
on 9/8/17 5:28 pm - Bronx, NY
VSG on 11/20/17

Hey everyone I went to do my Endoscopy today. They gave me paper work with the results saying I have a Hiatal Hernia and Mild Erythematous Mucosa of the Antrum which they did two biopsies. I know they are checking if I have H. pylori which I don"t think I do. Also it said it can be gastritis???? I'm worried I don't want this to get in the way of me getting surgery. I really want this done by at least October or November the latest. Anyone has gone through this and can let me know what to expect?

Donna L.
on 9/8/17 8:26 pm - Chicago, IL
Revision on 02/19/18

Unfortunately, only the doctor diagnosing the pathology can answer your question. Many things can cause that, actually, even NSAID drugs (one reason we are told to avoid them).

As for a delay in surgery, as I approach my own revision, I also feel impatient with certain tests. Having said that, much like marriage, surgery is often disappointing, and has long-lasting consequences, when rushed. The last thing you don't want to rush is surgery, and having complications because you have a surgeon who operates when they should not can range from mildly annoying to fatal.

Probably they will treat whatever is causing the issue, and depending will go from there. Hang in there!

I follow a ketogenic diet post-op. I also have a diagnosis of binge eating disorder. Feel free to ask me about either!

It is not that we have so little time but that we lose so much...the life we receive is not short but we make it so; we are not ill provided but use what we have wastefully. -- Seneca, On the Shortness of Life

on 9/11/17 12:50 pm - Bronx, NY
VSG on 11/20/17

I hear you. I'm really not a NSAID drugs kind of person meaning unless I am dying I wouldn't consume medications. I understand completely I rather everything is well before I head into surgery. Thank God my surgeon doesn't present himself like an irresponsible doctor from what I gather in my consultation and I wouldn't put my life on the table if I felt he was. Thank you for your words. I really do appreciate you taking your time to answer my post. Good luck on your revision!!

on 9/9/17 8:48 pm

I felt like I have had a ton of setbacks along my journey too. All of the specialists the surgeon wanted me to see were booked for montjs, so i was literally just waiting for appointments. first I was diagnosed with sleep apnea so I had to have at least a month on the CPAP and I also had to have an endoscopy to rule out Barrett's esophagus for the sleeve and then found out I had h-pylori which had to be treated with antibiotics and I had to follow up in 6 weeks. It's taken me about 7 months to finally be able to have them send to the insurance for approval and almost had a last-minute bit of panic because I thought my insurance was now requiring 6 months of diet. Turns out they didn't need it and I was just approved last week surgery scheduled for November. All this extra time that I've had waiting for everything to go through has given me the opportunity to get more information and prepared for this life-changing surgery. Just think of it as that the timing might not be right for you. I felt super anxious I just wanted to get it done this year and now I feel I'm going into this wellll more prepared then I was before. You will get there just be patient and prepare yourself good luck and keep us posted.

on 9/11/17 12:56 pm - Bronx, NY
VSG on 11/20/17

I'm glad to hear that through obstacles you were able to get approved and let me tell you as I sit here I think that God is in control. When is our tine to have that surgery we will. I know that feeling of being anxious, I just want to feel better and I know I will once I do the VSG. Meanwhile like yourself Getting prepared for the surgery is the way to go. Thank you and Good luc****ep me updated about surgery!!! I'll pray for your success!!! Thank you for your time!!

on 9/10/17 4:29 am

Yes, I had both of these on my report and they biopsied a polyp. The doctor fixed the hiatal hernia in surgery and prescribed pantoprazole for 4 months and will then try to wean me off of it. The h-pylori came back negative and the polyp was benign, so surgery was 2 weeks after the endoscopy. Doing all the pre-testing really helped ease my mind, and I knew that I could trust my doctor to only do the vsg if it could be done as safely as possible. I was worried I would be rejected from surgery each time I took a test, but all went well for the July 27 big day. Relax! Everything will be OK in the short or long run for you too. They want their patients to have the best outcome possible and that's why they really involve you in your own treatment with pre-diet, patient education, etc. and gather evidence to decide whether surgery is safe enough at this time. You will feel much better knowing a complete status report of your body beforehand.

on 9/11/17 1:08 pm - Bronx, NY
VSG on 11/20/17

So hopefully by the end of the week they get my results and is nothing major. Scheduled an appointment for them by the end of the month. Fingers Crossed! So you were prescribed pantoprazole after the surgery? Did it help? Did that slow your surgery down? Relax is something I tell myself every time and is working. I am having trouble keeping a diet so I schedule an appointment with nutritionist cause I need a plan to help me lose those 10lbs before 10/2017. Let's see how this works. Thank you for your time!

on 9/11/17 2:47 pm

Yes, the prescription was given right after she discovered the hernia and some evidence of esophagitis during the endoscopy. I had been waking up with a sore throat for a couple months, but had not recently had any acid reflux and thought it was just my allergies. This medicine plus the surgery has worked like a charm! She wants to wean me off (every other day, then twice, then once a week). If you take the med too long, the stomach can over-produce acid. As far as the pre-op diet, I had to lose 18 lbs. in a month because my pre-op test moved so quickly! I barely made it, but thanks to the Premiere protein shakes and drinks I did it and was able to learn new habits in those 4 weeks prior to surgery. It's just that I was a hungry bear. After the surgery, the ghrelin gremlins have been tamed. ;)

on 9/11/17 3:06 pm - Bronx, NY
VSG on 11/20/17

Lol yes I am going to order the premier protein to have for dinner. Any other recommendations on how I can lose the 10 lbs but not more cause then I will fall under and not get approved either. I need to learn to eat and train my body the new way. I am happy everything is better for you and your health. I do feel like I have a lot of acid though especially after anything acidic. I am going to cut off everything that is acidic. Can't wait to finally get sleeved!

on 9/12/17 4:48 pm

I recommend following the directions your dietician gives. Mine was 3-4 protein drinks per day plus 1 small meal of chicken or fish and a small serving of steamed veggies. It's hard to know how much anyone will lose. I'm almost 7 weeks out and have had 2 six-day stalls. It has to come off eventually, but the body hangs onto the weight in terms of water retention sometimes , even if you're drinking your water. Just do your best!

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