Debbie Downers

on 5/31/18 6:27 am
VSG on 11/19/14

I am 3.5 years out and just cleaned out the last of my XXL shirts and pants.

You are new, do more reading on this site. You will come to appreciate " tough love", I would rather learn from those that have "lived it" than try to figure this out on my own, I love my wife dearly, yet she has no clue about WLS and what I need to remain successful.

There is no easy button, It is very real for me now. I had bounce back and am maintaining a little higher than I want to be. It drives me F&$&ing crazy, but I keep positive and move forward. I realize that I am not alone.

Keep up positive vibes and goals, but realize that if you post on a forum you are going to get responses and you will not always like what you are reading.

  1. Pre- Surgery/ Type 2 Diabetes, High BP and Cholesterol, treated with 6 medications, including Insulin. Post Op- low dose BP med 2022, Mounjaro 10/2023

HW - 299 , Consult day weight - 277, Day of surgery ( 11/19/2014) - 259,LW - 178, GW - 195, CW- 194.2 - reached goal

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 5/31/18 6:46 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Just want to say that I try to stay out of this stuff. I worked in a corporate environment for most of my career which migrated over time to the primary communication vehicle being being email. I learned to ignore my negative reaction to some emails because my internal response might be triggered by the way in which it was written (but not intended) OR my frame of mind while reading it. Without other cues (seeing the person and/or hearing tone of voice), it is difficult at times to comprehend the intent of what someone writes.

With that said, do whatever you need to do to get your head in the right place. Assuming you are successful you will always have to be vigilant and most of us will have some slips. I'm still early out, but am not naive enough to not recognize that there will be slips (aka regain, hopefully temporary only for as long as the crisis lasts) in the future. I hope what I have learned will help me correct when I am ready to correct. I did get rid of all my large clothing and bought a honking balance scale because I needed that personally to feel that there was no going back. But some day I may need to buy a few larger things at least for a while...

Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 121

on 5/31/18 9:53 am
VSG on 11/26/18

Negativity and judgment is one of the "cons" my weight loss doctor warned me about when I mentioned I was becoming active on this message board. He had several "pros" as well, but warned me to be cautious and not take everything personally.

(deactivated member)
on 5/31/18 4:18 pm
VSG on 10/11/16
On May 31, 2018 at 4:53 PM Pacific Time, NCMTNEER13 wrote:

Negativity and judgment is one of the "cons" my weight loss doctor warned me about when I mentioned I was becoming active on this message board. He had several "pros" as well, but warned me to be cautious and not take everything personally.

If you are not one of the Anointed, you do not matter. End of story. You may have reached goal, while some of Them haven't, even after four or five years, but that doesn't matter. It is mind over matter. They don't mind. You don't matter.

Some of them have decent experience, but I would rather **** on a spark plug than deal with them. Nuff said.

Amy R.
on 5/31/18 8:15 pm

That is complete and utter bull**** Little Bill.

You've apparently got so much extra time on your hands that you've developed an analysis of various OH members. Perhaps you can take an additional few moments and give us an example, or preferably several, of just exactly what brought you to your ridiculous conclusions. Quotes please, not interpretations.

I can think of exactly one person who is over five years out and has not fallen, hard, flat on her face. Hint: it's certainly not me.

Could it be that the rest of us simply hope to spare newer folks some of the struggles we've put ourselves through?

Surely you can't believe that only those not far out enough to know better are the ones that really care?

Citizen Kim
on 6/1/18 12:28 am - Castle Rock, CO

I have NEVER interacted with LittleBill but he has me blocked. I'm guessing scared of women who'll call him out on his BS lol. I guess you'll be next, Amy

Bless his heart

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

on 6/1/18 6:18 am, edited 5/31/18 11:21 pm - WI

I have interacted with LittleBill. It was one time while he was defending bad behavior if another member. I called him out... nicely...and was promptly blocked. I guess he thought he figured me out in one post. Reflex blocking only hurts the blocker. You can learn from people you don't particularly like.

HW 270 SW 236 GW 160 CW 145 (15 pounds below goal!)

VBG Aug. 7, 1986, Revised to RNY Nov. 18, 2010

(deactivated member)
on 6/1/18 5:38 pm
VSG on 10/11/16
On June 1, 2018 at 1:18 PM Pacific Time, rocky513 wrote:

I have interacted with LittleBill. It was one time while he was defending bad behavior if another member. I called him out... nicely...and was promptly blocked. I guess he thought he figured me out in one post. Reflex blocking only hurts the blocker. You can learn from people you don't particularly like.

I unblocked you so I could respond directly. You're full of **** You are a liar. You jumped in to tell me how you couldn't wait for me to fail so you could deny me any help. I know you think you're right, and noble, and a great person to boot. I disagree. Sue me. Or talk trash about me. Whatever.

on 6/4/18 4:25 pm - WI

So he unblocked me to spout a load of crap with no links. Then he blocked me again so I could not respond to his lies. Cowardly. I interacted with him to call him out on backing up the "I've lost so much weight that my man parts hang in the toilet" guy's post. He was backing up a guy who confessed to inappropriately brushing up against a woman's breasts at work and he constantly posted about his sex life. I tried to explain that a lot of obese women are victims of sexual assault and those posts could trigger them.

He got hot and a lot of people jumped on it. I never wished he would fail. I never name called or was mean to him. Other's on that thread may have, but I did not. He must have me confused with someone who gives a ****

HW 270 SW 236 GW 160 CW 145 (15 pounds below goal!)

VBG Aug. 7, 1986, Revised to RNY Nov. 18, 2010

(deactivated member)
on 6/1/18 4:05 am
VSG on 10/11/16
On June 1, 2018 at 3:15 AM Pacific Time, Amy R. wrote:

That is complete and utter bull**** Little Bill.

You've apparently got so much extra time on your hands that you've developed an analysis of various OH members. Perhaps you can take an additional few moments and give us an example, or preferably several, of just exactly what brought you to your ridiculous conclusions. Quotes please, not interpretations.

I can think of exactly one person who is over five years out and has not fallen, hard, flat on her face. Hint: it's certainly not me.

Could it be that the rest of us simply hope to spare newer folks some of the struggles we've put ourselves through?

Surely you can't believe that only those not far out enough to know better are the ones that really care?

Thank you for illustrating my point perfectly. You don't like what I wrote, so you immediately dismiss it as "bull****". You don't have any idea how I came to my conclusions, or the experiences I've had with some of the more obnoxious people on these boards. But that doesn't matter. See what I mean?

I owe you nothing. I do not know you and I am certainly not required to justify anything to you, ESPECIALLY when you've just shown your prejudicial mindset regarding my comments.

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