VSG-Barium swallow shows severe gastric reflux

on 7/6/18 9:32 pm

Has anyone had their barium swallow show severe reflux? I went to my surgeon today, he says I need the GB based upon this test alone.

on 7/6/18 10:22 pm
VSG on 07/03/18

That's unfortunate, as the Gastric Bypass, according to my surgeon, does not treat the problem (leaving our stomachs in place/not removing them). Are there any precautions that you can take prior to fix your GR to then go ahead with VSG instead of RNY/GB?

on 7/6/18 10:24 pm

Oops, I didn't include I have already had the VSG, and now have severe reflux. My barium swallow shows food goes all the way up into my chest. :(

on 7/6/18 10:26 pm, edited 7/6/18 3:27 pm
VSG on 07/03/18

Oh no :(

but I don?t understand how will a gastric bypass fix that then? Shouldn?t they try to fix the valve from allowing food up?

im sorry

on 7/6/18 10:36 pm - CA
RNY on 10/07/13

When you have the sleeve, you preserve the lower part of the stomach where most of the acid is produced. The stomach is a lot smaller, so it can create a higher pressure environment and the acid has nowhere to go but up and out. If the person already has acid reflux either because of higher than normal acid production or a weak esophageal sphincter, a VSG can make reflux worse.

In the gastric bypass, the pouch is made from the top portion of the stomach which doesn't produce as much acid and what's left, the remnant stomach, is sealed off. It continues to produce acid, but no longer has a route to the esophagus, resulting in no more reflux.

This doesn't work for everyone 100% of the time, but it does for the vast majority.


on 7/7/18 2:03 pm
on 7/11/18 2:02 pm
RNY on 07/11/17


Not true. Has a 96% rate of success per my revision surgeon stats. Never would have done it if it wasn't gonna work. I am a 9 year sleever revised to RNY. Thank goodness for that!! Off ALL reflux meds. I was on three of them. I suffered really baaaaad reflux including throwing up daily and blood.

Babs in GA

HW 348 Revision SW 224 GW 165 CW 148

Revision from sleeve to RNY

Pre op: -5 M1-12 lbs M2 11 lb M3-5lb M4 -9lb M5 -2 M6-6 M7-7 M8 -4 M9-5 M10 -2 M11 -2

200 lbs lost and 17 pounds below goal !

H.A.L.A B.
on 7/7/18 9:37 am

Unfortunately that happens. There are people who had to revise from VSG to RNY.

For anyone who had ,GERD before WLS , it may get worse if the get sleeve, much worse.

But even those who didn't have it before VSG - are prone to it post op.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 7/7/18 10:01 am

My original surgeon also left in part of my fundus due to adhesions. I have been reading & discovered that when part of the fundus remains, higher rate of GERD. I am just really scared about the GB bc I have so many adhesions from previous surgeries.

on 7/12/18 4:05 pm

I am 6 years post op and starting with severe GERD symptoms about 6 months ago. I met with a gastro who did an endoscopy and told me to go see me surgeon. I did. He reviewed the pictures and recommended GB. He explained this is a pressure surgery and sometimes it happens. He only does GB now for revisions due to GERD.

I had to postpone my surgery due to family issues. I will be having the revision in October. Not what I wanted as I love my sleeve. I had no other issues.

I take 4 PPI meds a day to manage it and even then I break through. I have to eat very bland food because everything triggers it.

I tried to ignore it for awhile hoping it would get better, but it hasn't.

Don't wait too long as it can lead to very serious conditions in the esophagus.

wishing you all the best.


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