Debbie Downers

Amy R.
on 6/1/18 9:59 am

Exactly as I expected.

You've got no facts, no examples, just your generalized thoughts and obtuse conclusions. To top it all off you throw in one last strawman. (Who said you "owed" me anything?) I'd just like to see you start backing up your claims. This is the third time I've personally seen you throw out your generalizations.

Oh and btw. I don't know who you're referring to that's several years out (and apparently one of us meanies that you've labled "anointed") and never got to goal. But I'll give you a little hint. When your goal is still in the SMO or MO category it's just a "little" bit easier to get there.

You'll block me now because you don't have the backbone not to. Knock yourself out.

(deactivated member)
on 6/1/18 12:47 pm
VSG on 10/11/16
On June 1, 2018 at 4:59 PM Pacific Time, Amy R. wrote:

Exactly as I expected.

You've got no facts, no examples, just your generalized thoughts and obtuse conclusions. To top it all off you throw in one last strawman. (Who said you "owed" me anything?) I'd just like to see you start backing up your claims. This is the third time I've personally seen you throw out your generalizations.

Oh and btw. I don't know who you're referring to that's several years out (and apparently one of us meanies that you've labled "anointed") and never got to goal. But I'll give you a little hint. When your goal is still in the SMO or MO category it's just a "little" bit easier to get there.

You'll block me now because you don't have the backbone not to. Knock yourself out.

Oh, this is pure gold. First you respond to a post of mine where I say a lot of us are treated as if we don't matter by telling me my opinion doesn't matter - i.e. utter bull****

THEN, because I did not dance to the tune you called, you confirmed your suspicions in your own mind, and went straight on to personal attack and fat shaming. Is this your example of tough love? I thought about posting my picture where I am at 263 and a BMI of 35, but it's already been posted several places here. I doubt it would do any good for you to see it anyway, unless you want to download it so you can stick pins in it. To quote my surgeon at my last checkup (18 months)...

"Few people enjoy the degree of success you have. You are hitting it out of the park."

But so what? It doesn't matter. What matters is you have shown your true, venomous personality. Imagine, a fat person calling others fat. Good for you! Keep on spreading that tough love! Why WOULDN'T I block you? It's no different than scraping dog **** off my boot and taking measures to make sure I don't step in it again. What is it about blocking that torques you people up so, anyway? Is it that you can't stand the idea of someone else not caring what you think, and choosing not to associate with you? You would not be welcome in my home. I would not stop to speak to you on the street. Cutting you off here is simply to avoid the abuse you've so richly displayed already. You have nothing of value to offer me.

Amy R.
on 6/1/18 1:44 pm

Calling attention to the fact that higher goals may be easier or faster to achieve and maintain isn't exactly calling someone fat.

"You have nothing of value to offer me." ~

Thank God. I'd worry if I did at this point. Go ahead with the last word. You seem to need it. I'll wait expectantly and with baited breath for your block.

(deactivated member)
on 6/1/18 2:27 pm
VSG on 10/11/16
On June 1, 2018 at 8:44 PM Pacific Time, Amy R. wrote:

Calling attention to the fact that higher goals may be easier or faster to achieve and maintain isn't exactly calling someone fat.

"You have nothing of value to offer me." ~

Thank God. I'd worry if I did at this point. Go ahead with the last word. You seem to need it. I'll wait expectantly and with baited breath for your block.

*bated. The word is bated, not baited.

Citizen Kim
on 6/1/18 3:55 pm, edited 6/1/18 8:56 am - Castle Rock, CO

Well, that went well ... I love it when people "out" themselves for who they are. It helps new people to get to really "know" those who are here, day in and day out for years and have experience to offer, and those who have nothing but a giant chip on their shoulder and a dislike for strong women.

I hope TessieLoo now recognises a "**** show" and can discern the people here who have posted to advise, even if it's not what she wants to hear, and those who are just drama llamas who turn up every couple of months to stomp around in their big hateful boots about how successful THEY are.

Thank you for your class and dignity in the face of such hatefulness, Amy.

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

Amy R.
on 6/1/18 7:31 pm

He's gone on to greener OH pastures finally.

Here is the sad part: There are no "Anointed" here. We've all made mistakes, most of us the same ones that we see others making at about the same amount of time post op. I've been wrong and been corrected many times.

I too thought I was going to be the "exception" - I swore I'd have no regain. My posting history is here for everyone to see. All the way back to 2008. People can have at it; I was awful. And I paid the price in big regains that took a lot of effort to get back off.

Tessie and all of the newbies, It really isn't from spite or mean-ness that we caution. This isn't a zero sum game, where if you fail I win. No one here wants anyone less than complete success. Why would we?

Amy R.
on 6/1/18 7:22 pm

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnd BOOM! Done in by his own circular reasoning.

(and yes, it's true. the correct word is "bated". apologies for my lack of editing).

T Hagalicious Rebel

on 5/31/18 2:52 pm - Brooklyn
VSG on 04/25/14

I think you're interpreting debbie downers as something as being said personally about you rather than something that they're trying to warn you about.

Tone, delivery, etc is totally interpretive. What is said on one end is heard a different way on the other. This is the internet & things can be misinterpreted quite easily here.

I understand not wanting to keep any of your larger size clothing if you think that will tempt you to be a larger size. I don't think anyone was suggesting that you keep all of your heaviest sized clothing. It would be a good idea to keep some larger sized clothing once you get to your lightest weight. Not so much because of regain, but you will have some weight redistribution after you get to your target weight. You might not like that weight. You might want to lose/gain more. You might get plastics, etc.

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel

on 6/1/18 5:04 am, edited 5/31/18 10:05 pm
VSG on 11/19/14

Putting things into another perspective, after 28 years I recently changed jobs. I know my profession and am a very confident person. The red carpet was not rolled out to me at my new job. I had to earn respect, show what I could do and I had to learn all of the personalities I was dealing with and find a way to fit into the new group. It was not difficult, the point I am making is that one does not walk into a new environment and move immediately into a group, there has to be respect, interaction, debate, it is all a feeling out process from all parties and is really no different than a forum. I would also add that while I am a positive reinforcement type of person, I do not like to surround myself with a yes person. I want debate, I want my ideas challenged. No different from a forum.

  1. Pre- Surgery/ Type 2 Diabetes, High BP and Cholesterol, treated with 6 medications, including Insulin. Post Op- low dose BP med 2022, Mounjaro 10/2023

HW - 299 , Consult day weight - 277, Day of surgery ( 11/19/2014) - 259,LW - 178, GW - 195, CW- 194.2 - reached goal

on 6/1/18 8:30 am

Dear TessieLoo

please remember that the people on this site are sharing their wisdom free, taking their valuable personal time to help those of us who have not had the experiences that they have had.

You don't have to agree with everyone's opinions, just like in life, but be appreciative of them being willing to share. I have gained so much from them and am grateful everyday for their opinions.

Good luck with your surgery.

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