Whatcha Eating Today VSGers? Monday April 30, 2018

on 4/30/18 11:46 am

Argh. OH or Safari ate my post for breakfast.

QOTD: I went directly to my bariatric surgeon. I was not required to get my PCPs approval, but when I let her know I was doing it she was "thrilled". Same with my endocrinologist. Neither had suggested it to me before though.

B - coffee, hommade plain whole milk yogurt, berries, grain free granola

L - egg white, turkey sausage sandwich, apple

D - real good pizza

S - protein shake, cheese, crackers

on 4/30/18 12:13 pm
VSG on 08/11/14

Thank you for the birthday wishes

on 4/30/18 1:34 pm
VSG on 06/26/17

Good Morning All :)

Busy night last night - had my final hand therapy appointment. Thankful that I have been able to regain a lot of use of my finger back after the surgery. Apparently it was the worst tumour case the plastic surgeon had seen and he was very concerned I wouldnt get much movement back. Any longer and he would have had to remove my finger (the physio told me that yesterday and I was shocked). That was a big lesson to me - dont just put off things re your health off due to lack of time. I am to go back to him immediately if I get any further lumps as its fairly common for re-occurance.

Made up 10 large jars of spiced pear jam - hoping they turn out yum as my sister in law loves it

Hubby is away this week - so it was just the puppies and I - peaceful night cooking n pottering

QOTD: I had battled my weight my whole life. Tried every diet and fad there was. I was 47 and up for a knee replacement. The orth surgeon had asked me to try and wait till I was 50 if I could but to come back when I couldnt take the pain anymore. He said he figured he would be seeing me sooner than later. It really hit home and I knew I needed to do something- I was only allowed to ride a stationery bike or swim laps due to the damage on my knee - not great options.... I self researched, then approached my GP (PCP) who was very supportive. The whole process from start to finish was only a few months and I have zero regrets. No longer is my knee waking me with pain during the night and I am now close to 80% of my excess weight loss - aiming for 90% by my 12 month surgiversary. Life is good :)

B: Poached Eggs on slice of toast

L: Leftover Wombok n chicken salad

D: Likely same as lunch unless Im sick of it - then something out of the freezer

Have a nice night all :)

