5 days post surgery question
Hello all, I was sleeved on April 2nd. I actually had a bowel movement the morning of April 3rd. Since then I've been on a clear liquid plus occasional protein diet. I've been faithful getting 64oz. I'm not sure if I'm really constipated though? I haven't actually had an urge to go at. I've been passing gas and urinating without trouble. Should I wait till Monday or call my Doc's on call service today? I have suppositories and stool softeners here, but could get to a store. Appreciate any advice.
That is normal. It took me a few days also. Just keep your doctor inform, You could buy stool softener, but just confirm with your doctor.
I think I went 5 or six days, and stayed constipated on and off for 3 weeks or so. I used milk of mag (per my surgeons recommendations). The stool softeners weren't really helpful for me. It was the pain meds, plus lack of food, and lack of fiber. I think you should be fine. But you may want to just call tomorrow and see if there is something you could take. Milk of mag was helpful.

I know I was 5-6 days before I went BIG potty. Just had to do stool softeners and miralax for a month then I seemd ok.. My sister was sleeved 6 weeks ago, she's still constipated and taking softeners and miralax. Her doc talk her to stay with this for now. I wouldn't worry too much, but after 7-8 days I'd be calling them me thinks.
Good luck

You're drinking plenty. That's great!
If you're on mostly liquids, then there isn't much to come out, but milk of magnesia is the standard recommendation for a gentle progression. Also keep in mind that if you are on any pain medications, they could also be causing constipation. It only takes one day on those things to throw me off for a couple of days.
DS 2005
There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes