!

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

on 8/13/18 8:27 am
VSG on 06/11/18

Quite true, and the OP needs to be prepared for that. Fortunately, the weight loss probably won't be noticed until a few months later. And it probably won't be noticed by everyone all at once. That gives the OP time to decide how to handle it, based on who is asking.

Citizen Kim
on 8/13/18 12:00 pm - Castle Rock, CO

I lost 120lbs in 5 months from a 40 BMI to 21. Believe me, people noticed in the first couple of weeks. I get not wanting to discuss it, but there's a fine line between omitting information and outright lying.

Honestly, people are less interested than you think. I set boundaries with everyone, so someone would only ask one question I didn't want to answer the once. It's very simple to shut people down if that's what you choose, without losing your integrity.

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

(deactivated member)
on 8/13/18 7:35 pm

I lost and regained 40-50lbs several times.....only to regain it back. They might notice that I'm keeping it off this time.

on 8/13/18 8:21 am
RNY on 08/21/12

For those that have sick days or vacation time, they can simply use those. For those that don't, they need to tell their employer something. The employer cant prevent you from taking time for a necessary medical procedure. But they can take action against you for lying to them. Keep that in mind.

Also, bear in mind that if your health insurance is through your employer, someone there can have access to what you are having done. HIPAA does not apply to workplace employees, just health professionals.

And lastly, there is a good chance that you could lose over half of your bodyweight in a fairly short amount of time. Coming after a flurry of doctor appointments and a "vacation" or leave, everyone will guess you had weight loss surgery. It's become very common, and everyone knows someone who has had it done. Misleading them about what you had done, and how you lost your weight, is only going to damage your reputation.

You're right that you don't need to share personal information with coworkers . But your integrity is priceless. Consider telling them you are having weight loss surgery, but that is the last word you will say on the matter, and stick to it.

6'3" tall, male.

Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.

M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.

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