New here - Surgery booked and I am nervous!

on 5/31/18 9:15 am
VSG on 12/06/18

Hi all,

Fatboyslimming from Sydney Australia here, apologies if the name is inappropriate, humour is how I cope with basically everything. I have my surgery booked in on the 12/06/2018, and I am officially on the 3rd day of the optifast diet. So far I have had nothing other than the three optifast meal replacements, multivite tablets and water.

The first two days were tough but I am finding myself getting used to it. Today I wasn't hungry at all until I was leaving work and I saw an end of quarter party spread that the company had put out - I left immediately and sipped water the whole way home!!

I am whole heartedly committed and focused on turning my life around. I have been overweight as far back as I can remember and have in the past lost 25kg thanks to hard work in the gym, on the sports field and serious dieting. 2 years later it was all back and then some... very demotivating.

I started looking into VSG and various other options around 6 weeks back after I had hit an emotional rock bottom due to failing to lose weight on meal plans and diets etc. I have tried to get back into the gym but I have reached a point where I hate my weight so much that I just can't... I decided I needed a springboard to bring my focus and confidence back and so I consulted a GP and then a surgeon here in Sydney.

Im not even joking when I say that I walked out of there with a surgery booked 17 days from then... it all went so fast and the surgeon said I was great candidate and bam, I have a surgery booked. I didn't even discuss it with my girlfriend of 4 years because I genuinely didn't think it would go so fast! Luckily she is wonderful and completely supportive, she instantly started researching everything and talking about recipes and life changes. Obviously at first she was apprehensive, convinced I didn't need it and worried that it was too drastic of a move (I am much heavier than I look in person apparently, or so everyone has said, even my GP was shocked at my weight... now that made me feel great..)

I have to do my blood tests and sort out some final things this weekend but other than that, I'm all sorted and ready to go.

I am starting to get worried, which is natural I am sure. I thought I would come here and talk it all out and tap into all your wisdom and experiences. I have this strange feeling that I might die in the procedure, I know it's a very very slim chance especially since I have had general anasthesia before, but I recently had a grandma that was like a second mother pass away and I'm just a bit freaked out about mortality etc.

I am also looking for general advice on life after the operation? Specifically the negatives. If you could just post anything you wish you had known pre-op or perhaps your top 5 negatives of the op, that would honestly be so valuable to me.

I am really looking forward to taking this new journey in life, and If I can have you all along for the ride that's incredible. I want to be a success story and be able to help others like so many of you do here on these forums.

Apologies for the essay but I had a lot to get off my chest. And my girlfriend as incredible as she is, is tiny and fit, so I can't really talk to her about this stuff. She gains 2 kilos and gets down on her self, meanwhile she's probably no more than bloody 60kg when wet!

Citizen Kim
on 5/31/18 10:22 am - Castle Rock, CO

Good luck for your surgery; feeling nervous is completely normal. Like you, I went from Google to surgery in under 3 weeks and I've done ok!

The best advice I have is take your vitamins and make sure you get labs regularly. It is easier to keep yourself healthy than to chase a deficiency. Not sure of the protocol in Aus, but you can look up the current recommendation on the ASMBS website.

Stay involved here on OH and at any support groups you can find. Those of us who are here YEARS after our surgery are long term successful. This is a lifelong commitment, your obligation to yourself doesn't finish once you reach your goal weight!

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

on 5/31/18 10:45 am
RNY on 03/21/16 with

I think just about everyone is nervous before their surgery, totally normal.

I had the RNY, but the negatives are really few and far between. My biggest negatives are probably being cold all the time and my butt bones / spine protruding which hurts when sitting in hard chairs! Hardly showstoppers ;-)

I actually have had some complications, but they were easily rectified. I had a twisted intestine, which was the most agonizing pain I've ever experienced for a few hours until they were able to operate. I was out of the hospital the next day, and it was like it never happened. That is actually considered a pretty severe complication as it can be life threatening, but it was simply a blip on the radar. I also developed a bleeding peptic ulcer, which was a bit scary, but caused me zero pain, and was easily treated.

So even though I fall into the category of having significant post-op complications, I still stick with the fact that the two biggest negatives are being cold and bony butt & spine!

I'd need book to fill you in on the positives. I'm sure you'll do great and be super happy with the results!

Just for context, I am a little over 2 years post-RNY. Starting weight was 333lbs (151kg), current weight is about 144lbs (65kg). I am a 44 year old 5'8" male.

on 5/31/18 10:59 am, edited 5/31/18 5:04 am

Welcome! For a second I was thinking why is he already on Optifast when his surgery isn't until December? I forgot the US is unique in putting our month first.

I can only think of a few small negatives. The first 6 weeks, I felt a lot of "what did I do to myself?" thoughts. Those faded and stayed away after that early period. Basically when I could eat regular food it vanished. A tiny negative is when going out to dinner, I can't have soup or salad before dinner with everyone else (I wouldn't have room for dinner), so it can be awkward sitting there sipping water while everyone else enjoys their starter. But that's so minor compared to all the good that comes from it.

Do remember that within the first year you'll be able to eat much more and therefore have more capacity to regain. Use this early time to work on your food habits so you don't end up back where you started. Bottom line, it's not a miracle, it's a tool. A great one, but it still requires work on your part to be successful!

Best of luck to you!

Edit: typos

on 6/1/18 10:31 am - Lindsay, Canada
RNY on 02/26/18

I've decided to steal a little of my DH's appetizer, I use a small plate, that way I have something to nibble to, I know I'm never going to eat the whole main anyways, so have taken to putting half away immediately for another day (I bring my own container so I don't have to explain why I want a to go container before I start) or I order a starter, and steal part of his main.

Not as much waste and I can still enjoy eating out.

57 - 6'0" - HW:288 SW:260 CW:185

TWH: Referral Aug. '16, Orientation - Nov. 30 '16, Surgeon Oct. 6 '17, Start Optifast Feb. 5'18 - Surgery Feb. 26'18

Opti -25; M1 -23; M2 -17; M3 -7; M4 -5; M5 -5; M6 -6; M7 -0; M8 -2; M9 -0; M10 -2; M11-0; M12-4;

Jess Says Yes
on 5/31/18 2:04 pm
VSG on 10/24/17

Hi there & welcome! It's very common to be nervous and worried. I'm sorry about the loss of your grandmother, it's obvious she meant a lot to you.

I had my VSG last fall and I'm feeling great! I would say the biggest con is that surgery does not cure any mental issues related to food or bad habits. It has physical and metabolic advantages, but there is still a lot of work to be done to sort through an unhealthy relationship with food.

The first 10 weeks I was exhausted and I missed comfort food and I worried I had made a huge mistake. By about 12 weeks out so much of my energy was back and the weight was coming off, and I've just felt better & better ever since! Sometimes I still miss pigging out on delicious food, but I think that will be a lifelong battle for me. One I'm committed to never giving up on.

Stick around and try posting on the VSG daily menu thread. It's a good place for accountability and support. I also greatly recommend seeking therapy to address food issues & this major life change. I wish you well!!


To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all. - Oscar Wilde

Age: 36 Height: 5'9" HW:326 GW:180

Pre-op:-32 M1-26 M2-11 M3-13 M4-10 M5-13 M6-8 M7-12 M8-7 M9-7 M10-0 M11-11

Shannon S.
on 5/31/18 6:08 pm
VSG on 11/07/17

Welcome to OH!! I was petrified. I backed out once, and then finally got the nerve after having emergency back surgery and recovering well from that. The day before surgery a calm came over me. I wasn't scared. I had no complications. I was back to work after 3 weeks. I'm sure this will be your case as well.

One negative I can think of is the juggling of protein, water, and vitamins. It can be a challenge sometimes, and you need to prepare. I make it a habit to pack my lunches, plan my meals, and I use a pill planner for my vitamins. You can't drink when you eat which makes fluids a challenge too.

Another negative is the slight discomfort you feel sometimes when eating. It's a feeling as if food is backing up and it sort of hurts. Not unbearable, but definitely uncomfortable. I've learned to listen to my sleeve, and my stomach makes a little gurgle right before that discomfort sets in. That is my sign not to eat anymore, and avoid that feeling. Anyways that's my 2 cents, Wishing you an uneventful and successful surgery!

on 5/31/18 6:33 pm

Congratulations on taking this very important step. I think it's normal to worry about mortality or complications, but doctors are getting better and better at developing their protocols, and you live in a modern, major city. (Sydney and other cities in Australia are on my bucket list for places to visit after I reach goal.) I agree with everything the other people said. My three biggest struggles have been slower weight loss after the first 7 months, even though I still have 70 pounds left to lose and I'm working hard, incessant questions and comments about my weight from co-workers, and dealing with waiters who question if I like my meal. Each time I go out to a restaurant, I notice that the portions are enough for 3 meals! The US has ridiculous portion sizes, but now they're posting calories on the menu. That helps me a lot. Best wishes to you. The pre-op diet is hard. You won't be hungry like this after surgery. I'm down 112 pounds in 11 months; surgery was 10 months ago. This was one of the best decisions I've ever made. Pooky

on 5/31/18 7:51 pm
RNY on 06/03/15


first of all, you won't die. Mortality rate on the RNY is 0.3% - and VSG is even lower (I can't remember the rate on that since I'm an RNY'er, but I do remember that it's a bit lower). That means you have a better than 99.7% chance of pulling through just fine! I know it's easy for me to say not to worry, BUT...don't worry. You'll be fine.

my biggest negative is that I didn't do this 20 years ago. Other than that, the first few weeks can be kind of rough, but after that - wow. Nothing. I would do this again and again if I had to. I am SO much happier now!!

RNY 06/03/15 by Michael Garren (Madison, WI)

HW: 373 SW: 316 GW: 150 LW: 138 CW: 163

on 5/31/18 10:29 pm, edited 5/31/18 3:30 pm
VSG on 03/29/18

Melinda from Perth here . I had my op on 29/3 this year. My only negative is I didn't do this four years ago when first suggested to me. Being scared and nervous is totally normal. I actually asked the theatre nurse if anyone has actually walked out.

Agree with what people say about you need to use the honeymoon period to work on any food issues. I was sitting watching t.v. last night thinking I can go and eat this or that etc then realised how much of eating is habit/boredom etc

Also once you get back to trying normal food take it slowly and learn to eat slowly. Good luck.

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