Mexico Surgery nerves
So I have an 8/29 scheduled date for VSG with Dr. Alvarez with Endobariatrics. I haven't sent the deposit yet, however. My insurance will not cover weight-loss surgery so I am self-pay.
Despite the fact that I can find absolutely NOTHING negative about Dr. Alvarez, I am beginning to have second thoughts about going south of the border for the surgery. Both my PCP and my wife (who is from Mexico) have severe reservations about it.
I did find a clinic here (Nicholson Clinic) with prices about 20% higher. My issue with them is that they seem to be a surgery mill. I have read threads saying that Dr. Nicholson does 11 surgeries per day. I have also found some negative comments about some of the doctors at the clinic Dr. Alvarez, in comparison, advertises that he only does 3-4 surgeries per day.
I have an appointment with Thomas Roushek of the Nicholson clinic on Monday for a consult.
I am torn right now. I want to make sure I have the absolute best surgeon since my insurance won't cover any medical expenses due to complications with the surgery.
So I have an 8/29 scheduled date for VSG with Dr. Alvarez with Endobariatrics. I haven't sent the deposit yet, however. My insurance will not cover weight-loss surgery so I am self-pay.
Despite the fact that I can find absolutely NOTHING negative about Dr. Alvarez, I am beginning to have second thoughts about going south of the border for the surgery. Both my PCP and my wife (who is from Mexico) have severe reservations about it.
I did find a clinic here (Nicholson Clinic) with prices about 20% higher. My issue with them is that they seem to be a surgery mill. I have read threads saying that Dr. Nicholson does 11 surgeries per day. I have also found some negative comments about some of the doctors at the clinic Dr. Alvarez, in comparison, advertises that he only does 3-4 surgeries per day.
I have an appointment with Thomas Roushek of the Nicholson clinic on Monday for a consult.
I am torn right now. I want to make sure I have the absolute best surgeon since my insurance won't cover any medical expenses due to complications with the surgery.
I have had three surgeries on MX , plus extensive plastics and lots of dental work including implants. My experiences have been excellent.
Dr Alvarez has a good reputation here and I see no reason for you not to see him.
the facilities, have been cleaner than some of the hospitals I have used on the states.
Complications can happen no matter where you have surgery. Even if you use the WLS ?mill? in the states, you could have complications that insurance won?t cover.
Why pau 20^ more when you don?t have to?
regarding your wifesvredrtvations, I don?t know what her experiences have been with medical care there, but for medical tourists, like us, they go out of their way to give is excellent care, cause we are paying for follar in MX even though it is a huge cost savings for us over what we would pay in the states.
It was a real no brained for me.
See how you feel about everything after your consult on Monday, even draw up a list of pros and cons for each. Like Kim said above, a lot of the clinics in Mexico go out of their way to accommodate those of us looking for care. My uncle, like Kim, received amazing care for extensive dental work in Mexico. I wish you the best of luck in your decision!
I had bariatric surgery in Tijuana and had a good experience. Aspects of my care were much better than the U.S. Like you, I didn't want to go with a "surgery mill" provider so I did thorough research to make sure that didn't happen. I also liked being in the hospital (private room) for a few days to ensure I was healthy and hydrated before being discharged to a fabulous hotel. And there the surgeon visited me daily. Good luck with your decision.
Update to my story.
I found a clinic here in Dallas that did the surgery for the same amount as Dr. Alvarez was charging. Based on the feedback I received from my PCP, I chose to go local with the surgery. The clinic was the Nicholson Clinic and my surgeon was Thomas Roshek.
I was sleeved on 8/9.
So far I am having a little trouble sleeping. It is 2:30 am as I am writing this. So much is flowing through my mind right now.
Did I do the right thing?
Am I going to fail this surgery like I did the Lap-Band?
Am I leaking?
Why can't I get enough water and protein down?
This and so many other worries. I know I am only 1 day out of surgery (well, technically 2 since it is early on 8/11 as I am writing this) but I got so depressed today and I am not even sure why. I was not hungry and was not thinking about food.
Anyways, just wanted to update my surgery information and do a little venting. I am off to see if I can't catch a few winks.
Thanks for reading.