Whatcha Eating Today VSGers? Monday 10/30/17

on 10/30/17 7:27 pm
VSG on 10/24/17

My doctor at Scottsdale Bariatric only does a week of liquids after. Then you can eat everything except pork, beef, nuts, and raw veggies until the 8 week appointment. It's so odd how different they all are. Sorry you have to wait longer. I'm also down 9lbs already.

Lap Band 09/17/2003 HW-276 SW-225 LW-167

Revision to VSG 10/24/17 HW-244 SW-217.8 CW-179.6

Pre-op:0~M1:17~M2: 6.6~M3: 7.8~M4: 6.7

Kristi T.
on 10/30/17 10:26 am, edited 10/30/17 3:27 am - MT
VSG on 02/09/16

Good morning! I started my day this morning at 5:30am thinking it was Sunday. I realized one hour ago that this is Monday and I have to get a mammogram and ultra sound in 90 minutes. Making this short today so I can get ready and go, can't believe I went the whole morning on a wrong day!

QOTD-The only kind of storm I like are the ones I can watch move up the lake. The kind where it's 95 degrees and the sky opens up and dumps rain and blasts with thunder and lightening. It's over in 10 minutes and the temp dropped 10 or 20 degrees. The smell is usually incredible. It's like the earth lets out a big sigh of relief when it's that hot.

B-Noosa yogurt 4oz

L-scrambled eggs with jack cheese

S-Carmel PP shake

D-Possible chicken salad in lettuce cups

E-hike with emmy after appointment today.

Have a wonderful Monday!

ETA: Fix typos from typing way too fast!

on 10/30/17 12:06 pm
VSG on 09/26/14

B: Vanilla NuZest clean, lean protein with 10 oz. unsweetened vanilla almond milk

S: I forgot to have one!

L: 3 oz. ahi in a poke bowl (no base, just onions and a hint of soy)

D: 4 oz. chicken

QOTD: Heck no! I live in Chicago so I should be used to snow and cold and winter, or at least be ok with it. But I'm not. I prefer 82 and sunny everyday. Even more so since I've lost weight and am busy being outside walking and running, etc.

HW: 450
SW: 428 9/26/14
Reached 'normal' BMI (24.9) with a weight of 199.9: 2/5/2016


on 10/30/17 12:38 pm
VSG on 06/26/17

Good Morning All - Tuesday here

I havent been around for a while as we have been super busy with wonderful things

Our grandson arrived a month early and what a wonderful surprise. He is beyond beautiful and I cant believe how emotional we both are. My stepson chose my husbands name as little mans middle name. Such an honour. Watching Hubby hold him and tell him that he will have lots of adventures with his Pa Pa just warmed my heart. He is tiny 6lb5oz but doing pretty well. They are having to tube feed him at the moment so thats tough on his mumma. My stepson is besotted and is going to be such a great dad. Our next generation has begun - so special

QOTD: We dont get snow but I love being inside with our tin roof when its raining heavily. The dogs hate the thunderstorms and are generally snuggled as close to us as physically possible during those nights

B: Frittata

S: Chobani Yoghurt

L: 3 x Mini Italian Chicken Meatballs and 2 Babybel Cheese

D: TBD - have appointments

E: Walk at lunchtime if not raining - weird change in the weather from hot to freezing !

Have a great day all

on 10/30/17 6:07 pm


on 10/30/17 6:17 pm
VSG on 06/26/17

Thanks Cecily :) Its such a special time

Hope you enjoyed the OH Conference - wish I wasnt so far away - would have been great to attend

on 10/30/17 6:19 pm

I did! Especially day 2. Very interesting stuff and despite feeling like I know a lot, there was some great information that I learned too.

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