Less than 24 Hour until VSG - Nerves/Coffee

on 7/31/17 3:59 pm

Good luck tomorrow! You're gonna be a supah-star! Make sure to request your favorite tune in the OR to go to sleep to! My lucky tune for each surgery has been Pink Floyd's Comfortably Numb. :) I also painted my toes each time with my lucky shockingly neon orange toenail polish. I was a hit with the nurse's who all came in after surgeries to see my Happy Toes. Ment I had a LOT of extra TLC. ((hugs and God Bless LFOD!))

on 7/31/17 7:55 pm

I was really nervous and thought all those what the hell am I doing? thoughts. But I'm really glad I didn't chicken out!

I didn't read the night before instructions carefully and ate a normal dinner instead of a light soup then spent the night not sleeping, worrying I'd screwed up my surgery, imagining my dinner was stuck in my stomach and esophagus and he was going to cut me open and a Cobb salad would spill out into my abdomen when they cut my stomach. But no salad spilling took place and everything was fine. Don't give in to the crazy worries like I did. It's exhausting!

on 8/4/17 1:40 pm

I was extremely afraid of this operation. as soon as it was over I was in incredible pain the most pain I've ever felt in my life at which I kept saying to myself you did this stupid thing to yourself the pain was ridiculous. the narcotics made me loopy and the anti-nausea medication didn't really help as I was still nauseous dry heaving whi*****rease the pain tenfold on my stomach.

It's gotten better a little bit more each day. I'm going to reserve judgment on whether I made the correct decision after I see how my weight-loss journey goes but I told my wife immediately after waking up that I'm sorry that I did it it's too much pain the whatever trade-off isn't worth it to me. but time will tell if it was the right decision for me the operation according to my surgeon went flawlessly and without complication now I am just struggling to make sure I'm getting enough fluids which is surprisingly hard to do. In any event I would like to thank everyone for their kind words of support it has been very confident in being part of the Forum. I'm not sure that I would have been able to follow through with the surgery had it not been for the support I received here.

on 8/4/17 5:19 pm

First few days are the hardest. It steadily gets easier so hang in there! Keep up on the fluids, right now that is even more important than trying to hit your protein targets. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

Surgeon: Chengelis  Surgery on 12/19/2011  A little less carb eating compared to my weight loss phase loose sleever here!

1Mo: -21  2Mo: -16  3Mo: -12  4MO - 13  5MO: -11 6MO: -10 7MO: -10.3 8MO: -6  Goal in 8 months 4 days!!   6' 2''  EWL 103%  Starting size 28 or 4x (tight) now size 12 or large, shoe size 12 w to 10.5   150+ pounds lost  

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on 8/4/17 5:20 pm, edited 8/4/17 10:21 am - Taylor, MI

I'm happy to hear your surgery went well with no complications ? I am going for surgery in September and I'm already a bit nervous! Lol. I have a problem when I wake up after anesthesia where I panic but as long as I tell everyone ahead of time I'll be ok, just need my husband to be there.

Im sorry that you are in so much pain, I'm assuming there will be pain but am hoping to be sent home with some meds to cover that. Did the Dr send you home with meds? Are they not working for you? My cousin had wls with the same surgeon I'm having mine with and he said he was sent home with liquid pain meds. Either way I pray your pain eases soon.

Best of luck on your weight loss journey, I hope everything goes nice and smooth for you and that you're quality of life gets better and you can really enjoy living! That's what I'm most looking forward to!

Take care & God bless you!

diane S.
on 8/6/17 11:23 am

I am the oddball who was not nervous (not much) I think it was because I had to fight so long to get the surgery and get my insurance to pay for it that I was more than ready. Plus I had total confidence in my surgeon. Those of you who are nervous, take a long walk, busy yourself with prep etc. I think they start you on a calming drug before the anesthetic. I had a very personable anesthesiologist who chatted with me and kept me calm. Next thing I knew I was in recovery. Ask to go to the bathroom at the last minute before going to surgery so you don't wake up feeling like you are going to pee your pants. Diane S

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