Whatcha Eating Today VSGers? Wednesday, 7/11/2018

(deactivated member)
on 7/11/18 7:21 am
VSG on 01/12/17

It's amazing how many of the internet ax-murderers turned out to be normal people using the internet! They sure turned their lives around, proud of them.

on 7/11/18 3:05 pm
VSG on 10/05/17
On July 11, 2018 at 12:42 PM Pacific Time, Gwen M. wrote:

QOTD: It's hard to personally think of it as the dumbest, because it has turned out pretty well, but I know that, from the outside looking in, especially at the time it happened, it definitely looks like the dumbest.

I went to college directly out of high school (in retrospect, this is probably the dumbest part of the whole thing) and, for me, it was free since I had awesome scholarships and my parents paid for the rest. I met Art online (also dumb, since the internet was full of ax murderers in the 90s) and we got engaged after meeting IRL, intending to wait until I graduated college to get married. After two years I realized that college wasn't working out for me so I dropped out (dumb), Art and I got married having spent about 7 days IRL together at that point (more dumb), and I moved to England where Art was stationed (exciting, but dumb).

Living in England was awesome, Art and I have been happily married for almost 21 years, and in those intervening years I figured out what I wanted to do with my life and went back to college to study things I'm passionate about.

So, yeah, I'm pretty happy with how things turned out :)

What a wonderful tale! And so glad it's been a good run -- may you have many more!

HW: 240 lbs CW: 205 lbs: SW: 199 lbs GW: 130 lbs
1 MO = 167.0 2 MO = 156.4 3 MO = 148.4 4 MO = 140.6
5 MO = 136.0 6 MO = 130.0 (GOAL) 20 MO = 133
"At the evening of our life, we shall be judged by our love."

on 7/11/18 3:11 pm
VSG on 10/05/17

One of those well planned days that went sideways; I dressed to clean house (sans make up, hair like Drop Dead Fred). Got a message from my BFF who now lives in DC; they had just come back from a European cruise, and were at the drs when they got a call that their 32 year old foster daughter was in ICU near me, not expected to live. So I side tracked to the hospital; situation is a mess, so prayers for this family appreciated.

QOTD: What's the dumbest thing you've done that actually turned out pretty well? I can't pick one thing; I have a tendency to chose the least paved roads to travel, and some have been pretty spectacularly ghastly -- I guess the best part is my 4 adult children have all turned out fabulously in spite of me! And I guess we never know if the right turn would have turned out worse than the left one we took.

F: 1 slice low fat baby swiss, with turkey breast slice

S: Oikos Greek Yogurt

S: Coffee with premier protein

L: 2 slices low fat baby swiss, with ham slices

D: Skinny Pop, 50 calories

Lots of crystal light

Vitamins & biotin on schedule; stomach is a mess (and the house still needs cleaned).

I did get Chocoholic Bundt cake in the freezer, along with a gracious plenty of shrimp grits to take to my mother-in-laws next week. Cooking relieves my stress, even when I can't eat.

HW: 240 lbs CW: 205 lbs: SW: 199 lbs GW: 130 lbs
1 MO = 167.0 2 MO = 156.4 3 MO = 148.4 4 MO = 140.6
5 MO = 136.0 6 MO = 130.0 (GOAL) 20 MO = 133
"At the evening of our life, we shall be judged by our love."

Jess Says Yes
on 7/11/18 7:05 am
VSG on 10/24/17

Morning everyone! I've got a slam packed day today. And I'm having my second personal training session during lunch. This is the first full session so we'll see how it goes! I don't get off until after 8pm. I'm going to need lots of coffee & a prayer.

QOTD: This will sound terrible, but the dumbest thing I ever did that worked out well was: I got quite drunk on my 25th birthday and "reconnected" with my on-again/off-again boyfriend/best-friend Nick. Most of you know where this is going haha! Nine month later our Rylan was born. We have been together so happily ever since, and now we have a daughter as well. Thank goodness for that dumb night! I'm positive we would have ended up together no matter what, but it helped us to stop goofing off and commit to what we wanted. And Rylan & Nyah are everything.


To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all. - Oscar Wilde

Age: 36 Height: 5'9" HW:326 GW:180

Pre-op:-32 M1-26 M2-11 M3-13 M4-10 M5-13 M6-8 M7-12 M8-7 M9-7 M10-0 M11-11

Jess Says Yes
on 7/11/18 7:07 am
VSG on 10/24/17

Lol I got so wrapped up in my dumb story I didn't mention the food... on the MENU thread lol.

B - coffee & protein

L - Chicken & corn chowder

D - Salmon & green beans

S - yogurt

E - training at the gym


To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all. - Oscar Wilde

Age: 36 Height: 5'9" HW:326 GW:180

Pre-op:-32 M1-26 M2-11 M3-13 M4-10 M5-13 M6-8 M7-12 M8-7 M9-7 M10-0 M11-11

(deactivated member)
on 7/11/18 7:11 am
VSG on 01/12/17

Good morning. I am up and showered and going to be out thrift storing with my grandmother today and doing some small, silly things. Need to stop by the library to get a new book while I am out and return the one I finished. I will also pick up my medicine my doctor prescribed me for my thyroid. It's taken forever for my pharmacy to get it in. She also wants me to eat every two hours, not candy like I had originally thought and posted about, but I am so uncertain of how she knows when I only had two blood tests. Buying a meter today and seeing if she is willing to give me a script for strips. Just so tired of not understanding why I can be fine and great, to nearly collapsing on the floor at the grocery store. She did say my thyroid was severely under performing with very low T3 levels, so I am hoping that this medicine fixes everything!

QOTD: Lasik eye surgery. I don't know if I would say it was dumb in its self, but it did cost a lot of money that I went into debt for. After it was all done I thought I was the dumbest girl on the planet for spending that money just to not have to wear glasses. I regretted it big time for a few days, but now not at all. I'm so happy to not need glasses.

on 7/11/18 11:24 am - Vineland, NJ
VSG on 08/13/12

Good afternoon everyone! We are taking all the kids to Universal/Islands of Adventure in Florida next month for family vacation so been getting all their clothes together and luggage out so I can see what the kids need. Now that I'm done taking them shopping to get what else they need in a couple minutes.

QOTD - Unfortunately all the dumb things that I have done have never turned out well lol

B - coffee and Chocolate Premier protein

L - Mexican soup

D - leftover ground beef and cheese pasta

S - protein bar

E - 30 min jog/walk, crunches, alternate heel touchers, bicycle crunches

Lots of water

Height = 5'2 Age = 37 Surgery Date = August 13, 2012 HW = 231lbs LW = 131lbs

Regain SW = 209.6 CW = 191.2 Goal Weight = 157.6 lbs

The only way you will see results is if you stay consistent!

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 7/11/18 11:38 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Hmmm.. The dumbest thing I did that turned out well? Probably getting pregnant at 17 and briefly being a high school dropout. I never regretted having my daughter and ultimately completed high school, college and graduate school at night. I certainly learned to appreciate the value of working hard and having an education, but I especially loved my daughter more than life itself for the 32 1/2 years she lived.

Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 121

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